3: hurtful memories ♡

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Miwon drove her car back to her house that night after being rejected again by Sunghoon, but suddenly she remembered what Sunghoon had said just now to her. A flash of those hurtful memories came into her mind.

[ 7 years ago ]

"Miwon," Miwon's father called her from behind. "Yes, dad, why?" asked Miwon. "Tomorrow, I will be hosting a party for our family. I hope you can bring along your boyfriend," he said.

"I thought you didn't like him." It was a bit strange for Miwon, like why so sudden?. All this time, her father always hated to see her and Sunghoon together. She couldn't even mention his name in front of her father.

"I has accepted both of you together. Let's bring him along tomorrow. I want to introduce him to my friends," said her father while smiled. "Really?! Thank you so much, dad!" Miwon hugged her father in excited. Finally, maybe her father already accepted both of them are fate to be together.

Miwon told her boyfriend, Sunghoon, and invited him to come to her house party tomorrow. She excitedly told Sunghoon how happy she was that her father finally accepted him. Sunghoon was also happy to hear that. He loved Miwon so much that he was willing to be with her, even though he always made Miwon's father mad.

Miwon and Sunghoon went to a boutique to find a nice outfit for tomorrow. They can't stop smiled at each other, brimming with happiness. "Which one is prettier, the white one or the black one?" Miwon asked Sunghoon, showing him two dresses with different colors.

"Hmm, both look pretty on you," said Sunghoon, he can't decided which one prettier because Miwon was already pretty for him. "Simp." mumbled her slowly seeing Sunghoon can't decided something easy. "Huh, what? I couldn't hear you clearly, say it one more time," Sunghoon teased, he tickling Miwon and making her giggle.

"Just wear whatever you like. Everything will look good on you, love." Sunghoon said, touching her cheek with a loving gaze. A staff member cleared her throat, interrupting their moment, then both of them stopped what they were doing. Miwon smiled awkwardly at the staff. "Could you bring a limited edition suit here, size M?" Miwon asked the staff for a suit.

The staff nodded and walked away to find the suit she had asked for. Sunghoon chuckled quietly while looking at Miwon after that embarrassing moment. She playfully slapped his shoulder, making him pout his lips. After a few minutes, the staff returned with a few suits.

"This is the limited edition suit that we have," the staff smiled while show it to her. Miwon looked at each suit one by one, and Sunghoon also looked at them. Then, Sunghoon take a looked at the price tag. His reaction suddenly changed, and he approached Miwon, whispering to her.

"Miwon, this is too expensive. Forget it, let's get a cheaper one," Sunghoon's face seemed worried. He couldn't afford to buy that expensive suit. His salary was even lower than the price of that suit. Miwon grab his hand and looked into his eyes. "Let me pay for it. I just want you to look good for tomorrow."

"But isn't this too expensive?" asked him again. "Please, Sunghoon. I was so happy when I found out that my father had accepted you. So the least I can do is make both of us look good in front of him and everyone," Miwon pleaded. It takes Sunghoon a while to think about it.

"Okay, fine. But I'll pay you back later, and I'll return this suit to you." Miwon smiled happily heard that and chose the suit that looked good on him.

The day of Miwon house party coming, Miwon patiently waiting outside of her house waiting for Sunghoon arrived. The moment when Sunghoon arrived, he's looking handsome and charming that walk closer to Miwon.

She couldn't contain her excitement seeing him and ran to him, she embracing him tightly. Sunghoon reciprocated the hug and gently patted her head. Miwon grab Sunghoon's hand and led him inside the house to meet her father and his friends who were engaged in conversation at the table. "Dad, this is Sunghoon-"

"Oh, everyone, this is my daughter, Jang Miwon," her dad introduced her proudly. Before Miwon could finish her sentence, her father interrupted her, preventing her from mentioning Sunghoon and introduce him.

"This is your daughter? Oh, she's pretty. Who is this guy then?" one of her father's friends asked, their eyes fixed on Sunghoon. "Oh, say thank you to him. He's the one handling this party. And he will also clean up the trash later," her father replied, casually dismissing Sunghoon's presence and mock him.

Miwon's face change with a mix of shock and anger upon hearing her father's words. She wanted to confront her father, but Sunghoon quietly advised her not to. In a deliberate act, her father pushed a glass off the table, causing everyone to gasp in surprise. He then instructed Sunghoon to clean up the mess. Miwon knew her father was doing it on purpose to humiliate Sunghoon.

Although Sunghoon clenched his fists, he obediently followed her father's orders and began cleaning the broken glass. Miwon couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She grabbed Sunghoon's hand and pulled him away from the table, leading him out of that painful situation.


Honk honk!

The sound of a car horn brought Miwon back to the present. She realized she had been lost in her painful memories. She quickly started driving as the green light appeared, trying to push away the hurtful recollections.

The memory of her father embarrassing Sunghoon in front of his friends weighed heavily on both of them. Miwon found some solace in the fact that her father was no longer alive, sparing them from further humiliation.

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