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SAIKI WATCHED THE BLUE, haired teen walk through the hallways, stacks of books in hand. She was walking towards a corner, then all of a sudden Y/N popped up out of nowhere, shocking her to the point that there was a flinch that came from her body.

"Oh- Y/N, hi!" Teruhashi called out, her eyebrows raised high.

Y/N glared at the female and crossed her arms, "What do you want? Why are you talking to me?"

"I just.. I wanted to..."

"You wanted to what?"

"I actually wanted to apologize.."

Y/N scoffed at Teruhashis words and leaned back a bit, "Did you?"

"Yeah..." Teruhashi nodded.

The other teen chuckled while looking around before she faced the beautiful girl once again. "No you didn't."

"Huh- why do you think that?" The blue haired females pouted, her hold on her books gripping tighter.

"Because if you wanted to apologize, you would've been tried to seek me out."

"What do you mean? I was-"

"No, don't even try it Teruhashi. I know what type of person you are..."

Just as Teruhashi was about to say something, it was too late. Y/N already stormed past her, and she didn't look back either.

While Y/N was walking away from the girl, she had guilt forming in her stomach. She almost forgot about the kiss she shared with Saiki, and she didn't feel great that she did that. It was all for some stupid revenge that Teruhashi didn't even know about.

The pink haired teen bit on his bottom lip as he listened to Teruhashis thoughts.

She doesn't seem to remember anything about what Saiki did to her... Should I let her know or should I just stay out of it?

I really don't want Saiki to get into trouble, or even expelled or suspended.. he's my dream man! Plus, I still need to make him say 'oh'.

But, what he did was wrong.. so.. why do I still kind of like him..?

Saikis eyes widened and with that, he was finally out of Teruhashis head. She knew about what he'd done and she was contemplating on whether she should tell Y/N or not. That was going to be a problem for Saiki.

"Hey Saiki!" Nendo called out from behind the teen that flinched from the other male.

Clearing his throat, the pink haired boy leaned up to his full height and faced Nendo. "What do you want Nendo?"

The taller guy shrugged, his eyes grazing past him to see Teruhashi. "Saiki..."

"What is it?" Saiki muttered, looking Nendo up and down for his unusual mannerisms.

"You like Teruhashi, don't you pal?!"

"What? No, that's absurd."

"Then.. why are you peeking on her?'

"Peeking on Teruhashi? Oh, please Nendo. I don't have time for your idiotic shenanigans. Leave me be."

"My idiotic what what's?" Nendo chuckled to himself, and mostly at the unrecognizable word too.

Saiki huffed out before walking into a hallway, finally getting Nendo off of his tail.

Kaido blushed as he watched Y/N walked towards him, her back full of stuff for their little playdate.

"Hey Y/N!" He waved a hand around, gaining Y/Ns attention immediately.

Jogging closer to the boy, she waved back. "Hey Kaido! Are you ready for today? I bet it'll be real fun."

Nodding his head back and forth, the male agreed with even a bigger blush, "Y-Yeah..."

"Great, I just need to see if I have everything, plus it'll be cool if we could walk a little later than everybody else."

Clasping his hands together, Kaido smiled wide, "Alright, Y/N! you got it!"

Y/N went to unzip her bag and checked everything she had in it from top to bottom.

Once she was sure she had everything she'd packed from the morning, she turned back to tell Kaido, only to be met with a confused looking boy.

"What's up with you?" Y/N laughed a bit, her laughter only turning to worry when she realized that he wasn't acting.

He brushed a hand through his pretty blue locks and only grew more confused. "What am I doing here Y/N? Did I miss my bus?"

"Uhm, yeah, you missed your bus... That's because we agreed that we'd be walking to mine... remember?"

Kaido bursted out in laughter, waving both hands around with teary eyes.

"Why are you laughing Kaido? What's so funny to you?"

"Come on Y/N. Don't prank me like that! You know my mom would never let me in a girls house, let alone a girls room!"

"What? You didn't ask her?"

Saiki watched the whole interaction unfold. He wasn't sure if he should also find a way to erase Y/Ns mind, seeing that she was really shocked and annoyed by Kaido.

The boy shrugged to himself and went on his way, hoping that his action made Kaido very less likable to her.

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