Chapter 45

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"O.M.G! I can't wait! I'll get a copy" she danced in circles humming a funny sound. "You don't have to," I chuckled. "What do you mean? I'll be supporting" she grinned like the sun on a beach. 

"I'll be gone for a week if that's fine?" her eyes had a tint of disappointment but she flashed a smile "Yeah, I can offer free services to Mrs. Brown since I won't be busy, I'll chat with my Mom in the evenings" she replied. 

I walked her home and then went to my hotel.


Mrs. Brown was surprised to see me the next day, I told her I'll stay for a week before going back to dating. 

I was happy to see regular customers munching on something and of course the new ones. Chills ran down my spine as a particular guy kept staring at me, I tried to ignore him but that only made me more uncomfortable.

I wondered if he was part of the gang who kidnapped me that night but I didn't remember seeing anyone around Louis' age. "Maybe he's just a weird customer," I said internally. 

I noticed none of my co-workers attended to him, maybe it was because he was staring at my direction. I sluggishly walked to him and forced a smile "can I take your order?" he had caramel skin, curly black hair, and emerald eyes, there was something off about this guy... I could feel it.

He smiled at me and said with a soft voice "I like your eyes, they are pretty" I smiled awkwardly "yours too"  he moved his chair back "thank you, I must leave now" I was about to say something when he walked away. I just hope we'd never cross paths again.


The radiant sun, the zooming sound of vehicles, and the smell of cookies was a sign of a good day... until he showed up "why is he here?" I whispered, fortunately, one of my co-workers went to him, his eye color switched to purple as fast as lightning, and she immediately walked to another table. 

I rubbed my eyes as my heart pounded like I saw a ghost "Am I seeing things? I must have bumped my head someplace."  I told Mrs. Brown I'm not feeling too well.

I decided to visit Mom and tell her about my long day. I paused as I saw that guy lurking in the forest. I leaned my back on the nearest tree "what's he doing here?" my eyebrows ceased as I tried to think of a rational answer. 

I followed him until he reached the river, my heart leaped from my chest as he looked around inspecting the empty environment, he moved to the edge of the river and stared into her waters. 

I barged out "Hey! Get away from there, that's the forbidden river" I yelled from afar, there was a dark glint in his eyes as he smirked "I've been expecting you" I felt the shudders within but tried to stay calm "I don't think I know you, sorry, wrong person" 

He walked to me without breaking eye contact. His hair and eyes turned dark purple, his clothes changed to black leather... sleeves, trousers, boots, and gloves. Very familiar attire. 

I froze, and my limbs went numb. "That's right, I'm from the Glorindian race, you?" I hyperventilated as my brain rebooted. "I-I'm sorry, it's just that I-I thought I was the only one left but now I'm seeing you and it's just-" I inhaled.

"I'm a Salvin, from both races" I replied. His eyes widened "Woah, I thought it was just a myth. What's your dominant race?" he said. "Elevana, I-I still don't know how to summon my Glorindian and Salvin forms" I rubbed the back of my neck with a smile of embarrassment. 

He looked at me and nodded "I can teach you what I know" I grabbed his hand and gasped "really? You'd do that?" I released his hand and moved backward "sorry, I'm so excited" I chuckled.

"What's your name? I'm Fiona" I stretched a hand "Griffin" he shook me. "C-Can I ask you a few questions?" I continued as Griffin nodded "How did you survive? Have you been living here? How did you know I was a mystic person? Why did you come to the forbidden river?" 

He looked at the sky and then turned to me "to be honest, I don't know how I got here, I've been in this country but I arrived in Diadora city last week, I felt a great aura so I suspected you were one of us, I came here to find answers" 

Griffin crouched "This is where our portal was sealed" he pointed at the river "I came here to find clues that's when I sensed a great energy in the water" he answered. 

I paused for a while, I had a lot of questions to ask but I didn't want to bore him "Griffin, do you know if there are others that survived like us?" he shook his head.

"How did you survive?" he turned to me. I narrated everything to him from Magnolia to Diadora. "Have you ever been caught by a human?" I asked and he replied in the negative.

I told him about my midnight transformations, he said it has never happened to him, the same thing my Mom told me. Griffin held his chin "I might be able to help, let me see your form"

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