11: who's know her better ♡

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As soon as they arrived to the restaurant Miwon wants to eat at, Sunghoon got out of his car and walked closer to Miwon. They entered the restaurant and placed their orders. "What would you like to eat, Miwonshi?" asked Jay.

Since the three of them were sitting at the same table, Sunghoon just looked at Jay with an annoyed expression seeing how he wants to getting closer with Miwon. "How about you, Sunghoon?" Asked Miwon, after heard from Jay asking her.

Sunghoon cleared his throat and smirked quietly when Miwon asking to him first. Jay who saw that annoying by it and bit his lower lip. "Uhm, you should order first. I'll have the same," Sunghoon said in his soft voice which he never done it for a long time to Miwon, trying to be polite for the first time in 7 years.

Miwon just nodded and continued to look at the menu. "Give me the curry, please," Miwon told the waitress. "Less spicy, please," both Jay and Sunghoon said simultaneously, causing Miwon to look at them with confusion because she's the one who about to tell it to the waiter.

Sunghoon and Jay exchanged disgusted glances at each other. Seems like both of them 'fighting' who knows Miwon better.


"Sunghoon, this is Park Jongseong, my bodyguard," Miwon introduced Jay to Sunghoon. However, Sunghoon appeared uninterested with that introduce. It's not important for him to know Jay, it's not like he wants to be his friend.

"A bodyguard? I can't even be sure if he can protect you," Sunghoon remarked, accused Jay bad at doing his job. Before Jay could even respond to Sunghoon, Miwon intervened. "He does protect me," Miwon replied firmly, as she remembered how Jay tried his hard to get back her purse.

Sunghoon gave Miwon a cold gaze after heard that, feel annoying when she defense another guy when he's just in front of him. "Jongseong, this is Sunghoon, my friend," Miwon continued to introduce Sunghoon to Jay this time, emphasizing the word "friend."

Sunghoon felt offended by the label of 'just a friend.' Seems like she only thought him as her friend only already. "Oh, hi Sunghoon, Miwon's friend," Jay said, purposely stressing the word 'friend' by mention hard on the word.

Jay had witnessed everything that day during Miwon's uncle party, but he didn't fully understand what had happened between Miwon and Sunghoon. Miwon excused herself to go to the restroom, leaving Jay and Sunghoon at the table.

As soon as Miwon was out of sight, they started exchanging glares and looks of disgust, the moment they waiting for to mock each other front to front. "Hey, you're her bodyguard, right?" Sunghoon asked Jay. "Yeah, why? Is there a problem?" Jay replied.

"Then act like one," Sunghoon retorted, glaring at him. While he means to set a boundaries if he only a bodyguard. "Wow, you think you're that good?" Jay provoked him further.

"You're her friend, right? Then why not act like one?" Jay responded as he's not satisfied with Sunghoon. "F-R-I-E-N-D, we're just friends~" Jay sang mockingly. Sunghoon became increasingly angry and wanted to grab Jay by the collar, but he held himself back when Miwon returned from toilet already.


"Are you going anywhere after this?" Miwon asked Sunghoon. "Yeah, I'm busy earning money, unlike you, being spoiled by your parents," Sunghoon replied, that words come out from his mouth was really harsh. Miwon felt offended upon hearing his remark but decided to just let it go.

"Okay then, I'll just go to the funfair with Jongseong," Miwon said while wants to walk away from there. "I'll join too," Sunghoon respond quickly after know she going to spend time with Jay. Miwon looked at him strangely, he just said he's busy 'earning money' but now? she's still unable to fully understand his intentions.

"Then I'll ask Jongseong to remind you about that," Miwon stated. "Why him? Why don't you remind me yourself?" Sunghoon asked, he annoyed at hearing Jay's name being mentioned repeatedly. "Because I might forget about it. So why not?" Miwon replied, there's nothing wrong asked for her bodyguard to remind him since she might forgot due to being busy.

"You don't need to ask him to remind me. I can message you to remind you instead," Sunghoon said. "Have you ever done that?" Miwon asked, so he actually can message her all this time?  "Done what?" Sunghoon questioned in confused.

"Message or call me first in the past 7 years?" Miwon asked, making Sunghoon unable to utter a word. She badly wants to know why Sunghoon never reach to her to solve their problems but it's not a right time to discuss about it now. "It's okay. You said you're busy too, right?" Miwon walk away from there, she can't stand any longer to talk with him, she stills feel offended by his word before.

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