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SAIKI STARED AT THE FEMALE, who struggled to answer a simple math question. Well, it was simple to Saiki at least. Flipping his pencil around in his slender fingers, he looked her up and down before he whipped his head back to his paper once he sensed his teacher coming up from behind him.

Fuck, why is this so hard. I studied so hard. Hey, that kind of rhymes. Well, actually no it doesn't you dumbass. You said the same word twice.

Saiki still kept a neutral look on his face, but on the inside he was laughing.

"Okay, students. The test is finished. You may bring your papers up to my desk." The teacher said, watching a handful of students leave their seats.

"No, I'm gonna fail!" Y/N whispered to herself, stuffing her face into her hands.

Sighing in defeat, the H/C haired woman walked up to the teacher, setting her paper down on his desk.

The next day, Y/N walked into school, attempting to hide her face while everyone began to huddle to see their rankings.

"Y/N is the highest?!" Said a male voice, grabbing her attention.

"No way, that isn't possible. She's a literal dumbass!" Said a female voice, causing her eye to twitch.

Bracing herself, she quietly walked towards the group of people, ending up at the front of everyone.

Slowly looking up, there her name was. She was at the top. She couldn't believe it.

"Woah, Y/N! You're like a genius!" Y/N looked to her left to see Teruhashi smiling at her.

The other female raised a brow at Teruhashi as she watched the blue haired females eyebrow twitch in jealousy. "Thanks..!"

"Y/N!" Kaido yelled, pushing everyone to get to Y/N.

"Hi, Kaido!" Y/N giggled, pulling him into a hug.

Kaido blushed profusely as he wrapped both arms around her waist, earning looks from people. "You're at the top, isn't that great?!"

"I know, I can't believe it!" The H/C haired girl pulled away from Kaido with a blush once she realized how close they were.

Saiki stood in the back of the crowd, his eyes still on Y/N. He loved the look on her face, she looked so happy, and it was all because of him.

He needed to do this more often.

"Y/N! Congratulations! You will be very successful!" Hairo shouted, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.


Suddenly, Hairo fell, landing right on his back.

Hairo slowly sat himself up, rubbing the back of his head as he did so. "Fuck, some invisible force just pushed me.."

Saiki smirked in satisfaction and began to walk away from the scene.

It was the end of last period and Y/N was about to start walking home, until, she bumped into something that she thought was made of steel.

Taking a few wobbly steps back while holding her forehead, she grunted, "Ah, fuck!"

Opening her eyes, she saw a male with pink hair, green glasses, and two antennas on his head.

"My bad.." She waved him off before continuing to walk home.

A tap came from her shoulder and she groaned as she turned her body around to see who the finger belonged to.

Teruhashi stared at her with a passive aggressive smile.

"Um.. hi, Teruhashi.."

"Hi, Y/N! I have a quick question to ask!"

"Well, are you sure? What if your fanboys see you with me.. plus, I need to get home.."

"I'm sure you can spare a few minutes!"

"I guess you're right.."

"Well," Teruhashi walked behind the H/C haired girl, slinging an arm on her shoulder, "What were you and Saiki talking about?"

"Saiki? Who is that?" Y/N tilted her head.

"I just saw you with him. What did you guys talk about?"

"Oh, the guy with the pink hair?" The other woman laughed once Teruhashi nodded Yes, "Ah, I bumped into him so I just apologized."

Teruhashi took her arm off of the other girls shoulder with a pout.

"Okay, Y/N. I need to tell you something, but.. you can't tell anybody else, okay?!"

Y/N nodded, feeling intrigued by her little secret.

"I.." Teruhashi pulled a confused face, making Y/N grow confused as well.

"You what?"

"What am I doing here? I need to get home!" Teruhashi ran off.

"Good grief, that was a close one." Saiki thought.

His face still remained neutral but a bead of sweat gave him away.

"I can't believe she was about to tell Y/N that she likes me. She never told anyone, so why tell Y/N of all people?" Saiki put hand up to his chin, stroking it.

"Perhaps she was doing that to tell her that I'm off limits.. it's a good thing I came here, or else I would've never had a chance with Y/N."

Saiki breathed out in relief, "I'll get her soon. Not now, but soon."

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