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AFTER THE LAST TIME THEY, had hung out, Y/N and Saiki were becoming inseparable with every time they spent together, and all of the people around them began to notice this as well. They thought it was starting to get creepy with how dependant the female was with him, but they didn't say anything since Saiki didn't seem to mind. In fact, it actually seemed like he wanted her to get attached.

Y/N was too in sync with Saiki to even realize that he was feeding off of the pain of her friends death so that he could use that as a way to get even closer to her. He made her feel trapped and he made sure that she thought he was the only person available to make her feel wanted and loved all at the same time.

She grew apart from most of her friends so that she would make time for Saiki, and her social skills were practically nonexistent at this point. She kept to herself and Saiki so much that she didn't think she needed anybody else at the moment.

"Where are you going, Y/N?" Saiki loomed over the H/C haired teen that had just turned her back on her now boyfriend.

Letting out a heavy sigh while she whirled herself around so that she could look up at the man, she watched him take steps closer to her. "I'm just going to throw out my tray... Is that alright with you, Saiki...?"

"Hmmm, how about I go with you?" He tilted his head to the side and pushed his hand out before he gently placed it on her head with a smirk growing on his mouth.

Y/N didn't even want to question him anymore. All she could do was nod her head with a little shrug, "Yeah, that'd be cool..."

"Mmmhm, I know you need the company, Y/N.." he murmured, his hand now trailing down to the side of her face.

The woman didn't dare move at the touch that came from her boyfriend. She just stayed still and waited for the signal that it was okay for her to finally go throw her food into the garbage nearby.

After a few more minutes of just petting the teen, Saiki finally slipped his hand away from the woman's hair with a cleared throat, "Alright, let's go throw out that tray of yours."

Nodding at the males gentle words, the girl then slowly turned herself back around before she began to groggily stride over to the garbage with no emotion laid out over her face.

The pink haired male just followed behind the girl with his smirk getting even wider across his smooth lips, "That's a good girl..."

He watched as she finally tossed her tray into the garbage before she turned back to him with a soft smile of her own. He loved how exhausted she looked, he loved how she asked for permission to do the most simplest things, and he absolutely adored the way she needed him.

He pushed both of his hands out, his smile dropping a little so that she would actually take him seriously, "I want you to come here and give me a hug, Y/N,"

Nodding her head at her boyfriend once again, Y/N then took slow steps over to her boyfriend before she pushed her arms out and mirrored his actions until her arms were finally wrapped around the mans torso.

Saiki just held the female in his arms for a few more minutes before he pulled away with an even wider grin than before. It seemed so foreign to her because he rarely ever smile before, even when they'd just flirt with each other, so she wondered why it was different now, but still, she didn't question him at all.

The only reason he was so giddy and even more happier with the female was because he knew he had most control over her because she was just so out of tune with the rest of the world all over Kaidos death. It made him so happy for some reason.

Teruhashi, Nendo, Hairo, and Chiyo all noticed what was going on between the both of them, and for the first time, Teruhashi didn't actually feel disgust towards the girl, she actually felt pity for her.

"What do we do about this...?" Chiyo whispered while she tugged on the blue haired girls sleeve.

Teruhashi bit on her bottom lip as she stared at the two that just decided that they were going to start heading to their next classes, "Nothing."

"What? We.. we can't just let this keep happening, Teruhashi!!" Chiyo whispered yelled, a random wave of determination feeling like it was just injected into her veins.

Scoffing at the shorter woman's words, that's when the blue haired teen looked back at her friend with a hum and an eyebrow raise. "Okay, then... What do you think we should do about this..?"

Now that's not what the shorter friend was expecting at all, and she knew she had to say something, but she just couldn't. She didn't know how she was going to get Y/N out of the situation she was in. It was so clear to everyone else that she was being manipulated.

Teruhashi pursed her lips at the silence that came from her friend, and then she shifted her eyes up towards an emotionless and gloomy looking Nendo that looked away in thought. "What about you? What ideas do you have..?"

Nendo didn't say anything, his heart just pounded in his chest at the thought of his bestfriends death. He felt absolutely nothing.

"Yeah... That's what I thought..." She woman murmured, looking back down to the girl that frowned deeply, "See? There is nothing we can do... She's with him forever now."

"Forever..?" Chiyo breathed out with a little bit of panic going towards her features.

"Yeah... Forever.."

"No..!! W-We cannot let this happen, Teruhashi..! She's so clearly depressed, and Saikis using that! We have to do something to help her...!"

"There isn't anything we can do! I just told you that-"

"I'm going to try and figure something out, Teruhashi... You can help me out if you want, but even if you don't I'm doing this.."

And with that, the female turned on her heel and when about her day with the same determination from before growing inside of her body.

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