17: miss those kiss ♡

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Miwon told Jay to go back his home, as she planned to go home by herself later. "Miwon, I can't leave you just like that," he replied in worries, he afraid if Miwon might collapsed again like yesterday.

"You will if I order you Park Jongseong, or you can just quit this job," Miwon said, challenging him if he refuses to obey her words. Jay couldn't say anything because if he quit, he wouldn't be able to be with Miwon anymore.

"Fine," he reluctantly agreed even though he hates it.



"Ugh! I can't let her be with him!" Jay hit the steering wheel of the car in frustration when Miwon herself told him to keep the boundaries between them. He bit his lower lip while thinking about Miwon. Why did she meet him?What made her want to meet him? Was she going to be okay? Were they getting back together? Would they able to fix their relationship? What about him?

All these questions swirled in his mind and demand an answer. He decided to follow Miwon quietly, even though she had told him to go back home. Jay secretly watched them from a distance, he really risk his job by following her.


"I want you back, Jang Miwon. I want us to be together like in the old days," Sunghoon pleaded, hoping Miwon would accept him. "I thought you wanted to forget me, I thought you hated me, and I thought you didn't want me anymore," Miwon replied to provoke him.

"I know it's all my fault. I thought I could live without you, but I was wrong. When I seeing you with another man, I can't help but to bare those hurt." explain him honestly. "What about me?" she asked. Sunghoon looked at her with teary eyes and a confused expression.

"I've watched you with another girl way too many times, right in front of me, with my own eyes, Sunghoon. Do you know how I felt? It felt like I should kill myself because my only hope was no longer interested in me," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks even more as she let go all the frustration.

Sunghoon hugged her tightly, feeling deep regret when she hurts so badly because of him. Miwon felt furious toward him, all the pain she had kept to herself. Nobody was there when she was miserable.

At first, she didn't want to forgive him and doesn't want to interfere her life anymore with him, but after deep thinking, Miwon decided she wanted to be with him again. Maybe to start again for the first time is not wrong.

Sunghoon locked his eyes into her, both of them crying from the argument. He gently tucked a strand of her hair to behind her ear and wipe her tears that stream down her cheeks. They maintained eye contact while hugging each other.

Sunghoon couldn't take his eyes off how beautiful she was even though in the condition she's crying. He then staring into her lips. Those soft lips, the last time he tasted them was 7 years ago. And now, he badly wanted to taste them again, he'll never growing tired of it.

Sunghoon leaned in slowly and kissed her while both of them closing his eyes. Them both kissed passionately that fill with love, their lips finally meeting after the messy situation they had created before. Miwon couldn't resist the kiss because she missed Sunghoon so much too.

Unbeknownst to them, Jay watched the whole scene from they bickering to their kissing each other, his hands clenched in jealousy as finally Sunghoon win her back.


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