29: i don't want to see u ♡

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Miwon's emotions overwhelmed her, and she couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She cried and shouted, releasing all the pain she had been carrying when she at the Han River now. She found herself at Han River once again, where she had sought solace before.

"Why did you want to take my life when I finally found meaning in it? Why?" she screamed, her sobs echoing through the night. "Why did you send me someone I couldn't imagine my life without?" she hit her chest in frustration as she unable to comprehend the twists of fate.

"Please, let me live just this once. I'm begging you for the last time.. please let me live. I want to live!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation hoping the fate would change for her. Miwon screamed, cried, and sobbed until her body became weak. Her vision turn blurred, and eventually, she couldn't remember anything more due to collapsed.

When she opened her eyes, Miwon found Jay was sitting beside her while holding her hand tightly with both of his hands. "Please don't leave me, Miwon," he mumbled and relieved to see her finally awake. She looking confused, Miwon asked, "Where am I?"

"You shouldn't go anywhere without me! Look what happened to you. This is why I was scared," Jay said, his voice filled with worry. She realizes she was in the hospital as Miwon noticed a few nurses and doctors come checking up on her after she's awake.

"I miss him," she said suddenly, tears welling up in her eyes once again. Jay, too, couldn't hold back his tears as he saw her in such a state. "Should I tell him to come?" Jay asked, his voice trembling. He knew how much Sunghoon meant to her and couldn't bear to see her suffer like this.

"You promised me that you wouldn't tell him about me," Miwon replied while covering her face with both hands, not wanting Jay to witness her sobbing. "But he's your boyfriend! Why shouldn't he knows?" Jay raised his voice because of frustrated with her stubbornness.

"Because I don't want him to lose hope in his life!" she replied, her voice filled with anguish, as she explained her reasons why Sunghoon shouldn't know about her. Jay understanding her perspective now, he embraced her tightly, offering comfort to her.

"Miwon ah, I'm sorry," he said softly, trying to calm her down. Meanwhile, Sunghoon had been waiting anxiously for a response from Miwon after sending her a selfie of him with his gold medal. But she ignored his text, leaving him puzzled and disappointed.

"Why can't you at least congratulate me? I know you're busy but a simple congrats I need it, Jang Miwon," Sunghoon muttered, staring at his message being seen by her.

He tried to call her multiple times, but she never picked up. He even went to her office, but her personal assistant claimed she was busy and unaware of her whereabouts.

Then, he remembered that Jay would likely be with Miwon. He determined to find out where she was right now, he called Jay, his frustration evident in his voice. "Hello? Who is this?" Jay asked as someone called him with unknown number.

"Yah! It's me, you idiot! At least save my number!" Sunghoon exclaimed, waiting for Jay to recognize his voice. "Nevermind, I know who you are. The one and only rude person I know," Jay replied, a hint of irritation in his tone.

"What do you want?" Jay asked firmly. "Where's Miwon? " asked Sunghoon. "She's busy right now," Jay responded simply. "I know she's busy, but can you at least tell me where she is right now? Is she okay?" Sunghoon's tone turned worried.

Jay hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say because he might find out if he tells him. Out of sudden, Miwon snatched the phone from Jay's hand. "I have meetings on overseas now, please don't try to find me. I'll definitely meet you when I'm done with my work here," she explained.

"Miwon ah, I miss you.. please hurry back here," Sunghoon's voice softened as he expressed his longing for her. "I'm not sure yet when I'll be done here, but I hope you'll wait for me," Miwon replied, her voice filled with a mix of emotions.

"I will wait, no matter how long. But why didn't you reply to my texts?" Sunghoon asked, curious about her silence. "My phone is currently broken," Miwon quickly offered an explanation.

"Oh, I see. In that case, can you at least congratulate me for winning the gold medal yesterday?" Sunghoon requested. "Congratulations, you deserve it," Miwon responded, acknowledging his achievement.

With that, Miwon ended the call right after congratulating him. She handed the phone back to Jay and made a firm request. "If he calls you again, just don't pick up," she instructed Jay.

Jay nodded in understanding but couldn't help feeling sorry for Sunghoon, knowing how much he cared for Miwon.


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