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Y/N GREW A LITTLE WEIRDED, out by the fact that all of the women seemed very interested in what she had to say, but she just figured that she wasn't used to being around this many people ever since she got together with Saiki, so she brushed it off and prepared herself to tell all of the girls about her love life. They wanted to know about it, and she didn't think there was anything going badly with her and her boyfriend so she just decided it'd be fine to tell them.

Y/N just shrugged all of the stares from the women off before she let out a sigh and slumped over in her sitting position, "Well... I think that my relationship with Saiki is going great, actually... He's sweet, handsome, he buys me things, and by buys me things I mean he gets me absolutely anything I have my eye on, hah..! It feels nice to be spoiled for once...."

All of the girls looked around at eachother, some nodding in approval, and others showing looks of jealousy, but Y/N was glad that for the most part they all seemed supportive with her, until she heard the next few words that came from a familiar blue haired teen.

"Hmmm.. Would you say you're happy with him?" She murmured while she stared Y/N down, not moving a muscle as she did so.

The woman with the H/C hair leaned her face back from the beautiful woman for a second, her entire expression scrunching up a little since she was sure she made herself clear about how she felt towards the man, "Uhmmm, yeah..? Why? Do you still like him?"

"What? God no, ew. Never say those words again..." she listened to the laughter that came from the women around her, causing the other teen to grow annoyed by her joke, "I was just thinking, like... He never lets you go out unless he's there with you. Don't you think that's a little weird??"

Shrugging at Teruhashis words as she tapped her fingers against the floor beneath her, Y/N hummed and looked off to the side a little, "I used to think it was weird until I got used to it, so I'm fine with it now."

"Oh so he's the possessive type, huh?" Another female in the group of women joked, gaining both Y/N and Teruhashis attention at the same time.

Clenching her jaw with an eye roll of her E/C eyes, that's when the girl already started to get annoyed because she didn't want everyone to think they were invited to make jokes about her relationship. "I just said I'm fine with it... So you guys don't have to make this into a big deal.. I'm fine with it."

"Wow. He has you under his spell." Y/N whipped her head towards a Chiyo that seemed a little too invested in her relationship as well.

Y/N scoffed out at the shorter woman's statement, an annoying feeling building up inside of her stomach, unaware of the fact that they were probably talking sense into her, "What are you talking about?"

Pursing her lips at her friends question, Chiyo glanced at the blue haired girl, wondering if it was time to tell her about what the pink haired male was up to.

Y/N clearly saw the look between Teruhashi and Chiyo, and that only caused her to become even more irritated with the women. She started to wonder if these girls invited her just to make fun of her and clown her relationship.

She still didn't say anything though. She wanted to know what it was that these two were plotting against her, so she decided to watch the whole thing play out, hoping that they wouldn't interrogate her until she blew up or something.

Once the two girls stopped sending each other looks, she saw Teruhashi look back at her from the corner of her eye, and she immediately stiffened up a little, "Y/N. We wanna tell you something..."

There seemed to be a lump in the woman's throat just by those very few words, but still, she nodded her head and waited for whatever it was that she wanted to tell her.

"Well.... We think that.. Saiki is stealing you away from us...!" Chiyo happily chimed in, trying to make light out of the whole thing since Teruhashi seemed a little more condescending about the situation they were approaching at the moment.

Y/N hummed at her friend, acting as if she was actually interested in what they had to confront her about next, "Oh.. is that true?"

"That's not all. We think he might be damaging you, actually." Teruhashi was much more upfront and Chiyo admired that about her, but she also didn't want Y/N to hate her because she still felt she wanted to save her from the man.

The teen was completely offended with what they were saying right to her face, but a small part of her did have to agree. It was like she didn't connect to anyone but the pink haired man, and sometimes she hated that, "What makes you think that??"

"Well for one! You barley even talk to us anymore! For second, you became way more quiet.. Like sure you were quiet before, but now it's like you can't even approach the teachers here!! It's sad, actually... And plus, you're all snappy with everyone else! You're too dependent on him, and we all think you need some space away from him."

The girl was speechless at what she was hearing from her brown haired friend because she didn't think she'd be the one to check her like this. If anything she thought it'd be Teruhashi talking to her in that way, so it was then that she realized if it was Chiyo acting this way towards her then something was definitely wrong.

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