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IT WAS A NEW DAY FOR SAIKI, and he was glad that everything he thought of went according to plan. Y/N was back to her normal self and so was Teruhashi. They both had no clue of what Saiki did.

"Hey, pal? What are you doing?" Nendo chuckled as he walked up to the pink haired boy.

Saiki sighed internally, trying everything in his power not to zap the other man out of existence.

He had always been antisocial, but he was starting to get different. He genuinely hated being bothered by anyone other than Y/N.

Saiki hated it so much that sometimes he'd even imagine himself killing anyone that stepped within his own little circle, even those who thought they were friends.

It hurt him to see himself this way, but he learned to grow into it, which was pretty scary for anyone on the outside.

"What do you think I'm doing Nendo?" Saiki spat, his eyes still straight ahead.

"Umm.. I think that you're staring at the board..?" Nendo replied, making his guess sound more like a question.

"Exactly. This is what you should be doing if anything." The teen insulted the other.

Nendo looked confused at first, but then he bursted out in laughter once he understood what Saiki meant. "Good one, pal!"

Clenching his jaw, Saiki ran both hands through his pretty pink hair, annoyed by the fact that Nendo just wouldn't leave him alone.

"Nendo. Would you please get aw-" the teen was cut off by the sound of Y/Ns voice, making him whip his head over to the female.

"Hey, Nendo. Kaido wants you over here for something," The teen smiled, beckoning for the taller male to come to her.

Jealousy immediately made its way into Saikis veins. Y/N never really knew him, but he made sure she remembered the kiss, so he wondered why she still didn't talk to him.

The woman made eye contact with Saiki for a split second before she turned away, only making the boy even more insane.

"Why won't she talk to me?"

"Did she not like the kiss?"

"Was it something I did?"

"Does she remember what I did..?"

"But I love her, she has to love me."

"She has to."

Before any of the other kids knew it, Saiki was out of the door, already making his way towards the bathroom.

Slamming the door shut behind him, the purple eyed teen was already hyperventilating all by himself. He wanted to get rid of something, someone.

He just wanted to do anything to get rid of the pain he felt in his heart.

"Why doesn't she love me?"

"Do I have to let it be known that I love her?"

"No, she doesn't want Teruhashi to target her."

"I have to keep quiet."

"But what if I just only let her know that I love her?"

"Will she love me?"

The male couldn't get his thoughts together, it was like they were all scattered into a small little box that had a lock on it.

He felt that it was embarrassing or pathetic for him to always be the one to talk to her first. It was like he was chasing after a bird that was already flying above him. Practically unable to catch it, just like Y/N.

If anything, Saiki was overthinking it. The girl didn't have a problem with him, she was still a bit awkward around him, but that was about it.

She was just shy because they kissed, but Saiki didn't know that, and he definitely wasn't going to ask her how she felt.

Especially not since she never approached him.

The man was putting his thoughts together but then, he heard three knocks make contact with the door, causing him to flinch before shooting up to his full height.

"Who is it?! What do you want?!" His voice was still dry, flat, and dull while he yelled, but he wasn't in great shape in person at all.

He was sweaty, having trouble breathing, and his eyes were heavy and groggy.

"Uh, pal.. are you alright in there?"

Saiki sighed to himself. It was just Nendo. Nobody all that important.

Then he realized that everybody in the classroom saw his mini outburst, and he felt sick to his stomach, which was rare.

Saiki was losing his sanity all because of some girl he made out with once.

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