26: meeting with client ♡

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"Ms. Jang, the overseas client has arrived today and is here to have a meeting with you," Miwon's personal assistant informed her. "Oh, he did.. hm.." Miwon glanced at her watch, contemplating whether she could go and meet Sunghoon right now.

But it seemed unlikely. "When will I have free time, then?" she asked. "Probably at 5 pm, if Ms. Jang finishes early," the assistant replied. "Okay then, tell him to confirm the meeting at 2pm at Scylla Hotel."

"Alright, Ms. Jang."


Sunghoon texted and called Miwon multiple times, but she didn't respond. He's unable to wait for her response any longer, he decided to go straight to her company to meet her. After 20 minutes, he arrived and asked her personal assistant about Miwon's whereabouts, only to be told that she was currently busy.

So he waited there, as it had been a week since he last saw her. He waited for almost an hour while he's yawning repeatedly because of feeling sleepy. "Ms. Jang, there is someone waiting for you," her personal assistant informed her as soon as she finished a meeting before.

"Someone? Who?" Miwon asked curiously. "I'm not sure who, but he's waiting on the ground floor in the reception area." Miwon just nodded and decided to go check who it was.

When she reached the ground floor while looking around to searching that person, she finally saw someone sit on the sofa which is her boyfriend, Park Sunghoon, sitting there in half-asleep. He had both hands in his jacket pocket making him looking small and adorable.

Miwon couldn't help but giggle upon seeing him in that state. She slowly getting closer to him and playfully poked his cheek with her finger, because of that he woke up but still in half-sleepy. "Oh, you're here. I was waiting for you," he said.

"You should go back and get some sleep if you're feeling sleepy. You must have been waiting for a long time," Miwon said in worried. "No, it only took 5 minutes I waited for you here," Sunghoon shook his head cutely, lying to her despite having waited for an hour already.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make time for you these past few days. And now I have another meeting," Miwon said while looking at her watch to ensure she wouldn't be late, despite feeling guilty towards him. "It's okay, I'll wait," he replied, making her feel more bad.

"But the meeting located outside my office." said her. "Then, I'll follow you there," Sunghoon replied as he really miss her right now. Miwon looked at him with a confused expression. "I mean, I'll sit somewhere far from you. Don't worry, I won't disturb you," he explained. Miwon nodded, understanding his intention. Together, they headed to the Scylla Hotel.


Upon arriving, they separated from each other. Sunghoon found a spot far away, where he could still see Miwon. Miwon chose a central spot, making it easier for the client to spot her.

Their eyes met for a moment, and they laughed it off. It felt like they were roleplaying as a strangers. At exactly 2 pm, the client arrived. Miwon quickly stood up to greet him.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Jang Miwon, CEO of Jang Company," Miwon introduced herself, extending her hand for a handshake, which he reciprocated.

 I'm Jang Miwon, CEO of Jang Company," Miwon introduced herself, extending her hand for a handshake, which he reciprocated

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"Yeah, nice to meet you too, Ms. Jang. I'm Jake Sim," the young CEO from Australia introduced himself, he's known for his great strategies in business. He was 23 years old and had a well-known brand globally. He was currently single, making him popular among girls.

Miwon had been informed that he liked to casually flirt for fun, so she needed to be cautious not to develop any feelings. Sunghoon couldn't stand watching another man touch Miwon, even though he had promised not to disturb her. He stared sharply as Jake shook her hand, feeling a pang of jealousy.

Miwon explained the plans for the project to Jake, who attentively listened while also keeping his gaze fixed on her eyes. After two and a half hours, they finished the discussion.

"Wow, I've never seen such a beautiful girl with such a brilliant mind. You're totally my type," Jake complimented her, applauding lightly. "Thank you, well, you too," Miwon replied with a smile, accepting the compliment.

"Since the discussion is over, how about we switch to a more personal mode?" Jake asked. Miwon was taken aback for a moment, but she controlled her facial expressions to maintain her professionalism. However, she couldn't afford to lose this project. "Hm, if you want.. why not?" she replied playfully.

"You're super cool too, I thought you would be mad," Jake said. Miwon brushed off the never-ending compliments, refusing to be swayed by them. "Why would I? As long as it's not wrong," she replied. "So.. are you single?" Jake asked.

Miwon pretended to think, trying to keep the situation lighthearted. "What if I'm not?" said her to make this into serious situation. "Then, I'll consider myself unlucky. There's no way I wouldn't want a chance to be with a beautiful girl like you," Jake said with a pout. Miwon just laughed it off, not wanting things to become awkward.

Meanwhile, Sunghoon couldn't bear watching them laugh and interact. He couldn't stand it any longer, so he stood up and approached Miwon, he sitting down beside her and keeping his gaze fixed on Jake. Miwon was shocked by his sudden appearance and feared that Jake might lose interest in partnering on the project.

Jake turned to Miwon and asked, "Who is this?" while looking at Sunghoon. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Actually, he is my boyfriend," Miwon stammered and bowed multiple times to apologize. "Yeah, and she'll be my future wife," Sunghoon declared.

Jake nodded while trying to recall something. "But wait, you look familiar. Like I've seen you somewhere," Jake said, trying to remember. "Are you.. a figure ice skater?" Sunghoon was taken aback since not many people would recognized him. "Yes, I am," he confirmed.

"Wow! I'm your fan! Nice to meet you!" Jake suddenly switched to a friendly mode and shook Sunghoon's hand excitedly. Miwon was also confused by the situation, but she was relieved that it didn't turn into a worse scenario.

"How did you know me? I'm not really famous, you know.." Sunghoon awkwardly pretended as if it was no big deal, even though he was actually proud of it. "I've watched all your performances, and I liked your performance the most! Who said you're not famous? I can make you famous if you want," Jake offered.

The discussion took a sudden turn, leaving Miwon feeling like a third wheel. "Ms. Jang, you didn't tell me your boyfriend was my idol. I should make him an ambassador for my brand," Jake said to Miwon. Miwon just smiled and nodded at his suggestion.

"Should I? My girl," Sunghoon asked, noticing that Miwon seemed lost in a daydream and not fully engaged in the conversation. "If you want, go for it. It's your choice, by the way," she replied.

"Nice! Here's my card. Let me know when you're ready," Jake said, handing his card to Sunghoon. Just like that two of them began to develop a friendship.


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