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IT WAS ONLY A FEW DAYS, later and Y/N began worrying about her blue haired friend. She couldn't tell if she was always wondering where he was or what he was doing because she actually cared for him or if it was because of what put him in the hospital. She didn't even think it mattered though, because she was worried about a friend.

Speaking of that friend, he hadn't showed up to school since only three days ago and that really freaked the girl out even though another part of her told her not to worry about him so much.

Saiki smiled at the girl when she came into view before he raised his hands and spread his arms for her, "Hi Y/N, how did you sleep?"

Y/N sighed to herself as she wrapped her arms around the pink haired boy, "I slept fine.. could've slept better, but.. you know."

The boy laid his head down against hers while he secretly got a whiff of her shampoo, "Yeah, I know what you mean Y/N..."

The girl then pulled away, causing Saiki to already miss the feeling of her arms around him, "So did you see Kaido anywhere?"

"Y/N..." Saiki spoke with the quickness, "Are you feeling guilty again...?"

"What? How.. how did you know that I was feeling guilty...? Y/N mumbled, thinking that she was doing an amazing job at hiding her true emotions.

Softly smiling at the womans words, Saiki put his fingers up to her H/C hair and started to pet her slowly, "Because Y/N.. I know you... Now, tell me why you feel guilty."

"Because, it's like.. he had a crush on me and when he just left I.. kind of got with you..." She sighed out, embarrassed by her own actions. "But! You're not like a second option or anything like that..."

The thought of Saiki being a second option never really crossed his mind, but now that it was mentioned, he just knew he was going to overthink about it later.

"I understand Y/N." He hummed, his hand moving down to her the girls cheek so he could cup it. "But you need to focus on the present..."

Y/N felt a shiver go down her spine when the word present left past the males lips.

When she was in thought for a quick minute, the male had a flash of jealousy shown through his purple eyes because he didn't like the fact that she was thinking for this long.

He was getting so impatient with the woman and all he wanted to do was tell her that she was always going to be his and his only.

"Okay.. you're.. you're right, Saiki...." The H/C haired girl huffed out, raising her hand up to his before gently placing it down on top of his.

Saiki smirked in victory at Y/Ns words, "So you'll stop worrying about Kaido now, hmm? You'll give me all of your undying love and attention?"

Y/N playfully rolled her E/C eyes at the pink haired teens words, "Yes, Saiki.. I'll give you all of my undying love and attention, I guess.."

Sensing the joke through the tone of Y/Ns voice, Saiki decided to add onto it. "It's too bad I won't be doing the same."

"Hey!" She chuckled at his response before gently pushing his hand away from her cheek.

Just as the man in front of her was about to say something else, the sound of familiar footsteps came to his ear.

He turned himself around and his smile dropped when he saw that it was Nendo that was coming his and Y/Ns way.

"Hey, pal.." Nendo greeted the man, his waking slowing down as he grew closer to the female and male that silently stood in front of him.

"Hey, Nendo," Y/N raised her left hand up and waved it at the boy, watching as he mirrored her actions in a more sluggish pace.

Saiki had no smile on his face and his eyes were full of annoyance. He only wanted Y/N near him. "What do you want?"

Nendo didn't even want to know what was Saikis problem, he just sighed out and looked down at his feet. "Kaido isn't here today, again.. have you guys seen him?"

Y/N moved her E/C eyes inbetween the taller and shorter man in front of her, glad that she wasn't the only one obsessing over the blue haired teen.

"No. We haven't seen him and we don't care about what happened to him because we're not infatuated with him."

"Stop that..." Y/N muttered, genuinely disappointed by Saikis words since she was worried about the boy as well.

Nendo ran a hand down his face with an even longer exhale, "Alright.. thanks for letting me know, atleast..."

The girl watched the taller man leave the both of them alone with sadness forming in her stomach.

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