22: movie night ♡

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As the night coming, Miwon found herself still wide awake while Sunghoon sat beside her. He noticed her alertness and inquired if she was sleepy, to which she shook her head. "I didn't feel sleepy at all. But I feel like I want to do something," Miwon confessed.

Sunghoon looked at her curiously, considering her words. Then, an idea struck him. "How about we watch a movie?" he suggested. Miwon's face lit up with excitement. "Should we? But where can we watch it? On the TV?" she asked.

A mischievous smile appeared on Sunghoon's face as he pondered for a moment. He extended his hand for her to hold, and she willingly took it and following him. Sunghoon led her to his bedroom, but unexpectedly, Miwon let go his hand and he looked at her with confusion.

"Why?" he asked in confused. "Be honest, you said we were about to watch a movie," Miwon retorted. "Yeah, we are," Sunghoon replied, still unsure of her point. "Then, why are you bringing me to your bedroom?" Miwon questioned, her voice laced with suspicion.

Sunghoon finally understand it and smirked then he lets his gaze wander from top to bottom of Miwon purposely to tease her, causing Miwon to instinctively cover herself with her hand. He took a step closer, and with each step, she took one back.

"Hey! I really want to watch a movie now!" Miwon protested, her voice filled with exasperation, though she avoided eye contact. She continued stepping backward until she could no longer retreat, her back pressed against the wall.

Sunghoon lock her against the wall with both hand, leaning his face close to hers. Miwon closed her eyes, anticipating his next move even though she's nervous. Suddenly, Sunghoon tapped her forehead lightly, causing her to scream in surprise.

"Dirty mind. The projector is inside my room, that's why I brought you there," he clarified, amusement dancing in his eyes. Miwon fell silent because of feeling embarrassed for her assumptions. Sunghoon embraced her again to ease her discomfort and held her hand once more.

"I don't know you had such a big projector in your room," Miwon commented, trying to change the subject. "Well, I just bought it recently. I bought it because of you," Sunghoon revealed as he focused on clicking the remote for the projector. "Because of me? What do you mean?" Miwon inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"So that you don't need to go watch a movie with that guy again," Sunghoon replied, his tone slightly somber. "Who? You mean Jongseong?" Miwon asked, seeking clarification. Sunghoon just remained silent, choosing not to respond directly and maintaining his serious demeanor.

As Miwon pondered his words, her eyes widened in realization. "You mean the day we went to watch Avatar 2? You saw us?!" she exclaimed, astonishment evident on her face. "Why are you so shocked? It seems like both of you have something to hide," Sunghoon replied sternly.

"No, I mean... Jongseong just..." Miwon attempted to explain, but Sunghoon interrupted her by placing his finger on her lips, signaling her to stop mentioning Jay's name. "And one more thing..." Sunghoon retrieved something from under his bed. "For you," he said, presenting a shoes in a box. Since Miwon always wearing heels 24/7 hours, he kinds of feels hurt even though it's not him that wearing.

"For me?" Miwon's eyes widened as she opened the box. "But isn't this expensive?" she questioned because the shoes is quite from well known brand. "So you think I can't afford to buy this for my girl?" Sunghoon retorted, his gaze fixed on her. "No, I mean... I hope you don't regret buying this," Miwon responded.

"Why would I? You used to buy me anything. Now it's my turn," Sunghoon assured her. He will buy her anything anytime soon if she wants even though she can afford it herself. Miwon nodded, reassured by his words, and smiled as she looked at the gift. "But why shoes, though?" she asked because Sunghoon can pick anything instead of shoes.

"Because I can't see you keep walking with those high heels everyday, tried to care more about your feet next time!" Sunghoon exclaimed playfully and pinched her cheek for asking too many questions. She squealed in response and gently rubbed her reddened cheek. Sunghoon observed her for a long time to know her like and it's one thing obvious about her.

Afterward, they settled down to watch the movie that Sunghoon had prepared on the projector, enjoying each other's company in the comfort of his bedroom.

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