32: d-day ♡

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Sunghoon stopped his car on the side of the road while his hand gripping the steering wheel in anger. Despite feeling furious, there are still tiny feeling loving her. But upon discovering her betrayal, his ego resurfaced. He had sacrificed everything for her already, relied on her so much, only to be her leave him at the end.

Sunghoon cried out in frustration and his heart broke as he's thinking she cheating on him. He never expected his special night to turn into the worst day of his life. Meanwhile on the other side, Miwon shivered in cold, for stayed at the Han River for too long. Sunghoon's words echoed in her mind about her conversation with her father back then.


"I want to get married," Miwon suddenly said to her father. "With who? That idiotic poor man?" her father sneered. "Don't speak ill of him! You have no idea how much he means to me," Miwon replied angrily.

"If you marry him, can he provide anything for you? He has no money, Miwon, after all." said her father. "Since you're talking about marriage, I've already arranged a better match for you."

"I don't want that! Who are you to decide for me?!" Miwon retorted. "If you refuse, I will disown you as the heir to this family!" her father warned. "Fine, then I agree to marry someone else," she replied, unaware that Sunghoon was there, overhearing their conversation.

Sunghoon felt devastated upon hearing her words. How could she prioritize money over him? He walked away without hearing the entire conversation as he already broke apart hearing that from Miwon herself.

"You really believe that? I would never betray him. You don't understand how much I love him even though he has no money even though he don't have anything. Go live with your money, I can live with him without your help," Miwon interrupted her father's words as her father smiling thinking she accepted the offer.

She had made up her mind to live with Sunghoon and work hard to build their own life. But since that day, she couldn't reach Sunghoon anymore. He simply disappeared from her life without any explanation.

Jay put his jacket on her as he finally found her at Han River. "Why did you break up with him? This isn't like you, Miwon," Jay asked. "It's the least I can do, to make him hate me." replied her. "That's unnecessary, Miwon. Stop messing with both of your feelings."

"He'll feel better if he hates me when I'm gone-"

"I truly hate it when you keep talking about dying," Jay interrupted her before she could finish. "If I were him, I'd blame myself for hating you." Miwon looked into his eyes. "You said you liked me. So why do you care about his feelings?"

"I did. But both of you are meant to be together. I know you love him more than anything." Miwon fell silent, realizing that Jay was right. If only there were no obstacles in their relationship, they would have been happy together.


A month passed since their breakup, and Miwon's illness worsened. However, she stubbornly refused to stay at home because everyday she would go to Han River. Jay already acted like her brother by helping her in every way he could. No matter how many times Jay urged her to seek treatment, she refused.

Meanwhile, Sunghoon focused on his training as he had an international tournament coming up in just 4 months. But he still couldn't forget anything about Miwon, no matter how hard he tried to being busy. "Sunghoon, focus on your foot!" the coach scolded him again as he stumbled again and again.

"Why has your performance been worsen lately?" Sunghoon hung his head while he getting mad by his coach, his mind consumed by thoughts of Miwon, causing him to lose focus on his training.

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