13: am i catch feeling again? ♡

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"Here's the water," Jay suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a bottle of mineral water in his hand. Sunghoon quickly pulled back his hand that had been touching Miwon's cheek just now. Miwon also pretended like nothing had happened and took the bottle of mineral water from Jay hand to give to Sunghoon.

"Are you feeling okay now?" she asked him in a concerned tone after Sunghoon drank the water. Sunghoon just simply nodded. "Let's go back then. Jongseong, please drive us to his home," Miwon told Jay to help. "I still can drive," Sunghoon stubbornly replied.

"And you think I'll let you?" Miwon retorted in worried since he probably still feel dizzy. "I'm a grown man, not a kid," Sunghoon responded defiantly. Miwon sighed and stood up from her sitting position. "Fine, do what you want. Jongseong, drive me home." She walked away with Jay, leaving Sunghoon alone there.

Miwon was so done with Sunghoon. One second he was nice to her, and the next second, he was mad at her for no reason. He action confused her and make her couldn't find right answer.


"Ugh! Why did I touch her cheek? Am I catching feelings for her again?" Sunghoon questioned himself what he had done to her before. Did he just about to kiss her if Jay didn't come that time? "No! I shouldn't fall for her again, or else she will dump me again."

Sunghoon was also confused by his own feelings that he couldn't figure it out himself what he actually up to. "Should I call her? She looked mad at me earlier." He messed up his hair, unsure of what to do.

Sunghoon remembered when he held Miwon's cheek before, her eyes looking straight into him seemed to be hoping for something. He wants to call her, but his stubbornness held him back. Sunghoon tried to ignore the guilt he felt and went to sleep.


Miwon remained silent since what happened before. Instead of going home, she and Jay went to a cafe to calm her mind. "Are you okay?" Jay asked in worries since she keeps herself quiet for a long time, he's trying to comfort her.

Miwon took a deep breath before about to let ot out. "I'm so done with him. Every move he makes just confuses me even more," Miwon said, looking away and playing with her fingers, trying to hold back her tears to stream down her cheek. "Why don't you stop then? If things become harder, move on might be the right choice," Jay suggested, by that he can take his chance.

Miwon remained quiet for a minute after heard that. "But I love him. I love him so much. He was there when I was losing hope," tears started streaming down her cheeks finally after holding it harder. She can't forget all those memories of him with her.

Hearing this broke Jay's feeling too, as it seemed like he had no chance at all. He wished he could be someone important to her, someone she could rely on when she was losing hope too. Jay handed her a handkerchief. She took it and wiped her tears.

"This is the same handkerchief..." Miwon started to realize something. "Yeah, I'm the person who gave you the handkerchief that night," Jay admitted honestly. "So you've seen me crying for the second time already."

"I don't care how many times you cry. What's important is that I want to be there for you when you're going through a hard time." Jay looked into her eyes, showing her how much he loved her. Unfortunately, Miwon only had eyes for one person which is, Park Sunghoon.

"Miwon, I love you," Jay confessed, unexpected confession come out from his mouth.

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