21: staying his house ♡

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As Sunghoon arrived home, he carefully carried Miwon, as if she were a bride, trying not to wake her up. Since it was already late, he had no choice but to bring her along and let her sleep at his house. Gently, he laid her down on his bed.

"Ah, my wife...sleep well," Sunghoon whispered, kissing her forehead before leaving her to rest. Though they weren't officially married yet, Sunghoon already considered Miwon as his wife. He didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep, so he decided to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

He lying on the sofa, Sunghoon's thoughts turned to how he could propose to Miwon. Should he surprise her? The idea brought a mischievous smile to his face as he contemplated different ways to make the proposal memorable.

The next morning, Miwon slowly opened her eyes and realized she was in an unfamiliar place. She walked out of the bedroom, searching for him. "Sunghoon," she called, but there was no response. Finally, she spotted him peacefully asleep on the sofa. She quietly approached him, sitting in front of him as she watched him sleep.

"How can you look so pure even while sleeping?" she mused softly. Just as Miwon was about to reach out her hand to touch his face, Sunghoon's eyes fluttered open. Their gaze locked, and they held it for a moment while communicating silently.

Sunghoon then reached out and took her hand, encouraging her to touch his face. "Why? Do you want to kiss me?" he playfully asked. Miwon feeling flustered being asked like that then avoided eye contact and pulled her hand back. However, Sunghoon held it firmly, not letting her retreat.

"Why are you so shy? It's not like it's your first time," he teased. "Sunghoon, don't tease me," she replied, her cheeks already turning slightly red. "What if I do?" he challenged, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Miwon looked at him with a cold stare, determination in her eyes. "Let go of my hand now," she demanded.

"I don't want to," Sunghoon retorted, refusing to comply. "Sunghoon, don't make me count," she warned, her voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and playfulness. "Say please, and I'll do it," Sunghoon countered, his smirk widening. "You're challenging me? Fine," Miwon accepted the challenge, her competitive side emerging.

Without hesitation, she quickly kissed his lips and then hurriedly retreated, leaving Sunghoon stunned. Miwon ran back to his room and locked the door, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and excitement can kiss him in the morning.

Sunghoon bit his lower lip, trying to contain his blush. "This girl, she's something else... I can't let myself marry her today," he mumbled to himself. He determined to continue the playful banter, Sunghoon rushed to his room and knocked on the door. "Open this door, Miwon~" he requested.

Miwon just remained quiet, lacking the courage to face him due to shy. Her heart raced, and she felt nervous to seeing him again. "Love, open the door, please," Sunghoon pleaded, his tone laced with affection. "I don't want to!" Miwon replied, her voice muffled behind the closed door.

Sunghoon chuckled, finding her resistance adorable. "So, you think I don't have the key to open this door? Should I open it, or will you open it?" he teased, now bordering on a threat.

Miwon's eyes widened upon hearing Sunghoon's teasing words, and she continued to bite her lip nervously. After a moment of hesitation, she slowly opened the door while avoiding eye contact and keeping her gaze lowered. "Please don't do that, okay? You must stay close to me," Sunghoon said, pulling her closer and enveloping her in a warm hug.

"Sunghoon..." Miwon began, her voice filled with emotion. "Why, my girl?" Sunghoon asked gently, his eyes filled with tenderness. "I think I'm in love with you again," Miwon confessed, her voice carrying a slight pout.

Sunghoon laughed at her adorable confession and lovingly patted her head. "You should go take a bath while I prepare breakfast for you," he suggested. "After that, I'll send you back home." Miwon looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Can I stay here for one more day?" she asked.

"Nope, you can't," Sunghoon replied, teasing her once again, of course he wants her to spend more time here. Miwon let go of the hug and sulked, disappointed to hear his response. Sunghoon couldn't help but hold back his laughter, finding her sulking expression amusing.

"Aren't you busy with work today? You should go back to your home and change your clothes," Miwon retorted, rolling her eyes playfully heard that. "Right, I should go back. Why would I stay here if the owner doesn't welcome me?" she added, picking up her bag and preparing to leave.

However, Sunghoon quickly grabbed her wrist before she could walk out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," he apologized sincerely. "Of course, you can stay here for as long as you want." A genuine smile spread across Sunghoon's face as he reassured her. Miwon's heart melted at his words, and she couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Thank you, sayang," she said softly. "I'm really glad to have you in my life." Sunghoon pulled her into another embrace, holding her tightly. "I'm the luckiest one, my love. Let's make beautiful memories together," he whispered.

And in that moment, their bond grew stronger as they embraced the love they had for each other, cherishing every moment they spent together.

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