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SAIKI WAS AFRAID THAT EVEN, after the adorable moment that Y/N and him had shared, she still wouldn't remember or even acknowledge him. He wasn't scared of most things, but that sure did freak him out. It was only a week after the one sided conversation he and Y/N had, yet he still couldn't get over any of it.

He was just glad that she finally spoke to him, and he was also glad that he was the one who was staring because if it was anybody else, she probably would've spoken to that person.

It was lunch and Saiki was already seated at the table Y/N usually sat at.

The pink haired male smirked to himself as he waited for his crush to enter the lunch room, excited for what he and his crush had coming next.

Once his dream girl finally walked into the loud room, she turned her eyes over to the table Saiki was seated at.

She didn't sit with Teruhashi, Chiyo, Kaido, and Nendo anymore since she believed that they didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

Y/N didn't mind, though. She kind of always liked being to herself.

She instantly recognized the male that was sat at her table, his hands crossed and the smirk on his pink lips.

Raising an eyebrow at the boy who smiled at her silently, she made her way over to the table, plopping herself right down in front of him.

"You're that guy." She mumbled, sending him a skeptical look.

All Saiki did was hum to the female. He believed that his crush was at least worthy of hearing something from his real voice.

Y/N smiled at him, causing Saikis smirk to drop and his cheeks to turn red, "I knew you looked familiar!"

Still, Saiki just nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go get lunch..." She placed two hands on the table and pushed as she pulled her body back.

The second Y/N turned her back, she heard a voice in her head. "Give me an extra coffee jelly."

Whipping her head to the boy behind her, she narrowed her E/C eyes at Saiki, "Was that you?"

Saiki shrugged with a playful smile.

Humming as she looked the boy up and down, she continued to walk towards the short line.

I'll get him one. Just in case!

The boy laid his head down on the table with a love sick smile.

He was too busy with his feelings to notice the blue haired girl staring at him with folded arms and jealousy all over he pretty features.

"Damn it! I knew it!" She stomped her foot with a pout.

Teruhashi whispered in Chiyos ear with a mischievous grin. She had to get Y/N away from Saiki, he was hers.

"Can you do that for me?" Teruhashi leaned away from Chiyo, the same grin plastered on her lips.

Chiyo nodded, "Yes! I'll be sure to tell everybody, alright?!"

"Good job, Chiyo! You're the best!" The taller female giggled, placing an index finger on her lips.

"No problem, Teruhashi! You're the best too!"

It wasn't too long for Teruhashis evil plan to spread throughout the entire school.

Y/N walked into class with an unreadable look on her features, trying her best to not have anybody approach her.

It looks like it didn't work, though. She saw a familiar young man making his way over to her with wide eyes.

"What's up with you..?" Y/N chuckled as she tilted her head, looking him up in down.

Kaido leaned his head back with a sour face, "I can't believe you'd say something like that about Teruhashi!"

Y/Ns eyebrows furrowed. "Huh..?"

Kaido slammed a hand on his crushes desk, his eyes glaring daggers at her, "Don't play dumb..."

"I actually don't know what you're talking about so I'd appreciate it if you'd fill me in."

The boy moved his entire body back from the girl, his arms crossing over his chest. "You know what you said!"

Lifting her arms up by her sides only to let the drop, she sent him a confused look, "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Fine, then.. I'll tell you.." Kaido said, looking at the ground dramatically.

"Hurry it up, pl-"

"There's a rumor that you called Teruhashi ugly and the b word, and there's also a rumor where you said you'd wanna fight her!"

Y/N flinched with a gasp, offended that people would assume she was that type of person. "Where the hell did you get that from? I don't wanna hurt her!"

Kaido sent the female a shrug. "With the way you acted before... I dunno, it kinda seems like you would.."

"Hey! That's totally unfair! I was defending myself, what the hell?!"

Saiki listened to their conversation, his face remaining emotionless, but his heart pounding quickly and his body turning hot due to anger.

He had to do something about this, fast.

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