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ONCE THE BOY GOT A WAY, better understanding of the rumors that Teruhashi spread, he was furious. Of course he was mad the second he overheard Kaido and Y/Ns conversation, he'd just gotten even more pissed off with the stuff Teruhashi said about his crush. She claimed that it was because Y/N said stuff about her first, but now that Saiki knew it wasn't true and that it was just an excuse to bully someone, he really wanted to bash her brains against the wall.

"I didn't, I swear!" Y/N fiddled with her fingers as she uncomfortably shifted in her seat.

Pinsuke sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose while staring down at his desk. "Why would Teruhashi make something like that up, Y/N?"

Y/N shrugged, her bottom lip trembling. "I don't know.. she hates me!"

"I don't want I don't know for an answer, Y/N. I need you to tell me why you'd do something like this?"

"I.. I didn't do anyt-" her sentence was cut short by the sound of a new presence entering the room.

The principal clasped his large hands together with a smile. "Ahh! Teruhashi, there you are!"

"Hi..." She slumped her shoulders with a small pout, "Not feeling very good today.."

The H/C haired girl was fuming with anger and a million thoughts were running around her skull.

Teruhashi looked the other female in the eye, "Oh.. hey, Y/N."

She got nothing from the woman, causing a sigh to escape the males lips, "Alright. Just take a seat right there."

The blue haired girl nodded as she walked over to the empty seat that was beside Y/Ns.

"Okay, girls, we both know why we're here, yes?"

They both hummed in unison.

Pinsuke turned his eyes onto Teruhashi, "Good.. uh, why don't you start from the top so we could get this settled?"

Teruhashi licked her lips, preparing herself to speak.

"Okay... Well, one day, in lunch.. she just stopped talking to me, and I didn't know why. A week later I went to confront her and we became friends again.. and today.. I just heard all of these mean stuff about me."

Principal Pinsuke glared at Y/N from the corner of his dark eyes.

"That's actually a lie." Y/N chimed in, raising her index finger.

"Do not interrupt Teruhashi when she is speaking," He looked at the other woman again, "You may continue."

The other female tried to conceal her smile, gently placing a hand over her mouth, "Uh- so then, I went to confront her again and..."

It looked like all the life was sucked out of Teruhashis eyes, leaving Y/N confused at her silence.

Slowly looking over to the dazed woman, her eyes widened. "Uh.. what just happened?"

Teruhashi violently shook her head with a laugh, waving her hands around, "Sorry about that! Le-lemme keep going!"

Pinsuke stuck a hand over, signaling for her to keep telling her story.

"And- what I said was actually a lie, Y/N didn't do anything to me I just wanted to send her payback for flirting with my soon to be husband!"

Teruhashi gasped at her own words and slapped two hands over her mouth, her eye twitching at the principals expression.

"Excuse me?"

The H/C haired teen felt like she wanted to jump for you and burst out in laughter at the same time.

"I told you! But you didn't wanna listen to me!"

The door slammed open, showing a stunned Kaido. "Y-You lied to your fans!"

The blue haired woman flinched, tilting her head to the side only to see a wave of disappointed men glaring at her.

Y/N giggled, crossing her arms, "Fans indeed..."

"How could you!?" A boy from the crowd yelled out.

"Yeah! We loved you!" A deep voice called with a slight voice crack.

Teruhashi stammered, having trouble trying to explain herself. "Wait- no, no! It's not like th-"

"And you like someone?! Who even is this guy you like!?" A boy stomped towards her, looking as if he was about to pull his own hair out.

Saiki stared at all of the chaos he'd made up in satisfaction. Now that Y/N was out of the clear and everyone else was occupied, maybe he could get time for her.

"Come to the lunch room, Y/N."

The female looked around in panic, confused by the sound in her voice, especially since nobody was talking directly to her.

"Could you hurry up?" The voice in her head was becoming annoyed.

She scrambled to her feet, ignoring the swarm of men coming her way only to get to Teruhashi.

It was as if they'd all came into the room on command.

She slowly walked to the lunch room, whipping her head to both sides before stepping a foot inside the large room.

"Hello..?" She muttered under her breath, assuming the voice was still in her head.

Y/N tilted her head in a confused manner. "Is anybody here with me?"

She felt a hand on her shoulder that made her jump.

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