31: breaking up propose ♡

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As soon as she returned home, Miwon locked herself in her room leaving Jay behind. She cried again as much as she could, and Jay knocked on the door many times begging her to open it, but she just ignored him.

He eventually decided to let her have some time alone. "I didn't know the world would be this cruel," Miwon said to herself. She watched the videos of Sunghoon that she had taken when they were together.

"We shouldn't have met in the first place.." Miwon took a photo frame of them together and hugged it tightly until she fell asleep. Meanwhile, at Sunghoon's place, he was doing the exact same thing.

Watching Miwon's videos and looking at her pictures laughing and smiling sweetly in front of camera, he hopes she would come back sooner. There was something that made him uneasy about her as if something was wrong.

Even the way Miwon had talked to him through phone call felt off. Nevertheless, he tried to stay positive, thinking that she might just be tired. "There's no use being an international athlete if you're not here," he muttered while resting his head on his arm at the table. He fell asleep too while looking at Miwon's picture.

After a few hours both of them sleeping, Sunghoon's phone rang, he woke up to pick up the call as he's groggy when he saw that it was Miwon calling, his eyes widened, and he became fully awake finally Miwon reached out for him.

Sunghoon had been eagerly waiting for her to call him, and he answered the call excitedly. "Miwon! I miss you! How are you? Do you miss me? Are you done with your work?" Sunghoon asked her a flurry of questions before Miwon could say anything.

He was like a kid who had received something sweet from someone they love. "Yeah, I'm done with my work here. Let's meet tonight," she said without much emotion. "Really?! Okay! Finally, I've been waiting for this day," Sunghoon replied, becoming even more excited at the prospect of meeting her.


Sunghoon checked himself in front of the mirror, he's wearing a suit that looked really good on him as he wants to look good in front of someone he loves tonight.

He took something out of his pocket and opened it-a small box with a Prada wedding ring inside. He had bought it a long time ago, and he believed today was the day he would propose to Miwon. "I can't wait to make you completely mine," he smiled, though feeling a bit nervous as he thought about it.

"Will you marry me, my Prada girl?" he practiced his words for the proposal later, he then giggled to himself due to feeling embarrassed. Sunghoon checked himself again in the mirror one last time before leaving the house.

Miwon had asked him to meet her at Han River, even though there were many other good places they could have met instead. But he just followed her request as long as he could see her.

After a few minutes, Sunghoon arrived at the meeting spot, but it seemed like Miwon hadn't arrived yet. So, he decided to wait there until she came. "There you are," a voice from behind made him turn around, and it was Miwon. He quickly stood up and hugged her, but Miwon didn't hug him back like usual.

"I've said this a thousand times already, but I miss you so much. Please don't leave me again," he said, his voice filled with longing. Miwon just remained silent, fighting back her own emotions. If he missed her a lot, she would miss him even more eventually.

Sunghoon looked into her pretty eyes, he wants to kiss her, but she quickly avoided it by pretending to cough. It's become awkward for him that make him stopped himself, realizing he shouldn't have done that. "I'm sorry," he said, clearing his throat.

"Jang Miwon, I want to make you mine tonight," he said again, while she stared at him with confusion. Sunghoon then knelt down in front of her, took something out of his pocket, and presented the ring in a small box.

"Will you marry me?" he asked warmly, hoping Miwon would accept him. Miwon was shocked because this was not what she had expected when she wanted to meet him. She was at a loss for words. Of course, she wants to accept to be together with him for whole life, but she couldn't.

"I can't," she said firmly. Sunghoon was stunned by her response and slowly stood up. "Miwon, are you joking, right? Come on, I know you're just playing with me," Sunghoon laughed awkwardly, trying to brush it off. Miwon looked into his eyes, showing that she despised him.

"I'm serious, Park Sunghoon. Let's break up," she said in a serious tone. Sunghoon also became serious when he realized that her expression wasn't playful. "Why so sudden?" he asked heavily, there's no way he wants to let her go.

"Because I don't love you anymore. I hope you can forget about me," Miwon turned away, intending to walk away from there. "Just like that? Do you think my feeling is a toy? You make everything sound easy, Jang Miwon!" Sunghoon raised his voice in frustration, which surprising Miwon a little.

She halted her steps and turned back to face him. "As if you didn't toy with my feelings before. I waited for you for whole 7 years, Park Sunghoon, yet you disappeared without any reason without a single explaination to me," tears started to well up in Miwon's eyes.

"If it's because of that, I've already apologized countless times, Miwon," he said with a sad tone, hoping that she wouldn't leave him. "But you never told me the reason why you left me back then! I hate you for leaving me alone," she raised her voice in frustration. Sunghoon walked closer to her.

"You hate me that much?" ask him to confirmation. "Yes," she said firmly. "Do you know why I left you? All of those is because of you," he started smirked. "You think I didn't hear your conversation with your father that time? I clearly heard you say that you agreed to marry someone else for your parents," Sunghoon's gaze turned cold as he remembered those moment.

"I left you the day after because I'm not a toy that you can play with whenever you want," he continued. "But today, you prove me right. You finally left me, why? Is it because of your bullshit parents?" Miwon was furious when her parents were insulted like that, even though she also harbored resentment towards them, but they were still her parents.

"Can you stop talking badly about my parents?" she demanded. "Why can't I? They've insulted me many times, so why can't I do the same?" he retorted. "BECAUSE THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD!" Miwon shouted in anger. Sunghoon was at a loss for words upon hearing that.

"Then, for what reason are you leaving me, Miwon?" Sunghoon asked again, now filled with anger. "Look at yourself, Sunghoon. We don't suit each other. I've already found someone who is better for me," Miwon replied.

"You mean, Jay? You think I don't know he's actually rich? I remember seeing both of you together at your house." he replied, as he already find out Jay background all this time. "Is that wrong? You did the same thing," Miwon countered.

"It seems like both of you are having a good time. Doing 'something' behind my back," Sunghoon said with a smirk. Miwon felt disappointed as she hadn't expected him to think that way.

"As usual, you're always after someone with money. You're such a rich spoiled brat," Sunghoon hurled hurtful words at her before he walking away, leaving her behind. Meanwhile, Miwon's heart shattered into pieces heard all those bad thought of her from him. She fell to the ground as her leg feel weak and cried loudly. They had broken up in the worst possible way on the day he wants to propose her.

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