23: headache ♡

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Unconsciously, Miwon fell asleep while watching a movie on Sunghoon's shoulder. He just let her to sleep until the end of the movie, not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber. When the movie concluded, he gently laid her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket, he's thinking of sleeping in the living room.

However, as Sunghoon tried to leave the room, Miwon grabbed his hand in half-awake and looking confused. "Where are you going?" she asked in a sleepy voice. Sunghoon stumbled over his words, some sort feel nervous. "Um, to sleep outside?" he replied.

Miwon who is still half-asleep, shook her head after heard that from him. "The bed is too big for me." said her. Sunghoon scratching his neck awkwardly because is that what he's thinking?, Sunghoon replied to confirm it, "Okay, so you want me to make it smaller?"

Miwon nodded, and Sunghoon reluctantly climbed into bed beside her. He adjusted the blanket to cover both of them and pulled her closer as they cuddled until they fell back asleep.


The next morning, Miwon woke up and found herself in Sunghoon's embrace once again. She gazed at his face, contemplating her next move. She playfully blew air on his face to tease him, causing him to wake up abruptly.

"Whoa, when you were sleeping, I didn't even move an inch because I was afraid you might wake up. But when I'm sleeping, you disturb me," Sunghoon complained with a hint of sulking in his voice.

Miwon giggled seeing he sulking finding his complaint amusing. "Okay, go back to sleep, my son. I'm sorry," she jokingly responded, pretending to be his mother as she patted his head.

As Sunghoon attempted to doze off again, Miwon grabbed her phone and began scrolling through it. However, her head suddenly started to feel ache, similar to what happened that day because she had forgotten to take her medicine. She decided to just endure the pain quietly so that Sunghoon wouldn't worry about her.

While she battling the headache, she typed a message to Jay, her bodyguard. "Please come pick me up," she texted.

She shared Sunghoon's house location with Jay, who, preoccupied with work at his company, he immediately read the message and decided to prioritize her request than his work at the moment. He disregarded his work responsibilities because concerned about her well-being.


Around 20 minutes later, Jay arrived at Sunghoon's house. Miwon carefully untangled herself from Sunghoon's embrace, being careful not to wake him up, and quietly put on her coat and shoes. "Miwon, what happened? Whose house is this?" Jay asked, approaching her with a worried expression.

Miwon placed a finger on her lips, signaling for him to be quiet because she doesn't want Sunghoon to find out she with Jay right now. The two of them left the house, and Jay started the car. "Take me home as quickly as possible," Miwon requested, her voice strained with pain.

Jay noticed that she was not in good condition and instinctively touched her forehead to check her temperature. "Maybe we should go to the hospital," he suggested, show concern evident in his voice. "No! Just take me home!" Miwon insisted, her head throbbing with pain.

"But you caught a fever!" Jay exclaimed, worriedly. "I don't! It's just that my head hurts so badly, as if it's about to explode," Miwon replied, she clutching her head in agony. Jay fought back his tears while witnessing her suffering. Miwon reached out and held his hand, looking directly into his eyes.

"Help me, I'll let you take care of me at home," she pleaded, her eyes filled with desperation because she had to ask for his help this time as she doesn't know anyone else. Jay swallowed hard while making decisions torn between wanting to take her to the hospital and respecting her wish. He cared deeply for Miwon and didn't want to see her in pain.

In the end, Jay made the difficult decision to honor her request. He pressed the car pedal to the maximum, determined to get her home as quickly as possible as she wishes.

Meanwhile, back at Sunghoon's house, he clenched his fist in anger as he watched Miwon leave with Jay without telling him anything. "That's not what I expected," he muttered to himself, his frustration evident. He had witnessed both of them standing at the window, he's unaware that Miwon was in distress.

Sunghoon was left with a mix of emotions and disappointed unsure of what was happening and feeling a sense of unease about the situation.


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