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Y/N KNITTED HER EYEBROWS, as she looked at the pink haired man that only stared down at his feet, disappointed in the way he was even though there wasn't much he could do to control it. He thought that the girl would want absolutely nothing to do with him after this, but he wanted to stop keeping things from her if he wanted her to actually love him, that and plus, he wanted her to love him for him. He felt like they were drifting off away before, and he even considered telling her many times before, he just didn't think that they were ever on that level with eachother, but now he thought so because he loved her with every bone in himself.

Meanwhile, the other teen that sat on her bed was just in shock. She didn't think he'd actually cook up something this stupid just so she would stay with him, so all she could do was pout and strain her eyes even smaller at him, not aware of the fact that he wasn't lying to her at all, "That's not fucking f-funny..."

Saiki turned his head up at the H/C haired girl that clenched her jaw with caution still all over herself once she saw the way his knuckles turned even more whiter than before. He couldn't believe that she didn't believe him even after everything they'd been through together, and he thought she would immediately believe him because he never lied to her before, and he loved her, "Why do you think this is something I'd lie about??"

"People make up a lot of stuff... So how would I believe you...?" By now the woman's attitude was different than before, and she was already beginning to stand up, proving her part from before as she did so.

Scoffing out at what the female had just said, Saiki rolled his purple eyes while he unclenched his fists, doing anything to make her comfortable in this moment before she finally decided to attempt to run off on him. He knew he wouldn't know what he'd do with himself if something like that happened, and he wasn't going to risk that feeling of loneliness because of her either, "Do you need more proof?"

"Yeah, and I want you to t-tell me how you got into my home like this... You don't just.. show up to someone's house like this..! It's.. crazy...!" Y/N blurted out with a raspy voice, her heart slowing down a little in her chest before she was finally up on her feet, thinking of many different ways to defend herself from the pink haired male that stood in front of her with a different look shimmering in his eyes even though he wasn't trying to hurt her.

"Yeah, well... That's because I'm just too crazy over you, a-and sometimes it even eats me alive, Y/N. That's why I want to talk to you instead of just... Letting you go. I never want you to go, and... I know that you don't want me to go either... I know you love me somewhere deep in your heart, you're just letting people get inside of your head, and I hate that."

She knew that he was right about what he said, but of course she wasn't just going to admit that to him, so she crossed her arms over her chest with a frown of her own, "What? I'm... not letting people get inside of my head...! What are you even talking about..?! I just... I just realized the truth, a-and you're mad at that!! I already made my decision, so why are you even still... trying..?"

Eyes popping wide at the woman, Saiki clenched his jaw this time, trying to hold himself back because he didn't want to do something he didn't want to. She knew she was making him go crazy, he even admitted that to her to her face, and yet she was still being difficult, and that really hurt his heart. He just wanted her to himself, he didn't want her to try and leave him, he just wanted to speak to her, he wanted her to ease him. He was feeling feelings he never even thought he could feel, and it was eating him from the inside out, "I'm trying because I love you, and you clearly don't love me..!!"

Y/N could hear the desperation in his voice and she saw the craziness in his eyes grow, causing her to take some steps back as she processed the entire demeanor switch from the man that began to shake all because of her, "I.. I do like you though, but-"

"Then what is the problem?!? Why are you like this...?! You.. You don't want to speak to me about us breaking up, you don't want to prove your love to me, you just take everybody else's words over mine, and... it's just all so confusing!! You don't even believe me when I tell you something that... nobody else knows about me!"

Shifting in her stance while a bad feeling began to rise within every inch of her body, Y/N then bit on her bottom lip with salty tears growing through her E/C eyes because she knew she was actually getting scared of the intense stare he had on her. It was like this random power was overcoming her at this point, like he was somehow taking control over her even though she was trying to fight back, "Saiki... you.. Saiki you just have to go-"

"NO! I.. don't want you to leave me!! I need you and you know that! You're all I've ever wanted, and if I can't have you, then I don't know what I'll do! Please...! You know you need me to!!" His voice was shaky as he made his way towards her, noting the fact that she didn't dare to step away from him because she was afraid of the consequences of doing that.

Not maintaining any eye contact with the crazy eyed man that didn't blink a single time throughout his mental breakdown, she grimaced and felt a single tear drop down her soft cheek, only making her even more scared of what could happen next, "P-Please, just... leave.. you're-"

"I can give you the world! You tell me anything you want, and I'll have it here in a second!! Please... we're made for eachother, even if you don't want to believe that-"

"SAIKI, NO! I DON'T WANT-" that's when Y/N felt the need to cut him off so he would finally get the hint. He was only digging the hole deeper for himself, but it wasn't like he was thinking about any of that at all.

Before the woman knew it, she felt herself being pressed against her wall with Saikis strong hand wrapping around her throat, not allowing her to make any moves as she dropped her mouth open, not feeling able to breathe already, "YOU FEEL THE SAME WAY, I KNOW IT...!"

She felt a little lightheaded as she continued to hear the males rambles about how they deserved to be together and how she loved him just as much as he loved her, and she couldn't even focus on that with his had clogging her neck at this point, she just hoped that it'd all end soon, "Hgghhnn...!!"

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