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HER BREATH HITCHED ONCE, she actually processed the fact that it was infact Saiki standing behind her. She didn't know how he was able to get to her so quickly, so there only had to be one explanation, and that only made her breaths begin to grow heavy. She was absolutely terrified of what was next to happen, and the pink haired male saw that, making his heart sink through his chest as he stared at the girl that was already panicking. He thought it was an understandable reaction, but that still didn't make the pain he felt hurt any less.

Pushing her hands down against her bed, that's when she started to scoot herself away from the other teen that only took slow steps towards her, freaking her out even more, "S-Saiki!! What the... What the hell are you doing in my house..? W-Where you here the entire time..??"

"Relax, Y/N... I just want to talk to you..." His voice was a little shaky as he balled his hands up into fists, getting a little frustrated by the fact that she was backing away from him even though he just popped up into her room out of nowhere.

Y/N strained her eyes at the man that didn't stop walking towards her. Without a thought, she made sure to keep moving backwards before she felt her back making hard contact with the wall behind her. She didn't care though, she just wanted to know why he was in her house, "B-But how did you get in here??"

"Listen... We need to talk about what you just tried to do... Why do you want to leave me all of a sudden??" Saiki questioned her with a desperate look in his usually dull eyes, causing her own E/C eyes to widen because she never thought she'd see such a side out of him.

"I just.. I already told you why...! Now... W-What are you doing in my home??!" She breathed out with jaw clenching at the male that took even quicker steps towards her. It was like with each step he took, he got even more dangerous to her, and he clearly saw that, he just didn't care. He was determined to make everything right between the both of them because he just didn't want her to leave him.

Sucking his teeth before he finally stopped his walking, his entire body hovering over her shaking form, that's when he tilted his head to the side and slowly started pushing his hands out to her, watching her E/C eyes flicker inbetween both his hands and the look in his purple eyes.

"Y/N, come on... You need to calm down before you throw some kind of tantrum. I just want to talk to you about us.. and you're just... Making this into a whole big thing. It's insane to me, and I think you need to relax a bit..." He sighed out to the girl that could only grimace, her eyebrows furrowing as she pulled her head back once she saw his hands shooting out to her face.

It was like something took over the pink haired teen when he saw that action that came from her, and it felt like his whole body just lit on fire from the frustration inside of himself. He grumbled something underneath his breath, showing that he was obviously upset by what he'd just done, but the female was still left speechless.

"Saiki...! I'm going to ask you one.. last time..! What.. are you doing in my home?? How did you get here so fast??!" Y/N blurted out as she saw Saiki whipping his hands back down to his sides, his own jaw clenching except it was from anger and not fear.

He didn't utter another word after her question that'd already been repeated a few times before. He didn't speak because he didn't want to say something that would cause her to push him even further away, and he was raging on the inside, the desperation that was once in his eyes now turned to dust like it was never there.

It was so crazy to her. It was like she'd just seen a light switch turn off once she heard nothing but Saikis heavy breaths. She was so much more afraid of what was going to happen, and she really prayed that she wouldn't end up on the news for something like this.

"I came here so quickly... Because.. I am psychic, Y/N." Was the only thing that was heard by the female while she watched Saiki glance down at the ground, finally revealing his secret out to her.

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