9: his phone call ♡

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Miwon threw herself onto the bed after being exhausted from the tiring day. She reached for her phone, but it was low on battery, so she quickly plugged it in to charge. Once her phone turned on, she noticed a missed call from Sunghoon and a message from an unknown number (+821xxxxxxxx).

"He called me? He never calls me before, why now all of a sudden?" Miwon wondered, contemplating whether to call Sunghoon back. She dialed his number, but it just *rang... tut.*

"Did he accidentally call me or something?" Miwon knew Sunghoon wouldn't answer her call at that moment, so she decided to let it be. She proceeded to check the message from the unknown number, Miwon realize it was from her bodyguard whose number she hadn't saved.

"Good night, Ms. Jang. Wait for me tomorrow ;)" - +821xxxxxxxxx

Miwon couldn't help but giggle upon reading the message. She found Jay's words were cute.

"Don't be late, or I'll fire you!" she playfully thought about responding that way to tease him she amused by the idea.


On the other side, Sunghoon, who had been waiting for Miwon's call, kept checking his phone. When suddenly, it rang, because of got a call from Miwon he quickly rejected the call as he had the habit all this time to quickly turn off Miwon's call. "Ah, damn it! Why did I turn it off!" mad him because of his own stupidity.

He pleaded silently for her to call again since he didn't want to be the one to make the call. Unfortunately, she didn't call him back yet after 'accidentally' being rejected by him. Sunghoon sighed, questioning himself why he hoped for her call when there was nothing between them anymore.


"Should I message her?" Jay contemplated, repeatedly deleting his message as he searched for the right words to start the conversation.

"Good night, Ms. Jang. See you tomorrow." while he typing the message. "Should I add a love emoji? Nah, she might feel uncomfortable if I do that."

"Let's just add a smiley face, hehe." Jay sent the message while feeling his heart racing. After a few minutes, she replied. Jay was taken aback by the fast reply and almost dropping his phone in surprise. "That was fast... Okay, calm down, Jay." He took a deep breath before opening the message.

"Don't be late, or I'll fire you!"

Jay smiled widely until his teeth showing after read the message from Miwon. "Cutie." He restrained himself from blushing, but he couldn't help but giggle while thinking about it.


Miwon decided to call Sunghoon again after her call being rejected at the first try. She wanted to mend their relationship. This time, Sunghoon didn't immediately hang up the call, although he remained silent when he already picked up the call. "Sunghoon, let's have lunch together tomorrow," Miwon suggested, she try her luck.

"You used to eat alone before, right? So go by yourself," he replied curtly. "But this time, I want to be with you." that soft voice begging through a phone call for him to accept her offer. "I'm busy. You can go with someone else." Sunghoon ended the call as usual without Miwon can say anything.

Miwon sighed, she really feeling hopeless about how to fix their relationship. Or maybe she should move on.

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