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TERUHASHI NOTICED SAIKI, and his new attitude. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy the boy walking around with a smirk on his lips, or his positive attitude, but she wanted to know why. She really wanted to mind her own business, but she wondered what could make her beloved so happy.

She grin from ear to ear as she watched the pink haired man walk through the halls with a red blush to his cheeks and a small smile on his lips, as usual.

The female grabbed a piece of her dark blue hair and began to twirl it inbetween her fingers. "Hahhh.. isn't he just so dreamy Chiyo?"

Chiyo pretended she was interested in what the taller woman had to say. She would always go on to rant about her crush, and Chiyo really wasn't in the mood to hear it that day.

As the other teen started to rant, as expected, Chiyo zoned out and thought about the people in her own life.

After a long time of listening and leaving the girls rant, a familiar male approached the two friends.

Nendo appeared from nowhere and waved at the both of them. One wave caused Teruhashi to groan in annoyance while Chiyo just waved back.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" Nendo asked, giving the both of them an unintentionally creepy smile.

Teruhashi wanted to throw up then and there, but she knew she couldn't. She knew she had to take it until she could make it.

She flashed on of her perfect smiles and waved to the boy, "Hi there, Nendo! We're doing nothing, really! Just about to go to class though!"

The tall man giggled as he felt heat rise up to his face. He was under the womans spell completely, and he had no problem with that at all.

"Yeah, we, uh... Should really be going! We'll see you around though, okay?" Chiyo gave him a thumbs up and wrapped her hand around Teruhashis wrist to pull her away.

Nendo cocked his head to the side and stepped in front of the pair of friends, "Hey, wait. We just started talking."

The taller woman was so close to getting every man in the school to jump Nendo, but still, she had to keep up the perfect girl act.

"We really don't want to be late!" She giggled, placing her hand on the boys chest and sending him a wink.

Chiyo mentally facepalmed to herself once she saw what her friend did. Now she knew that Nendo wasn't going to want to leave then alone, and if he did, he'd be in the background.

Pouting his lips, Nendo scratched his cheek and looked down at the floor, "Aw, man.. alright, then..."

When the two friends were finally about to leave, Chiyo stopped in her tracks and turned around to meet eyes with Nendo.

"I'm sorry about Kaido. I knew you two were close... A-And I'm sorry that you and Saiki aren't friends anymore..."

Right before the shorter female could turn on her heel, a loud cackling sound erupted from Nendo, instantly gaining her and the girl beside hers attention.

"What's so funny?" Teruhashi questioned, looking him up and down.

"What do you mean me and Saiki aren't friends anymore?" Nendo asked with laughter flowing throughout the question.

"Oh- I, uh.. just assumed that you guys weren't friends anymore since.. you guys barley hang out anymore, you know..?"

Teruhashi raised and eyebrow at her so called friends words.

"No, no. It's okay, me and Saiki are fine." The boy assured the two, "He just has some mysterious woman he won't tell me about, that's all."

Teruhashis eye twitched at Nendos words, then, everything in her mind clicked. Saiki was acting so different because of a special someone, and it hurt to know that someone wasn't her.

"Huh? Mysterious woman? You don't know who she is? Does she go to this school?"

"Uh, calm down dude." Nendo chuckled, shrugging at the woman's overwhelming questions.

The blue haired teen was already shaking violently. "C-Calm down...?! Why didn't you mention this before?! L-Like at lunch or something!!"

"Because... Uh.. I dunno."

Looking up at her friend, Chiyo knew she had to hold back the female.

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