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THE NEXT DAY AFTER SCHOOL, Saiki had his entire plan set in his mind, and he was going to finally act on it. He hated Kaido ever since he saw her interacting with the woman he fell in love with, so he didn't really have a problem with doing what he was finally about to do. In fact, he loved his idea alot.

The pink haired man followed after him before he stopped walking and just realized that he could easily teleport over to the blue haired males house before he could even make it.

Saiki closed his eyes tight and imagined him in Kaidos room, and before he knew it, he was there standing right inside of.

Opening his eyes and looking around at the room, Saiki smiled to himself in victory as if he couldn't do that ever since he was born.

The boy paced around the room with no emotion displayed over his face. He told himself he was only there for one thing and one thing only, and he told himself he'd get it over with but not in a reassuring way since he wasn't scared, it was in an excited way. He couldn't wait.

He crossed his arms a little bit above his waist while he looked down at the ground while he continued to pace. He was already growing impatient with the man that didn't even know he was having unwanted guest.

After a few minutes went by, Saiki was finally glad to hear the sound of Kaidos steps coming from outside of the house he stayed in.

The door was opened and that's when Saiki knew it was time to do what he needed to.

Kaido twisted the door knob with a happy look on his face, as usual, and he finally pushed it open with his smile only getting larger and wider.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" He shouted, the smile being clear in his voice. Little did he know that that smile would be wiped away not too long from now.

The blue haired male waited for what his mother had to say, and when he didn't hear anything from the older woman he just shrugged and went about with his day.

Taking big steps on his stairs, he was getting even more excited to just go to his room. There would also be no distractions since his mother wasn't home.

Once he finally reached his room, he put his hand on his his door knob and twisted it to the side until he felt it get open.

He pushed the door open while humming a tune and he stared around at his room, noticing that something was different but not quite being able to put his finger on what it was.

The male then walked over to his bed and slightly bent over while he placed his bag on it. His hand went to the zipper of his bag and he started to unzip it.

When the zipper was all the way undone he stuck his hand in it and gently grabbed his book out of it.

Kaido glanced down at the book and grinned once he saw that it was the correct one from school.

As the blue haired teen leaned up from his bed, he felt a presence coming up from behind him, but before he could've even reacted, it was already way too late.

Saiki already had a bag over the males head, and Kaido couldn't even fight him off of him.

The pink haired teen balled the back of the bag up in his fist as he held onto it tighter, making sure that Kaido wouldn't be able to breathe at all. He wanted him to choke until he dropped dead.

Thrashing with tears coming to his eyes, Kaido tried to get out of the hold Saiki had against him by trying to drop down onto the ground so he would be able to slip out of the bag, but Saiki wasn't in for that at all.

Once Kaido tried to do that, Saiki did the same except he didn't just drop down to the ground, he crouched over and held the other man down, only making it even harder for him to try and breathe with his head in the bag.

Saiki didn't realize that it'd take this long to just kill Kaido, and he was getting annoyed by his moving and wriggling, so he figured he'd do it a different way.

Loud grunts came out of the man on the ground, but there was nobody there that could save him. The tears were violently falling down his face, and his eyes were getting even puffier with each wail he let out.

"Stop moving..." Saiki breathed out shakily, hating the way the male below his didn't listen to a word he said at all.

Kaidos eyes went wide at the sound of the voice on the other side of the bag. He immediately recognized the voice to belong to Saiki since the pink haired boy still communicated in their thoughts sometimes so he knew his voice.

Betrayed filled every crevice within his body and he stopped fight for a split second, unaware of the fact that him not fighting anymore due to shock was the reason he'd be gone.

Saiki smirked as he saw Kaidos chest get stuck going up and down. It was obvious that Kaido was so close to being taken out by the other man.

There was no more wails and cries from the blue haired teen and after a few more minutes that passed by, Saiki saw his body go limp.

That was all Saiki wanted. And now it was a reality. He felt that everything was finally going his way. Kaido was finally gone.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

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