10: his first day work ♡

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"Good morning, Ms. Jang!" Jay greeted with a cheerful smile. "Oh, you're early," Miwon replied while looking at her watch. "Well, I need to be disciplined on my first day."

"Just on your first day? What about the other days?" tease her. "I'll always be early every day. In fact, I want to be an early presence in your life..." Miwon was taken aback by his sudden words. An early presence?

"You look good today in that suit. It's make you look totally different," Miwon tried to change the topic by compliment him. "Thank you!" Jay smiled genuinely till revealing his dimples. He opened the car door for her and began driving towards her company. Miwon take a glance to Jay who drive beside her, she notices how skillfully he handled the car.

"While you're waiting for my lunch hour, you can go anywhere you want. Feel free to take the car with you," Miwon said. "Okay, Ms. Jang, anything you wants," Jay responded. Miwon just smiled and shook her head at his remark.

"I'll call you if anything happens."


Jay kept glancing at his watch and yawning repeatedly. He couldn't sleep the previous night due to his excitement about being his crush's bodyguard. It was something he had never imagined in his life. He felt ready to sacrifice anything for her. Even though she already had everything, he wanted to be the one she relied on when she have a problem.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing. "Jay, where are you now? Didn't I tell you to take over today?" his father, one of the biggest company holders too, asked. "I'm busy too, just like you. You should set an appointment before asking me to come," Jay ended the call after said that. He knows his father would really getting furious now.

His father always pressured him to do what he wanted, which was why Jay didn't want to live in Korea. But now, he had every reason to stay in Korea. His phone rang again, and he immediately answered without checking the caller. "I said I don't want to come!" shout him.

"You don't want to come to pick me up?" the voice on the other end asked softly as she shocked by Jay screaming through the phone. "Miwonshi! I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you were a scammer that call me before. I'm so sorry," Jay quickly apologized, regretting his action.

"Oh, I thought you were mad at me..." replied her, while actually tease him. "I promise I'll never be mad at you. And if someone does make you mad, tell me. I'll deal with them," Jay assured her. "It's okay. Where are you now? Come pick me up."

"Turn around," Jay said as them both still on the phone. Miwon turn around as what Jay asked for and seeing Jay from a far. They continued talking on the phone while Jay walked closer towards her. "Let's go eat," Jay suggested. Before Miwon could reply, someone grabbed her hand from behind. It was Sunghoon.

"You told me you wanted to eat with me, right? Let's go," Sunghoon said, right after he just arrived there. Jay noticed Sunghoon's cold stare towards him. "But you said you were busy," Miwon said because last night he's the one who refused to eat with her. But now he suddenly changed his mind just like that.

"I said I was busy, but I didn't say I didn't want to," Sunghoon replied, which confusing her even more. "Please allow me to follow you, Ms. Jang. I should protect you," Jay suddenly interrupted since he didn't like how Sunghoon seems forcing to Miwon. "Protect her? Who are you to protect–"

"Okay then, you should follow me," Miwon cut off Sunghoon before he could finish his word. Jay giving a smirked at Sunghoon, feeling a small victory. Miwon was about to head towards her car when Sunghoon grabbed her hand again. It made her mad and rhyming that he keeps pulling her wrist, but she restrained herself because she 'loved' him.

"What is it, Park Sunghoon? Say it now," Miwon demanded as she already hungry but her lunchtime being disturbed. "Let's get in my car. I'll drive you instead," Sunghoon suggested.

Jay was triggered by Sunghoon's remark. What's the point he became a bodyguard if he couldn't drive for her? Miwon noticed Jay's reaction and realized that it was his first day on the job. She didn't want to put him in an uncomfortable position. "I'm sorry, but Jongseong will drive for me instead. You can follow my car behind if you really want to eat with me," Miwon said, trying to diffuse the situation.

Sunghoon became even more angered by her words. "Are you looking down on me? Fine, why would I care if some other man drives for you," he retorted. Without another word, Sunghoon stormed off and got into his car. Jay couldn't help but feel a sense of victory in the situation.

*Jay - 1, Sunghoon - 0.*

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