12: fun days ♡

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Miwon took out her phone and texted Jay. "Jongseongshi, tomorrow I'm not going to work. I'm taking a week off." Jay replied within seconds, "Why??? What about my salary? Will it be reduced too?" out of many questions, he asked that first. Miwon laughed at his response. "No, in fact, you'll get a bonus too." - Miwon ♡, Miwon name with emoji love is the contact name save by Jay.

"That's great! How lucky I am to be yours." replied Jay in excitement. "Yours? What is that, Jongseong?" Miwon mumbled to herself. "Let's follow me tomorrow to go somewhere." invited her without telling him where is it. "Where?" asked Jay curiously, but still love it since Miwon bring him along.

"Secret... and just wear casual clothes, okay?"

"Where is she going to take me?" Jay wondered to himself. "Forget it, as long as I'm with her, I'm okay." Jay kicking his feet on the air feel excited while thinking about him and Miwon would spend time together tomorrow without being disturb by anyone.


Miwon call Sunghoon to remind him about going to funfair, since he wants to join too. "I've already sent you the location for tomorrow. Let's meet there at 11 am," Miwon told Sunghoon. "Okay," he replied simply. Was he sulking or something? He didn't seem angry or too friendly.

"Are you okay?" Miwon asked curiously because he doesn't sound like usual. "Nothing, see you tomorrow," Sunghoon replied, then ended the call.

"I should be the one you always remember, Miwon. And you have no right to get mad at me," Sunghoon said to himself, his ego might stretch after being attacked by Miwon before.


The three of them arrived at the same time. Jay was amazed when he saw the amusement park. He had never been there before even though he's crazy rich because ever since child he never had a 'real friend'. "What are you doing here, idiot?" Sunghoon asked Jay as soon as he saw him was coming too.

"I should be asking you the same thing, moron," Jay replied when he saw Sunghoon too, he thought it's gonna be only him and Miwon. "She told me to come, dude." Sunghoon seemed proud of that. "Oh yeah? Well, she told me to follow her wherever she goes." said Jay.

"I can protect her today. You can go back home now." Sunghoon trying to get him away from there. "Can you guys stop? Are we here to fight?" Miwon intervened, appearing out of nowhere when noticed this two secretly doesn't like each other. They both fell silent, keeping their mouths shut but the gaze still sharp towards each other.


"Ah, look! It's a match! Let's wear this, Miwon," Jay said excitedly while pointing to a hairband. Sunghoon gave him a death glare upon hearing that. "Yeah, it looks pretty," Miwon replied while smiling.

Miwon was about to wear it as Jay already wore the other one of matching, but Sunghoon snatched the hairband from her hand and put it on himself instead. "If you want to wear that, then both of you can wear it," Miwon said awkwardly seeing this two.

After she walked away, Sunghoon and Jay glanced at each other for a second before throwing the hairband away. "No way do I want to wear matching couple things with you!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "And I definitely don't want to either. Disgusting," Jay replied, making a face as if he wanted to throw up.

These two were like cats and dogs and like a kid, but didn't realize it.


"Let's ride that!" Miwon suggested to them, pointing at the roller coaster above them. Sunghoon was already sweating at the sight of it since he's afraid of heights. "Looks fun. Let's go," Jay replied, as he's fear nothing other than ghost. Miwon then looked at Sunghoon. "Do you want to join us? If not, you can wait here." said her.

Jay noticed Sunghoon seemed scared of riding it and smirked at him. Sunghoon saw those as a challenge. "I'll join too," he said. "You don't need to if you're scared," Miwon told him in worried. "Did I say I'm scared? No, right? Then let's go." said Sunghoon firmly.

As soon as they got on the ride, Sunghoon became even more terrified. He couldn't even breathe properly up there while closing his eyes. Jay was also annoyed because Miwon insisted on sitting with Sunghoon instead of him. As the roller coaster started, Sunghoon tried to hide his fear of heights and held himself together.

Meanwhile, Miwon was enjoying herself beside Sunghoon, completely immersed in the thrill of the ride while didn't realize Sunghoon beside her holding his life. When the rollercoaster came to a stop, Sunghoon immediately rushed off to the side to vomit. Miwon chased after him, feeling worried about his condition.

"Sunghoon, are you okay?" Miwon asked with concern in her voice. Sunghoon didn't respond because he's exhausted from the ride. "Jongseong, bring me a bottle of water," Miwon requested while turning to Jay. Although Jay didn't want to comply, he obliged and went to find some mineral water nearby.

"I told you to wait here. Why did you still go up there?" Miwon nagged him while give a pat to his back, she's frustrated with his stubbornness. "Then, do you want me to watch you with him up there?" Sunghoon retorted, his words filled with frustration and jealousy that he can't admit.

Miwon was taken aback by his response, unable to find a suitable reply as she only staring right into his eyes to find an answer. In that moment, Sunghoon reached out and gently touched Miwon's cheek, evoking a flood of emotions within her. She felt a longing for the affectionate touch she had once received from him, a touch that was always filled with love.


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