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TERUHASHI EYED Y/N DOWN A, week later. The woman didn't know how to feel about what Saiki did. She didn't quite hate Saiki, but she didn't really like him all that much either. It was weird to her, especially since Y/N didn't seem to remember anything about what he did. She'd been stalking her for the entire school day, but still, she had nothing.

Teruhashi didn't know why she felt so odd about the whole thing. It was like Y/Ns emotions left for a moment and everything was magically okay.

She knew how Y/N felt throughout that whole little 'thing' with Saiki, she'd been through the same thing with one of her fanboys, and it honestly scared her.

The blue haired girl began to wonder how powerful Saiki actually was.

"Hey Teruhashi! What are you looking at?" Takahashi questioned, popping up from behind the girl, startling her.

She turned around with shock written all over her face. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Oh-" Takahashi backed away from her, "My bad..."

Teruhashi huffed with a pout, trying to conceal her annoyance. "No no.. it's okay.. I kind of overreacted, it's my bad!"

Takahashi turned red at her soft giggles that followed behind that one sentence.

Saiki stared at Teruhashi from the side. Although she didn't say not one word to the male, he was still annoyed by her presence.

God would he stop talking to me. I need to check on Y/N. Something is very off with her.

The pink haired male piped up a bit and his eyebrows raised. Teruhashi wanted to 'check up' on Y/N and that was very unusual and weird coming from her.

Saiki started reading Teruhashis thoughts some more, trying to find anything from the female.

I can't keep up the act anymore, this fucking ugly loser keeps hiking up a conversation.

But that didn't help him at all. He needed her to say or even think about what she wanted to do with Y/N.

The green haired boy played with a piece of his hair and giggled as he began to talk about something else random until Teruhashi finally decided to cut the male off.

"I, uh.. I actually need to go! But.. it was nice talking with you, uh..."

"Takahashi!" He reminded, mentally face palming to himself.

Teruhashi turned red out of embarrassment and slowly took a few steps back until her steps turned into jogging.

Saiki clenched his jaw so hard that he thought his teeth would break.

The male didn't get anything out of her and he needed to know what she wanted. He could've sworn Teruhashi didn't like Y/N a week ago.

After the class ended, Kaido walked over to Y/N with his usual grin to his lips. "Hey!"

"Oh- what's up Kaido!" Y/N mirrored his smile but she added a small wave to go along with it.

"Just, you know.. doing me. How have you been? It feels like I haven't seen you since forever."

"Kaido," The teen scoffed, "It was literally just the weekend."

"Yeah, but I never see you on the weekends. How come?"

"I don't know... Maybe because your mom doesn't let you go to girls houses?"

Kaido sighed while looking down at the floor, feeling shy out of nowhere. "You're right..."

Y/N chuckled at the blue haired boys odd behavior, unaware of the pair of purple eyes that watched her every move.

"What? You wanna come to my house?"

Kaido snapped his head back up to Y/N and her E/C eyes, "You mean it?!"

She nodded with a soft hum, "Yeah I don't see why not. You just gotta ask your mom."

"Oh yes, yes! I will I promise! I can't believe this, I'm so excited!"

"Don't get your hopes up.. you know how your mom is.."

Saikis hands formed into a fist. He was squeezing his hand so hard that his knuckles turned pale white and his palms had nail marks from his fingers.

He couldn't let this happen. Kaido out of all people. He couldn't believe it.

"What the hell is wrong with her taste...?" Saiki grumbled, thinking to himself as always.

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