20: Han river ♡

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"Can we stop by the Han River for a while?" asked Miwon to Sunghoon as he drives his car. "But it's already late. Won't your parents be mad if you come home late?" Sunghoon replied, he doesn't know that she living alone now. Miwon fell silent, unsure of how to tell him that her parents had already passed away.

"Why would they be mad? I'm a grown woman," she shook her head, indicating that he shouldn't worry about it. "Yeah, that's my girl. Besides, I don't care if they hate me. I'll still stay with you," Sunghoon reassured her, he patting her head with his other hand. Miwon grab his hand and held it.


Miwon closed her eyes while enjoying the wind and the sound of the waves, as Sunghoon staring at her beside him. Nothing can beat Jang Miwon prettiness. "Is there something stressing you out today?" he asked when Miwon seems want to calm her mind for a moment.

"Nothing," she replied simply. "Don't lie. Is it about that guy? What's his name again? JongJong? Jongseong?" Sunghoon attempted to pronounce Jay's name that hard for him, making Miwon laugh at him.

"Park Jongseong, my bodyguard. Why with him?" she replied. Sunghoon rolled his eyes in annoyed, feeling a tinge of jealousy. "My bodyguard, huh? Seems like you proudly mention his name," he remarked. "Why? Are you jealous?" Miwon purposely teased him.

"No," Sunghoon replied. "Yes, you are," she insisted while looking at his face. Sunghoon's ears turned red, he's unable to hide his jealousy and Miwon found it amusing. "You better run now. Or else..." Sunghoon warned, he's ready to chase after her.

"Or else what?" Miwon playfully challenged. Miwon already took a step back slowly, preparing herself to run. "Because once I have you, I won't let you go!" Sunghoon declared as he started chasing her. Their laughter filled the air, and the place became a witness of their playful and romantic moment again.

"Okay, okay! Let's stop here. I'm tired," Miwon said, coming to a halt. Sunghoon, however, embraced her from behind. "I told you, I won't let you go," he replied. Miwon turned around to face him, placing her hands on both of Sunghoon's cheeks.

"Look, I'm your girl, right? No one can take me away from you," she assured him. Sunghoon tried to contain his smile, but his blushing gave him away. "I wish I could marry you tonight," Sunghoon confessed. He kissed Miwon's forehead, causing her to blush and hide her face in his chest.

They embraced each other for a moment while admiring the view of the ocean. After a while, they sat on a nearby bench. "Sunghoon, do you still remember our first meeting?" Miwon asked. "Of course I do. I called myself a hero because I saved someone's life that day," Sunghoon playfully responded.

"I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't been there that day..." Miwon trailed off. Sunghoon looked at her seriously, concerned by her words. "Please don't say that. I'm glad it was me who met you," he said.

"Me too," Miwon replied while smiling. "Since that day, you've become my hope. Without you, I couldn't continue my life," Miwon smiled at him genuinely, felt really glad the person who happened to help her from jump off the bridge is Sunghoon.


"But Sunghoon, we can't escape that day.. When the time comes, there's nothing we can do but to accept," she murmured softly, though he could still hear her. "What do you mean, 'that day'?" he asked, but Miwon didn't respond.

Sunghoon looked at Miwon, who was resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you sleeping?" he asked, waving his hand in front of her face, but she didn't react. Sunghoon chuckled softly, finding her adorable. He decided to just let her sleep on his shoulder.

As they sat by the Han River, the gentle breeze whispered through the night, and the sound of the flowing water provided a soothing ambiance. Sunghoon watched over Miwon, his heart filled with love and contentment. He cherished these moments of tranquility with her, knowing that they were precious for him.

With Miwon peacefully asleep, Sunghoon leaned his head against hers, enjoying the serenity of the moment. He couldn't help but reflect on their journey together—the ups and downs, the laughter and tears. They had grown closer, supporting each other through life's challenges. Sunghoon felt grateful to have Miwon by his side, and he silently vowed to protect her and cherish their relationship.

As time passed, the moonlit sky and the gentle lapping of the river lulled Sunghoon into a state of calmness. He closed his eyes, savoring the stillness and the warmth of Miwon's presence. In that peaceful embrace, they found solace and a connection that transcended words.

Together, they sat by there, sharing a moment of intimacy, love, and the assurance that they were meant to be together. The world around them faded away as they basked in the quiet beauty of their bond.

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