Part 40 - Favorite song

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Bright Pov

I listen to my favorite song to cool myself. I look at my accesories. The bracellet and ring really match with p mile neckclace.
The organizer ask me to wear p mile necklace, at first i refuse but when they inform that there are one set i reluctantly wear the necklace..
When i was bring to the back stage. I patiently wait for my name but suddenly i felt someone touch my waist. Hi baby you look stunning. I imediately turn to p mile. What are you, i stop myself when i look at him. We are wearing a macthing suit and accessories. Before i manage to ask, the host call for our name. Presenting our new BA Mile and bright. I can't breath and start panic, it suppose to be bw if i received a couple endorsement. This is never happen before how could my company allow this. Lets go baby he said push me to walk. Please p i try to distance myself. I think all the media gonna crazy snaping our picture, but when i reach stage the environment look so calm and elegance.
I felt a bit relieved and without my knowledge, our event was live at most popular place at singapore. Some of fans do live streaming. There is no way the world did not notice this. I slowly approach the stage and bow to the prominent people on stage . After introducing us, the host elaborate that the accessories we used is create for us and not for mass market.Since they received so many inquary.. So that mean me and p mile also have couple product. This is crazy, this should not happen. We stand close but with proper distance. After formal ceremony now we are going to have lunch with brand executive people.
My manager was always with me. We try to distance our self from p mile team. I just wai and bow to all people who look so excited to see me but directly ignore p mile. I felt a bit nervouse and weird at the same time. Bright come here a very old man call me. I look at my manager and she just nodd to me and said he is the real boss. I politely bow to him and try to shake his hand but what he do is very shocking. After shake my hand he drag me to his table. You can sit beside me he said. Its ok khun i can sit with, before i finish talking. Sit, the old man said you can call me grandpa. I just look around the table, they signal me to sit. thank you khun. I said, its grandpa he said again. Thank you grandpa i said ackwardly. How old are you, he ask. I'm 23 this year i said and turn to left when i felt some one sit beside me. Lets eat he said and start putting food into my plate, he is such a warm person. Wow he is rich but very humble, he really treat me like a grand son. Do you have boyfriend he suddenly ask. I am so shock but again i turn to p mile because he was caughing. after that i look at grandpa and honestly said. No , i dont and once again p mile cough hardly. Really , he ask again, so is it ok to introduce you to my grand daughter. Now one cute girl coughing. I politely shake my head. sorry grandpa, i have no boyfriend but i now considering someone, so i cant accept your offer. Then i can hear a big laugh at our table. I felt really weird. Omg he so cute suddenly i heard some one said, but i dont think its for me. After that we calmly enjoy our lunch. So when can i see you again grandpa ask. If grandpa come to thai, i promise i will acompany you he look satisfied with my answer. You are much better than my grandsons and grand daughter. No one from them can get a partner, so useless. The most useless one is the one who cannot get his boyfriend heart but pretend to be posesive boyfriend. And once again p mile cough, i felt worried and push my warm water to him. What wrong with him today, he so silent and keep coughing. After a while we finish eating and i need to excuse my self. I look for my manager but she cannot be seen. what wrong baby, p mile ask me slowly. I pretend not to hear him. What do you want son sunddenly grandpa ask me. Nothing grandpa but i cant see my manager i honestly said. I need to go home. Oh, you can come with me, we can go together he suddenly said.
I immediately reject his offer. Thank you for the offer grandpa. but we already book my ticket , i said. When is your flight , He ask again. Tonight i said. I really need to leave early and settle all the issue. But the bull beside me i interupt, they will be no ticket for tonite. he said confidently.
And we have another photoshoot said the brand executive. I just look at them with inquary look. Sorry i was not brief before i said. Lets stay here a few more days. Let me be the host grandpa said. It was a suprise offer. Its ok grandpa. I wont disturb you. I need to find my manager, excuse me i said and stand up bow politely. I can see my manager walk to me. P, can we go now i ask. I think it so weird sitting at that table. I said to her. my manager just smile and look at the table. Then he said lets go and walk leaving the event..

Other pov

What will you do now, they ask with a teasing smile. He is a good cacth but wild one. He so brave to reject grandpa offer. For others its like a fortune so they just laugh at mile sulky face. Now you know he is not easy to cacth, he reject you too mile said to grandpa. Now it grandpa turn to sulky. He just scare and try to run from a bull grandpa casually said. All the family members laugh loud again. Then my cute cousin said. Grandpa how come you suggest me to bright, p mile are going to kill me she said.

Mile can only sigh and nodd to bright manager allow him to leave. He really have control on everyone around bright. He hunt bright how he do business. He leave no space for his enemy. He control everything to ensure his aim and target. but it look like his strategy not working well with bright, then after kiss grandpa and say goodbye he quickly left the event and continue his hunting.
But he really handsome and beautiful one of the family said. Other just nodded and agreed. Grandpa look so please.
Just pray mile manage to get him grandpa said and leave the table.

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