16: forgive me, please ♡

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Sunghoon waited for Miwon for two hours at his skate center to come but she still didn't show up. "Should I just call her?" He messed up his hair, he's scared if Miwon really move on from him already.

Finally, he decided to call her since he had been waiting her for so long, although not as long as she had to waited for him for 7 years. "Miwon, where are you? I've been waiting you since morning," asked him through the phone call. "You didn't tell me what time should I come, so I thought I could come anytime today," Miwon replied.

Sunghoon tried to calm himself, he realizes it was his fault for not being clear what he wants. "Okay, I'm really sorry. My bad for not being clear. But I really wished I could meet you sooner, Miwon." begging him.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Park Sunghoon. I'm pretty busy now," she replied as if she seems uninterested to talk with him right now. "But aren't you said you took a week off." it's not even a week yet, she already going back to work. "It feels boring to not do any company work," she explained.

"So, when will you come?" Sunghoon asked, he sounding desperate right now. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll tell my bodyguard to inform you," Miwon said before she ending the call herself, not giving Sunghoon a chance to respond.

"Ah, shit. Why him again? Do you like him that much?" Sunghoon held back his anger because he didn't want to disappoint Miwon this time.


"Jongseong, please tell Sunghoon that I'll come at 9:00 PM," Miwon informed Jay. His face showed dissatisfaction upon hearing that. "To where? And 9:00 PM is already late. You should rest, right?" Jay asked, he doesn't want her to meet him because he already know Sunghoon going to fix their relationship.

"I'll meet him later. And one more thing, don't get too involved in my life," Miwon said firmly because she wants Jay to keep his boundaries as her bodyguard only. There was something different about Miwon today, as if she had changed a bit. She didn't seems cheers as before.

Jay simply nodded, despite being worried about her. He was also afraid her headache would return. But most importantly, he didn't want Sunghoon to win her back.


Sunghoon patiently waited for Miwon from morning till night. He could have just left, as he always did before. But he continued to wait for her there all by himself to show the effort. Unbeknownst to him, Miwon was already arrived and walking closer towards him.

"Why so sudden?" she asked in serious tone from behind. Sunghoon was a little surprised to hear her voice and quickly turn around. "Oh, Miwon...," he trailed off. His gaze shifted towards her, filled with hope for Miwon accept him back.

"I'm sorry," he lowered his gaze, feeling really guilty, ashamed, and everything towards her. Miwon just remained calm, offering no response. "Sorry for what?" she asked, pretend not to know anything because she wants to hear a honest reason from him. "For everything." replied him, but the reply make Miwon mad because he clearly didn't tell the truth.

"Give me the exact reason, Park Sunghoon! You should know what's your fault!" she raised her voice in frustration while holding back tears of anger. Sunghoon looked directly into her eyes, tears streaming down his face as he regretted what he had done.

Instead of explaining what his fault, he hugged her tightly and crying in guilt. Miwon just let him be without hugging him back. She loved him too, but she felt it was enough already.

She wanted to end it all.


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