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WHEN IT WAS FINALLY TIME, to go home, Teruhashi was quick to try and find her way to Nendo. She successfully got away from all of the other people that idolized her, but now her hardest quest was searching for the boy.

The female speed walked through the hallway, whipping her head from side to side while searching for the man.

She noticed one time that he headed out the main entrance, so she figured she'd just go there and see if he was there for herself.

Continuing to speed walk through the hallways, she heard people gasp at the sight of her and wave to her knowing that she didn't know those people at all.

Of course she was flattered and grateful, but she still felt annoyed by it at times. Especially when all she wanted to do was keep to herself at times like this.

Once she was near the main entrance the ends of her lips quirked up.

There he was. The man she never thought she'd be looking for. It was Nendo standing right there with a dumbfounded expression on his face. That wasn't anything unusual for him though.

The girl took even quicker steps towards the tall male with a grin on her face.

Nendo felt the woman's presence coming up from behind him so he quickly turned around with a skeptical frown.

His eyebrows quirked upwards and his cheeks turned into a bright red once he realized that Teruhashi was actually coming to talk with him.

He lifted his hand up and waved once she was finally stood still in front of him, "Hi Teruhashi."

"Hey Nendo..!" She giggled, seeming out of breath, "What are you doing right now?"

"Uh... Just.. about to go home, heh," he giggled, the blush still visible against his now warm cheeks.

"Yeah..." She hummed, looking around at her surroundings awkwardly before turning back to the male, "So... I just-"

Nendo was quick to cut her off even, "So what did you wanna talk about?"

Teruhashi pursed her lips while blinking profusely, "Well, hah- I was just getting to that Nendo..!"

"Oh." He chuckled out, standing still in his spot while he waited for her to talk.

She cleared her throat before sending the boy another smile, "I just wanted to talk about Y/N and Saiki.. you know?"

"Hmmmm... This again..?" He sighed, raising an eyebrow, "What's happening between them?"

Teruhashi was a little embarrassed by herself and the way that even Nendo knew about her odd obsession with the pink haired man.

"I don't know," she laughed awkwardly, "You tell me! Hah!"

Nendo stared at her with a straight face, not getting what she was saying at all, "What do you mean?"

She licked her lips in though before finally knowing how to put her words together. "Are they together? Is there something there..? You know...?"

"No... I don't think so." Nendo shrugged.

Teruhashi threw her head back in defeat. She knew there had to be a little spark that went through the both of them, and she wanted to stop that spark from becoming little fireworks. "Damnnn it...!"

"Hmmm..." He frowned a little, tilting his head to the side as Teruhashi piped up, waiting for whatever he had to tell her.

He began to tap his foot against the ground, "There was that one time they kissed..."

Teruhashis eyes were wide and her heart fell deeper down into her stomach. Her face went cold and pale and she didn't know what to say. She was speechless and she felt betrayed.

Once Teruhashi finally acknowledged the whole alphabet, she finally spoke up. "The... T-Time they kissed?!?!!"

Nendo nodded his head yes, "Yup. I think it was right after the whole school pretty much attacked you, heh."

That only made Teruhashi feel even more betrayed and embarrassed.

"I don't think they know I know though. I didn't have the guts to tell Kaido. And I still don't."

The blue haired girl didn't know why Nendo felt the need to keep going, but she just let him incase any other information was found out.

"Yeah," Nendo shrugged, "They didn't know that I caught on to how close they were that time in the cafeteria. But, you know. It is what is is."

Teruhashis jaw was practically on the floor.

"Kinda upset that they didn't tell anybody, you know?"

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