8: price tag ♡

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"Hmm... your outfit..." Miwon watched Jay from top to bottom manage to think something lack. "Why? It seems like you're not comfortable with my outfit, since you keep talking about it," Jay replied with a pout, he probably feel offended. "Oh my God, no! I mean, you should have a suitable outfit if you want to be my bodyguard."

Miwon seemed worried, afraid that he might feel too offended. "Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. So, what do you want me to wear?" asked Jay. "Maybe a suit..."

"Oh, I have plenty of those at home." Jay accidentally let slip his words, he did have a lot of suit from every brand which limited edition and self made. "Huh? Really?" Miwon asked while looking confused. "I was just kidding. I don't have any suits."

"Oh, haha. Then let's get you a suit." she said while laughing awkwardly. Miwon drove her car while Jay sat beside her, heading to boutique to buy a suit for him.


While Miwon picked out a suit for him she just simply taking it without looking at the price tag. She noticed that Jay looking at the price tag too, but his reaction seemed normal even though some of it she pick up the expensive one. "Aren't you shocked when you look at the price tag?" asked Miwon curiously.

"Oh yeah, it's pretty expensive," he replied casually. That was all he said, it's seems like he already get used to seeing that price. "You're really different from him," Miwon mumbled softly as she remembered how Sunghoon would react if it was him. Jay heard that, but he pretended not to because he already knew something was wrong between Miwon and 'her boyfriend'.

"So, tomorrow, come to my house at 7 a.m. sharp, and you can drive my car. I usually finish my office hours at 8 p.m., so while waiting for me, you can go anywhere you want." said Miwon to explain Jay's schedule. "And you must follow me wherever I go, except my house and the toilet."

"Alright, Ms Jang." Jay said with a smile. "Just call me Miwon. It's more comfortable for me."

"Okay, Miwonshi," Jay smiled again which is he can't stop smiling, his eyes also smiling because of that. Unbeknownst to them, Miwon found herself smiling too. It was just too cute watching Jay genuinely smile like that. "Okay, bye. See you tomorrow," Miwon wave her hand to say goodbye to him.

"You too."


"Why...isn't she calling or messaging me?" Sunghoon wondered aloud because Miwon not disturb him for a few days anymore as he walked around near Miwon's company to see her. Suddenly, he spotted Miwon talking happily with another man.

"Oh, I see...busy with another man," he muttered to himself, a hint of bitterness in his voice showing. "So, that's the guy you supposed to marry with, right? Oh, forget it...I'm still better than him." Sunghoon tried to call Miwon through his phone, hoping she would answer, but she didn't pick up because she was too engrossed in her conversation with Jay.

"What the...did you mute your phone?" Sunghoon's frustration grew as he watched Miwon smiling and enjoying her time with the other man. But why would he bother? It's not like they still together. Yet he feels mad and bit hurt saw her being happy with another guys beside him, he clenched his fist and walked away, leaving them behind.

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