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BY NOW ALL OF THE GIRLS, were just hanging around Chiyos room doing nothing but eating snacks, talking to one another, watching the show the shorter woman put on, and just playing music in the background while they did random things on their phones. It was so calming to the H/C haired teen, but she still felt the presence of the pink haired male, which was very disturbing to her.

Just the thought of her being able to feel him even when he wasn't there was how she knew he had the most power over her. It was like she was paranoid, and she hated that because all she wanted was a boyfriend, not some kind of puppet controller.

"So..." Chiyo could see all of the young women's head turn towards her all because of the fact that she was turning some of the music down, and it wasn't that they looked bothered or anything, just a little confused.

"As you all can see... We have Y/N here!" She cheered, watching as all of the girls then looked an embarrassed Y/Ns way with even more confusion filling themselves. They were so unaware of what was going on with the H/C haired girl.

Getting even more uncomfortable by the states on her, that's when Y/N raised her hand up and gave the female a wave that was accompanied by a small shrug, "Hi..."

All of the women just smiled at her before turning back to the shorter friends that grinned from ear to ear just by the sight of Y/N, "So should we talk about our love lives guys??"

Y/N narrowed her E/C eyes at the switch of whatever it was that Chiyo was trying to say because she just mentioned her for no reason, which she found weird since it was just out nowhere as well.

"Oh my god yes!!" One of the girls responded to Chiyo, only resulting in all of the others to do the same while they all huddled up together, getting ready to tell each other very personal and most likely recent stories about their love life.

Teruhashi wasn't interested in these kinds of stuff at all. After all of the stuff with Saiki, she wasn't that into him anymore so she seemed bored of the topic they were on, plus she was waiting to go to the perfect man since they only ever went towards her, but even though she was bored, she stilled huddled up with all of the other excited women.

It was like they all almost immediately turned their heads to Teruhashi once they all got comfortable with where they were all seated, and she froze up a little since she wasn't expecting all of the stares to be on her even though she was used to it.

"Tell us about yours first Teruhashi!!"

"Oh yeah, that'd be so cool! I bet you have so many boyfriends!"

The blue haired teen just laughed off the wild accusation that was thrown her way before she pushed both of her hands up with the same giggles leaving her, "Huh..? No! No! Hah! I don't, actually.. because I'm-"

Another girl cut Teruhashi off and chimed in on what she had to say before she even got the chance to say it. "What a liar! I bet you have so much guys texting you in your phone right now!"

"Come on. Don't say that..." Y/N murmured, still making sure it was loud enough for all of the other women to hear her though. She didn't like how they targeted Teruhashi all because she was pretty, even if it wasn't meant to be in a bad way, they were obviously making her uncomfortable.

Teruhashi whipped her heads towards the E/C eyed girl and sent her a genuine smile as she listened to the girls scoff at her and chuckle a little, "Thanks, Y/N,"

"No problem... I was just saying, it's just a little weird, you know??"

"Mhmm, it's-"

A girl nearby Y/N leaned her back against Chiyos bed, her eyebrow raising a little. "Well since you're just so obsessed with Teruhashis love life, why don't you tell us about yours? We see you around with that guy with the antennas!"

Y/Ns mouth dropped open at what she was hearing at the moment. She defended Teruhashi now all of a sudden she was obsessed with her love life and she hated that. It didn't even make sense to her.

The female then noticed Chiyo staring her down from the corner of her E/C eyes, but still, she didn't say anything. All she did was wait for whatever it was that Y/N had to say, and she knew she was going to listen to whatever it was she wanted to say.

"I think you should do it..." Y/N looked back at the blue haired girl that leaned her body closer to hers with shimmering eyes that egged her on a little since she wanted atleast a word out of her.

Clenching on her jaw a little while she eyed down all of the women that surrounded her, she let out a grumble, "You really think so...? I don't even know these girls.."

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" Chiyo egged on as well, grasping her hands together as she gave her one last grin.

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