Saved By The Bell

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It's already one more week since the day it rained heavily and I cried for P'Kim, which I suppose was the last time. I've already accepted that I can never stop loving you, but I also promise that I'll never let you in my life again.

That day Hia and all other people of the main family, as well as most of the bodyguards went to a party on a cruise. Hia was anxious about my safety so he decided to leave me at the main family mansion. It's not that I wanted to go. There were very less bodyguards at the mansion. So it took them sometime to set the generator up.

That was the last day I cried for P'Kim. It's already two weeks since the day he sent me the clip. I wonder if P'Kim is still waiting for my reply. What he might be doing. How is he?

Here we go. Again I'm thinking about him. It's a regular thing now. But the good thing is that I manage not to cry anymore.

My phone buzzed as I received a message. It was a location. I was confused. Suddenly my phone rang...


I took my car keys and went out.

I went to a bar. I really needed some strong drinks to clear my mind. But the more I drank the more I remembered him. It's really frustrating.

Soon I forgot my surroundings. I was out at the bar with some of my friends (Actually acquaintances as I never really had any friends).

I started behaving crazily. Calling out Chay everywhere. No one could stop me from drinking. I could understand that I was drunk but I could not stop my actions. I was out of control. I just wanted to see Chay, to hear his voice, to touch him and feel him.

But of course he was not there. And his absence was making me go crazy. At a time I felt that I behaved like P'Thankhun. All I could think about was Chay.

Please come back Chay...


Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. I picked it up.


"Is it Porchay Kittisiwat?" A cold voice rang in my ears.


"Your ex is in our 'custody'", he said,"If you want him safe come to the location that is sent to you".

I did not understand what was going on. Is it a prank call? Or is P'Kim doing this to meet me. I dropped that idea because I was in the main family mansion, which is his home, and if P'Kim wanted to meet me he would come directly to me without doing this lame trick.

So is he really in danger? I tried to act normally. I told the unknown man,

"What is the proof that P'Kim is with you? Why shall I believe you?"

I heard a small chuckle from the other side.

"If I can know that Kimhan Theerapanyakul is your ex, when even your Hia doesn't know about it, then why is it not possible for us to kidnap him?" He said,"Well whatever, it's your choice to believe or not. You have 15 minutes."

He hung up the phone leaving me confused. Right now I could think of nothing else except P'Kim. Is he alright?

I called him. The phone kept ringing. He did not pick it up. I felt anxious. What if he is really in danger? I quickly opened the location which was sent to me. It was not very far. It was the location of a bar.

Without wasting anymore time I quickly put on my hoodie and went out. I took a cab and told it to drive to the bar as soon as possible. I had no idea what to expect there. I just hoped that P'Kim was alright. My heartbeat increased every moment as we got closer to the bar.

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