24: lying ♡

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Sunghoon picked up his car keys and followed Jay's car from behind. When they stopped at Miwon's home, Sunghoon parked his car at a distance where he could still see them both. He called Miwon phone to confirm something.

"Miwon, where are you?" Sunghoon asked as soon as she answered the call, his tone turn serious and his eyes fixed on her waiting for what Miwon gonna say right now. "Sunghoon, I'm sorry for not telling you that I just left. I had something urgent to attend to at my office," Miwon stuttered while lying to him.

"So, you're at your office now?" Sunghoon asked again to see if she going to be honest to him. "Yeah, I am," she replied, even though she's not willing to lie but she had to.

Sunghoon ended the call since Miwon lying to him and his eyes seething with anger. Especially when he saw Jay touching his girl and entering the house together. "Fuck! Why did you lie to me?" Sunghoon muttered while trying to hold himself from getting mad at her.


Jay helped Miwon lie down on the sofa and quickly went to the kitchen in search of water and a handkerchief without asking her where they were. He's unable to find a handkerchief there, then he remembered that he always carried the handkerchief he had given her that day.

He hurried back to her and placed the damp handkerchief after he wet it on her forehead to lower her body temperature. Her body was covered in sweat too fast, and Jay grew even more worried seeing Miwon become pale. He then helped her remove her coat.

His hand remained on her forehead while gently wiping the sweat away with the handkerchief. "Why don't we go to the hospital? Please listen to me this time, Miwon.." Jay stuttered, his voice cracking as he can't hold himself from crying, he can't overcome his sadness when seeing her in so much pain.

"There's nothing they can do. Can you please take my medicine in my room? It's inside the drawer," Miwon said. Jay followed her instructions and rushed to her room. He opened each drawer one by one until he found the one filled with a lots of bottles medicine.

Some of the contents from the bottles spilled onto the floor as he accidentally open the drawer too hard, leaving him shocked and confused by the multitude of medications she had. "Are all of these your medicines? Miwon, what kind of illness you suffer right now?" he asked himself.

Jay quickly go back downstair bring all the medicines along with him. "All of this your medicines? Why is it a lots?! " asked Jay as he worried seeing that amount of medicines she had. Miwon just nodded and tried to sit up from her lying position.

Jay assisted her and brought a glass of water for her to swallow the pills. Miwon took several pills from each of the medicine bottles and then looked at Jay while his tears still streaming down his face. "Don't cry. I'm not going to die just yet," she said to him.

"Why do you need to say that?" Jay cried even more upon hearing her words. She chuckled softly, despite the pain she was in, seeing Jay cry like a kid. "If you cry, I'll fired you," she teases because she doesn't want Jay to worry about her.

Jay held back his tears and pouted at her he then suddenly hugged her. Miwon was taken aback by his sudden action, but she just let him to embrace her. "I like you, Jang Miwon. Please don't leave me," Jay said in stuttered, he can't imagine if he lost her.


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