4: i'm her boyfriend ♡

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Miwon parked her car by the Han River, a place filled with bittersweet memories of her first encounter with Sunghoon. Almost every night, she found herself there, hoping for a chance to meet him again like the first time he did, to relive the moments they once shared.

As she sat at the bench nearby, Miwon closed her eyes, reminiscing about the beautiful memories they had created together. She couldn't forget those moments, but she also wished she could move on. Deep down, she believed that Sunghoon still loved her, even if it was just a tiny sliver of affection.

She lost in her thoughts, a tears streamed down Miwon's cheeks. Suddenly, a stranger approached her, offering a handkerchief to wipe away her tears. "Take this," he said while showing a handkerchief to her. Miwon, taken aback by the unexpected kindness, but manage to accepted the handkerchief with gratitude.

"Oh, thank you," she says while her voice quivering due to crying. The guy sat down beside her, causing her to scoot away slightly. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I hope you have better days," he said gently. Miwon smiled and nodded in response. "Thank you for your words. I just needed to let out my sadness," she confessed.

"It's okay to feel sad, but we can't dwell in that sadness forever. We need to change and move forward," he offered words of comfort seeing Miwon seems to face a problem.


Miwon prepared herself to attend her uncle's party, she choosing to go alone since Sunghoon don't want to come with her. She wore just a simple black dress because she doesn't want to draw too much attention to everyone. Unbeknownst to her, even in her simple attire, she looked stunning enough to make someone heads turn around as she entered the party.

Miwon driving her car to go there and she arrived at her uncle's house after approximately 30 minutes. The party was bustling with people, which made her feel nervous. However, she took a deep breath, clutching her purse tightly with both hands.

As she walking into the party, she noticed that everyone's eyes were on her, accompanied by hushed whispers. She chooses to ignore the attention and made her way to find a drink, because her throat feeling dry.


"Isn't she's the girl I met last night?" Jay mumbled, his gaze fixed on Miwon as she entered the party. "Hey, Park Jongseong, long time no see!" Mr Kim greeted his friend. "Oh, Mr. Kim! Yeah, I've been busy with my businesses in America," Jay replied.

But Jay's eyes remained fixed on Miwon, and Mr. Kim couldn't help but notice. "She's my niece. What's the matter? Do you find her pretty?" Mr. Kim asked to tease him. Jay was taken aback by the revelation. "You never told me you had such a beautiful niece," Jay replied, slightly surprised.

"Well, you never asked. But too bad for you, she already has a boyfriend. I almost wanted to introduce you to her," Mr. Kim chuckled. Jay smiled fade, knowing he was a little too late. Mr. Kim patted Jay's shoulder before leaving him to his thoughts.


"Jang Miwon," a voice called out. "Oh, Uncle, there you are," Miwon replied, relieved to see her uncle. Mr. Kim's eyes scanned her surroundings as if searching for someone. "Where's your boyfriend?" he inquired.

"Uncle, actually, I—" Miwon began, her voice trailing off as she lowered her gaze. Suddenly, someone gently grab her hand from the side. "I'm here. Park Sunghoon. Jang Miwon's boyfriend," he said while introduced himself, smiling at Mr. Kim.

Miwon looked up at him, unable to believe that Sunghoon had appeared so suddenly. She couldn't help but wonder why he had to come when he refused at first? "Yes, he is my boyfriend's uncle," Miwon said. "Wow, you got a handsome boyfriend. Both of you look good together," Mr. Kim praise them.

Sunghoon wore the same suit that Miwon had given him that day. "Let's go eat then," Mr. Kim invited both of them to join and left them to talk with his friend. After her uncle left, Sunghoon's face became serious again, and he let go of her hand. "I thought you didn't want to come," Miwon said.

"Please don't think that I caught feelings for you. I just helped you to avoid embarrassment, like your father did for me that day," Sunghoon said. Sunghoon then left her to go somewhere far away from the crowd. Miwon just followed behind him. He stopped, and Miwon almost bumped into him.

"You can take this suit now," he said, as Sunghoon take off the suit, leaving only the white shirt he was wearing. "This is the gift I gave you," Miwon replied in confused. "These aren't gifts anymore. The more I keep this, the more traumatized I become," Sunghoon threw away the suit in front of her face, but she managed to catch it before it fell.

"Don't meet me again," Sunghoon said as he walked away, leaving her alone. "I thought they were a couple," Jay mumbled, he's eavedropping Miwon and Sunghoon's conversation from behind the wall.

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