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SAIKI AND Y/N WERE STUNNED, by the flood of men that immediately left their seats just to get to Teruhashi go see why she was crying. It turns out that ever since she stepped foot inside of the lunch room, their attention had been on her, and they'd been watching her the whole time.

The wave of males comforted and pestered the blue haired female. Some glared and growled at the two friends, and others gave them disappointed sighs.

Y/N felt targeted by all of the men and she was afraid. It wasn't her fault that Teruhashi hit her head on the table, yet the men made her feel like it was.

"Hey! What did you two do to Teruhashi, huh?!" A man from the group called, slamming a fist down on the table.

Saiki wasn't fazed at all, but Y/N was the complete opposite.

She flinched at the loud bang that came from the table and she shivered a bit. "We didn't do anything! Sh-She accidentally hurt herself!"

"How does one accidentally hurt themselves, hm? Can you tell me that?!"

The pink haired teen didn't like the way the other male stared at his lady, and he was growing even more angry and pissed off with the way he took more steps towards the H/C haired woman.

"I.. don't.. I don't know, okay?! She just.. she just went crazy! There really wasn't anything I could've done to prevented that! It was fast!"

He sent a hateful glare to the male, but he wasn't paying any attention to his signs at all. He continued on walking closer to Y/N.

Saiki clenched his jaw while balling his hands up into fists. He was confused as to why he wasn't backing off of his crush.

Just as a the male was one step closer to Y/N, Saiki finally said something to him, "What are you doing?"

The boy stopped in his tracks and his fingers twitched slightly. "I wanted to.. ask her more about what happened to Teruhashi."

"Oh, really?" The taller boy tilted his head and crossed his arms, keeping his glare on the guy still.

"Yeah... Do you have a problem with that..?" He spat, mirroring Saiki and crossing his own arms.

Saiki bit on his bottom lip to keep himself from doing anything violent. "Yes, I do actually. If you would get away from us, that'd be great."

Y/N stared inbetween the two male, some of her fear disappearing due to Saiki standing up for her.

The shorter guy grumbled something under his breath and kept on standing in front of the two friends, only pushing himself to Saikis bad side even more.

"Why are you still here?"

The boy still didn't say anything, he just kept mean mugging the two that sat in front of him.

That was until all three of them heard low cries and ear cracking screams coming from not too far away.

They all turned their heads over to see who was making the unbearable noise, and they were all shocked to see Teruhashi being pulled out of the cafeteria by security and a bunch of other men.

"NO! I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO SAIKI! PLEASE!! PLEASE!" She wriggled in the larger men's hold, but she still couldn't get free, and that made her feel overwhelmed and trapped.

Saiki grimaced and grinded his teeth together in his mouth.

He was disgusted by her calling out for him and he didn't understand how everybody but the woman he actually loved liked him.

"Jesus Christ..." He whispered under his breath, looking at his crush from the side.

Her E/C eyes were still stuck on Teruhashi though. They were wide and filled with confusion. She'd never seen Teruhashi in such a state.

Of course she knew Teruhashi could be obsessive and all, but she didn't think she could get so crazy to the point that she'd bang her own head on a table and cry in front of everybody.

She wrapped her arms around herself and knitted her eyebrows. Something wasn't right with her and she didn't know if it was right of her to feel bad, especially with the nonverbal threats Teruhashi sent her.

"Are you okay?" The male beside her asked, putting his hand on her inner thigh, causing her to jump.

She stared at Saiki with her lips slightly parted, then she shut her mouth and gulped. "Yes.. I'm.. yeah, I'm okay, sorry.."


Saiki didn't believe his crush at all.

After silence passed between the two, the male turned around only to see that the other guy was gone.

"He's probably chasing after Teruhashi or something.." he mumbled to himself.

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