27: believe me ♡

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Miwon rolled her eyes as Sunghoon kept staring at the contact card given by Jake earlier. "Good for you, I guess," she said sarcastically. "This is my chance to go bigger!" he replied excitedly, his smile stretching from ear to ear and his eyes almost shut due to being happy.

"You almost ruined my project," she said while giving him a glare. "Yup, sorry about that. I just can't stand seeing my girl happily with another man," he admitted. "Why are you always being so jealous?" she asked curiously while staring at him.

Sunghoon couldn't contain himself seeing her cuteness mixed with a hint of anger, so he pinched both of her cheeks. Miwon let out a yelp as her cheeks turned red from being pinched. "Sorry, you're just too cute when angry," he said without feeling guilty.

Miwon glared at him and walk away to ignored him. Sunghoon realize that he had messed up the situation so he's chasing her and hugging her from behind to make her feel better. "Why do you look so stressed today? Tell me, love," Sunghoon asked gently.

Miwon turned her face towards him and placed both of her hands on his face. "Imagine if you become famous, what about me?" she asked emotionally, her eyes almost welling up with tears.

"I would never forget about you. No girls can compare to Jang Miwon. Having you as my one and only is already enough for me," he replied to calm her down. "Will you promise me that?" Sunghoon stared at her eyes for a few seconds after she asked that.

He then kissed her lips while tightening the hug and pulling her waist more closer to him. "That is my proof of our promise." And just like that, she finally smiled again with a word of comfort from him. "By the way, there's something I want to ask you," he said.

"What is it?" asked Miwon waiting for his question. "The day you left my house, I saw you with Jay," Sunghoon suddenly changed his tone to a serious one. Miwon cleared her throat and avoided his eyes as she surprised Sunghoon saw them leave his house together.

She wanted to let go of the hug, but Sunghoon didn't release her until she answers him. "Aren't you hungry? I suddenly feel like eating something," Miwon stuttered, trying to change the topic. "Tell me first, or I'll eat you up right here." said Sunghoon while still waiting for Miwon answers him.

"He's my bodyguard, right?" said her but Miwon still didn't answer the question. "And I'm your boyfriend. Why didn't you wake me up if you wanna go somewhere?" he asked. "Because I saw you were sleepy, and I didn't want to disturb you."

"It still doesn't make sense to me." replied him as the answer didn't satisfies him. Miwon showed her frustration as Sunghoon continued to argue about it. "Don't you trust your girl? It's fine if you don't trust me. Let's end it here," Miwon purposely saying that so that Sunghoon wouldn't feel more suspicious of her, she then pushing Sunghoon away and walk away.

Sunghoon was shocked and didn't know what to do seeing Miwon getting mad at him. He suddenly felt guilty for not believe her. He chased after her and stopped her to apologize for being jealous again.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I should believe you. I know you're loyal to me," he said while pleading. "Please don't leave me," he begged. Miwon sighed and nodded, indicating that she forgave him. She was relieved that Sunghoon didn't take it too seriously.

Because she didn't want Sunghoon to know that she had been alone with Jay at home for three days but they're not doing anything at all except Jay taken care of her only.


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