5: his pov ♡

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Sunghoon's POV:

His phone suddenly rang, displaying "LL" on the screen. Which simplified of his 'love life', he still hasn't changed that contact name of Miwon. "What do you want? Don't disturb me," I said while pretending not to care.

"Today is our 9th anniversary," Miwon's voice came through the phone. I glanced at the calendar. Yeah, it's today, every years she will remind of our anniversary even tho we're not together anymore. But why should I care?

"Are you serious about this? What anniversary? Miwon, let me remind you once again, in case you've forgotten, we're not a couple anymore." I ended the call after said that.

It hurts so much for me. Why does she always remind me of our anniversary every year? Doesn't she have someone else to marry if I'm not mistaken? For the past 7 years, she's been following me around as if we're still together.

I don't know why I go to Han River every year on our anniversary. Do I hope we can be together again, like in the old days? No, she's was the one who pushed me out of her life. I shouldn't be with her anymore. But my heart keep remembers all those memories, where we were happy without bother about anyone else. I could never be with her anymore since her parents hate me so much.


On my way back home, I noticed Miwon standing in front of my house, she probably have something to tell me. I hid behind a nearby wall before she notices me. "What is she doing here?" I wondered.

I checked my phone to see if she had called, but she hadn't. Then, a random girl called me. Just a girl I used to pass the time with when I was bored. I answered the call even though that's kinda annoying when this girl act cute to me. "Oppa, I'm on my way to your house. Let's spend the night together!" she said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll wait then," I replied, I've never spend my night with any others girl before. I ended the call waiting for her to come. "No way in hell I want to spend my night with you, bitch," I muttered under my breath felt annoying to this girl tried so hard to win my heart.

After a few minutes, the girl showed up, and I acted fake in front of her-hugged her and pretended to laugh-just to show that I didn't care about Miwon. As usual, Miwon remained silent, watching me with another girl.

"Looks like the password is still the same," said Miwon to me, she notices it. I had forgotten to change it because I had become used to that number. "It's just a number, it has nothing to do with my feelings for you," I purposely said that to hurt her, just as I was hurting too.

"What do you want? Say it now and leave, because seeing you here only hurts my heart," I said, her expression changing as she lowered her gaze, but still maintaining a calm face. "This weekend, I hope you're free," she said. "No, I'm not," I immediately rejected, not knowing the reason, but at the same time, I was curious.

"My uncle is hosting a party this weekend. I hope you can come with me, even if it's just for 5 minutes," she explained. Suddenly, memories of her father embarrassing me flashed in my mind, it's enough for traumatized me. "What for? To embarrass me again like that day? I won't go," I responded firmly.

"Fine, if you say so, there's nothing I can do," she said, hurt evident in her voice showing. It hurts seeing her like this. I wanted to hug her so badly, but I needed to accept that she already had someone else. "Bye, good night. I hope you sleep well," she said, walking away from my house. I felt a heavy weight in my chest as I watched her leave.


"Thanks to my friend, I got some info about the party," I said to myself, getting ready to attend. I didn't want to go, but Miwon kept occupying my thoughts. What would she feels it she goes there alone. Sunghoon opened his closet and saw the suit that Miwon had bought for him. He touched it and decided to wear it so that he could return it to her. He didn't want to remember anything about her anymore.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately recognized Miwon from behind. Even from behind, she looked beautiful. I slowly reached out and held her hand, knowing that she was talking to her uncle. I noticed Miwon staring at me, but I ignored her because I didn't want her to think that I still had feelings for her.

When her uncle left the two of us, I walked away from the crowd as she followed me too. I took off the suit in front of her and threw it at her. I wanted to forget her slowly by vanishing all those items we ever had back then.


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