Part 4 - Late lunch

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Bright pov

After having my late lunch, me and win talk randomly. As usual i'm the story teller and he listen and response when he want. Some time i felt annoyed when he only response with smile and hurm. He just laugh and touch my head to straighten my beany. Hey, thats my character i told him. He lets out a big laugh and i just rolled my eyes and focus on my phone. Win, i called him loudly. Yess tine he keep with his teasing. Tine is what he called me when we are alone and he firmly said that was my original character not him and will last like that for both of us.
Stop it win, look at this, i show him the news. Shit, what the heck bright, curse win. He become serious. Do you know him, he ask. I rolled my eyes. who does not, I asked him back. No, i mean personally or close to him , ask win again. Its so nice to tease win when he is serious. Bright, win deep voice startle me. I dont know him personally, but he follow me on ig and always like my picture. He so nice, I answer hurrily. I dont want angry metawin. He is scary when he angry. Are you sure, He ask me again. I nod and look at worry metawin. Lets go home, i will send u home win said. Lets go, he pull me from my sit when i am not moving. Win, i can go home with p toey, i try to avoid him because i know he is in his protective mode that i dont like. Finally i have to give in and follow win to his new car. Such a control freak brat.

Win pov

Why bright not him. Just like bright mention earlier. Bright strongly confident and believe that mile try to know me through him. It always happen because of our character in the series. Bright being the alpha in the series always make a few stupid people try to hit on me. But most of them know who i am when they talk to me. Is he have the same thought about bright i talk to myself. The whole world can say that he is the alpha, the top or whatever its called. For me he is just innocent little boy who thought he is straight as arrow, who actually so different from his character. That why he act so free and easy with me, he never know how hard i control myself when i have sleep over at his house. The best part is he dont even know i am biseksual. He is just a guy who look tough outside but become a kitten at home. A lot of time i an angry with his fans, they love to baby him and spoiled him so much. But sometime i also agree with his fan because he is really a baby. Win, bright call me. What wrong, are u ok, he ask when he see me in deep thought. This is what i love the most about him, his empathy is at another level. Nothing tine, i just thinking about mile, i reply to him honestly. Have you see him before, i ask again. No, i dont he answer firmly. How can i see him, he is out of my league he said. But its ok win, dont worry, maybe the reporter just clout chaser , bright said calmly. I nod my head and tidy up his hair.Be carefull, call me when you  after you lock your door, i remind him. Bright just rolled his eyes. Win, i'm a big man and i know boxing, he reply. I know, just let me know, i said again. He just sigh and walk out from my car. Bye win, see you when i see you he said happily. He waive his hand and get into lift. I wait until i received his picture with ame then drive straight to my home. This is abnormal, i still cannot stop thinking. I finally call one of my man to check on this. The brat, bright will let it pass without doing anything.

Mile POV

How is he, I ask bright invisible bodyguard. He already arrive at home boss, he was send by win. I tightly hold the pen in my hand. I need to do something, i really need to ensure all my action will not make my love sad. He consider win his good friend and family. he will sad if anything happen to him.
I saw the new picture send by my man.
I smile looking at his smile and waive to win. I hold my pen tightly when i saw picture of win touching his hair. You better hurry or he will fell into win hand, apo said.  Win have same qualification with you even he is not the richest in thailand but he still have a lot of power and people , apo add when he see me close my eyes and shaking due to anger. Ask bible to join bright boxing club. I slowly said. Consider it done boss apo reply happily. Lets start the hunt, he scream and excitedly run before being scolded. I just smile on how silly he look.
Wait for me my love. I really miss u and wish to hugs you so much. I touch my baby picture with so much love. I received another notification from my love IG post. Oh god, please be nice to me. I need to make sure he dont show this side of him anymore. He is manly man but he fail to understand that he also beutiful and cute. Number one rules after being my boyfriend. no more picture without proper cloth. I just can sigh and look at how fast he get like for his picture and its increasing. He is known as the influencer and the most popular person in thailand. With this type of picture my man need to work extra hard to identify any fetish comment that can bring danger to him. He just so oblivious of his surrounding but was call the alpha by that stupid company. Thank god i manage to invest in the company so i can control his job and his schedule. I always make sure i clear all my schedule to accompany him for his oversea schedule trip. Maybe like apo said, now is the right time to start everything.

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