14: i want her back ♡

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"That's what you wish you want to say to him, right?" asked Jay, while avoiding the gaze. "I knew when you introduced him as your friend... he's actually not." finally Jay exposed it that he's already knew. "He's not your friend because your eyes tell everything when you look at him," Jay explained.

"I'm sorry for not telling the truth," replied Miwon in guilty. "Why are you saying sorry? I don't care at all about that," Jay awkwardly laughed try to lie that he didn't care when he's already broke apart, he doesn't want the atmosphere to become serious after she being exposed.

"I don't care seeing you crying, but I like you more when you're happy. When you laugh and smile, this world starts to become better and bright." comfort him. "In which world are you actually referring to?" she asked.

"My world," Jay said with a smile. Miwon smiled too seeing how genuinely he trying to comfort her. "I don't know about that because I have no one in my world." Miwon lowering her gaze, seeing how everyone going to leave her. "The pain I go through... I go through it by myself."

"Maybe that's why God sent me to you. You'll never be alone anymore because I'm here, and I'll be with you wherever you go. I want to stay with you forever, Jang Miwon." said Jay, genuinely from inside his heart he's saying this. "Jongseong, I feel better with your words. This is the second time hearing your words makes me feel better."


Miwon woke up from her sleep. She had woken up late today because she rarely got enough sleep when she was busy. Miwon checked her phone and read the text from Jay.

"You want to go out?" - Bodyguard Jong.

Miwon thought for a moment if she wants to go out, then she agreed because she had nothing to do if she just stayed at home for the whole week.

"Go where?" - Miwon ♡

"Having fun! You shouldn't waste your one week off." - Bodyguard Jong.

"Okay, in 30 minutes. I'll be ready." - Miwon ♡

"Too fast, I thought it was going to be an hour." - Bodyguard Jong. Miwon just chuckle read that. It's not like she's taking long time to get ready since she'll just wearing casual if the destination is not an important event.


"Where are you going to take me?" asked Miwon curiously as Jay drove the car. "We should watch a movie first," replied Jay. "Oh yeah! There's a movie that I want to watch so bad!" Miwon suddenly became excited hearing Jay bring her to watch movies that she actually been wanting to go, and Jay looked at her with happiness when he able to cheer her up.

"Avatar 2?" asked Jay, because the movies is hit at the moment. "Yes! Yes! Oh my God, I love it so much!" Jay observed every single detail of Miwon's excitement. The way she clapped her hands repeatedly and the sparkle in her eyes showed when she smiled, he really loved it.


Since the movie had just come out, there were many people going to watch it as well. While they were in line to buying movie tickets, Jay looked around and accidentally saw Sunghoon. "Why is he everywhere?" he mumbled to himself quietly, out of everywhere and anytime why it must be at the same time.

"Jongseongshi, do you want to buy popcorn?" Miwon asked from behind since she might be hungry while watching the movies later. "Oh, if you want, I can buy it for you," offered him. "Then let's buy it," Miwon replied.

"Right, let's go," Jay said, he rushing to bring her somewhere else before Sunghoon noticed them was there too. Once everyone entered the cinema, Sunghoon seems noticed someone was keep watching him. It's some sort of sixth sense when you feel someone keep staring at you. He looked in that direction and saw Jay. Jay looked away quickly when Sunghoon noticed he being watching.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Sunghoon muttered slowly. "Miwon..." her name slipped from his mouth when he saw Miwon just come with a happy face, bringing a popcorn to Jay. He wanted to sit closer to them, but his ticket was three rows away. He couldn't change his seat because the cinema was already full. So all he can do is just watched them from afar.

"I thought you were crying because of me. Turns out you're happy with someone else," Sunghoon seethed as he watched Miwon laughing happily with Jay. How can you expect her to cry? How long you want her to be in pain? Throughout the three-hour movie, he couldn't focus on the film at all. Instead, his eyes kept watching into Miwon direction.

He clenched his fists when seeing Jay offering his jacket when she felt cold, witnessing them laugh together, and observing Jay wipe her tears during a sad scene, he knows Jay doing that on purpose to make him jealous. Out of sudden, he felt hurt seeing Miwon happy with someone else. Isn't that what he wants? Wish Miwon would move on from him.

He hit his chest and sighed trying to bare with the pain of jealousy. People near his seat looked at him strangely. He's unable to contain it anymore, that he left the cinema before the movie to end.

Sunghoon washed his face in the toilet and looked at himself in the mirror. "What's wrong with you, Sunghoon? You said you don't love her. You said you wanted to forget her. You said you hate her. So why are you acting like such an idiot?" He spoke to himself in front of the mirror.

Sunghoon looked at his hand, with the feel of anger he punched the wall beside him and screamed to let go his satisfied. Thankfully, there was no one else in the restroom, or they might have thought he was crazy.


"That was fun! But why did the ending have to be sad?" Miwon said in pouting. Jay saw her lips that she makes to pout and felt like want to kissing her. Her pouty lips were so adorable. "Right, but I don't mind if the ending is sad as long as I'm watching it with you and I'm happy," Jay said. Miwon just shook her head and smiled.

"I need to go to the toilet. Can you wait here?" she asked. "Oh, I also need to go to the toilet. Let's wait outside who done first," Jay suggested. "Okay." On his way to the toilet, Jay's eyes met Sunghoon's when both of them finally see each other. "There you are. Are you so obsessed with her that you followed her all the way here?" Jay asked while scrunch his forehead.

"Shut your fucking mouth. Who are you to say that?" Sunghoon replied in anger. "Listen here, you don't deserve her at all, Park Sunghoon. You hurt her, and I don't think she wants you anymore." Sunghoon grabbed Jay's collar after heard that and was about to hit him. "If you hit me, I swear she will hate you even more," Jay warned as he knows his weakness. This made Sunghoon stop in his tracks.

"I understand now. I love her, and I won't let you take her. She will accept me again," Sunghoon said firmly. "Too late. She's moved on now." replied Jay, as he would snatch Miwon from him.

" replied Jay, as he would snatch Miwon from him

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