30: under his name ♡

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Miwon's health continued to deteriorate as she didn't receive any treatment, with her face growing paler and frequent headaches plaguing her. There were moments when she would forget things and repeat to do something that she already done, but Jay was always there to help her, despite his father's disapproval. He had made a promise to stay by her side no matter what.

Suddenly, Miwon expressed her desire to meet her lawyer. "Why do you want to see your lawyer?" Jay asked in concerned. Miwon looked around her house while her eyes filled with tears. "So he can take care of my belongings when I'm no longer here," she replied, her voice cracking.

"Miwon ah, let's seek a treatment for you. We never know if you can get better. God might help you," Jay pleaded her. "God hates me. This is the price I must pay for making his life miserable," Miwon said bitterly.

"My parents used to humiliate and embarrass him in front of people. Well, I deserve it." continue her. "Miwon, look at me! We should try. Let's seek a treatment," Jay pleaded again while gripping her shoulders and kneeling in front of her.

"Why should I?! The doctor already said that my illness has a low chance of being cured!," Miwon raised her voice.

"Do you think it's easy to cure a brain cancer? I'll have to undergo chemotherapy, which will affect my appearance. In fact, it's already too late now.. you can see for yourself, the worst symptoms are already showing on me," tears streamed down her face.

"At least we should try it. Please don't lose hope yet. Listen to me Miwon, please," Jay implored. Miwon pushed his hands away from her shoulders and stood up. "Take me to my lawyer now," she said and walk away.

Miwon applying makeup to her face before walking out. She didn't want people to notice that she was sick as her face is too pale right now. She noticed a box of Prada shoes on her table that Sunghoon had given her before.

She decides to wear those Prada heels, despite her unsteady balance due to her condition and she force it to made her way to the lawyer's office.


"Ms. Jang, nice to see you again," her lawyer greeted her and shaking her hand. This was the second time they had met since her parents' passed away. "Yes, Mr. Lee. We meet again," Miwon replied. "How can I assist you, Ms. Jang?" he inquired.

"I have a significant request. It's quite unusual," Miwon said, it's capturing her lawyer's attention. Mr. Lee listened attentively as Miwon explained her request. "I want to give away all my property to someone," she declared.

Mr. Lee was taken aback, his eyes widening in confusion. "What do you mean, Ms. Jang? Did I misunderstand you?" he asked, seeking clarification. "No, you heard it correctly. Please change all my property right to the name of Park Sunghoon," Miwon replied firmly.

"But what's the reason behind this, Ms. Jang? Why the sudden decision?" Mr. Lee questioned, still perplexed. "Because I have no one else to rely on. He's the only person I have," Miwon responded.

"I can't carry out such a change without a valid reason, Ms. Jang," Mr. Lee hesitated. "What if I told you I'm suffering from a serious illness? Would you then agree to my request?" Miwon proposed in begging.

"Are you implying that you're going to die? Let's say you don't, and he inherits all your property. You'll be left with nothing, Jang Miwon," Mr. Lee reasoned. "I believe in him. He's not someone who would do that," Miwon said with conviction.

"And he deserves to take all my belongings; what's mine is his, too," said her. Mr. Lee shook his head, as he knew Miwon was a smart woman who knew how to make good decisions. He stood up to find Ms. Jang's property documents and then gave them to her.

Miwon signed all the documents, putting all her property under Sunghoon's name without him knowing anything. When she was done, she stood up to leave. "Ms. Jang, get well soon," he said, as if he had hope for her recovery.

"I trust you on this, Mr Lee," Miwon smiled, putting all her trust in Mr. Lee regarding her properties if anything happened to her.


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