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I at last reached home. It was already 10pm. I got out of my car and walked toward the door. I wonder what Chay is up to. As I stepped inside the house I was surprised...

The whole house was decorated with candles. The lights were switched off. The little yellow lights of the candles illuminated the whole house. I went inside while locking the door and looking for Chay.

As I reached the dining table I saw Porchay lighting the last candle on the table. He was looking beautiful in grey shorts and a light pink crop top. His face looked so beautiful as the light from the candle fell on it as he was lighting it.

"Chay..." I unconsciously called out.

He stopped and looked back at me. Then he fixed the candle, with which he was lighting the other candles, on the side table and smiled at me.

"You're back P'Kim" He said with his cute voice. "I've prepared dinner for us. There were not many groceries so I could make only this"

"What is...this" I asked him as I looked around the house.

"Oh this..." He fidgeted for a while before saying, "You gave me a surprise, so I thought of giving you one"

"....." I did not know how to react.

"You don't like this?" He asked me while still looking at his fingers, "I'm sorry. I did all this without letting you know" He said.

"....." I was too stunned to speak. I snapped out as I heard his next words.

"Please don't leave me" He said while looking at me, as a drop of tear escaped his eyes.

I rushed to him and pulled him in my embrace. Why the hell is Chay thinking like that.

"Why will I leave you Chay? I will never leave you." I could feel him sobbing, "You asked if I liked it. Then listen I don't like it..."

I could feel him sobbing harder.

"...Because I loved it" I told him. He stopped sobbing and looked up at me. I caressed his face with my hand and wiped off the remaining tears.

"Really?" He asked, "You liked it? You will not leave me right?"

"I loved it Chay. You decorated the house to give me a surprise. How can I not like it?" I said and smiled, "But why did you ask if I will leave you? Why will I leave you Chay? Why are you thinking like that?"

He looked down to avoid eye contact. "I just don't want you to leave me again. Can you please not leave me again?" He asked.

My heart broke seeing Chay like that. To see him suffering. I felt like it's my fault that Chay is feeling insecure today, because I left him earlier. It must have caused him so much pain that he still can't overcome it.

I gently touched his chin and made him look into my eyes.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel insecure Chay. I promise not to leave. Can you please stop crying. Your tears are precious. Can you promise me not to cry?" I said. He nodded.

"I love you" He said.

"Love you more" I replied. He smiled. At last my heart was at ease. I cannot see Chay unhappy.

I gently kissed his forehead as he closed his eyes. Then I look at him and said "I'm hungry"

Chay immediately broke away from my arms. "Come I'll serve" He said.

I missed his warmth the moment he left me, but immediately chuckled at his cuteness as he started serving food on the plates while blushing.

I went and sat on a chair opposite to him. I could see his top rise up at times revealing his perfect body, while he was serving.

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