Part 30 - Good mood

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Mile pov

I love seing him happy and in good mood but i also miss my cry baby who is clingy. I can do a lot of things if he is in that state. Me and my pervy taught.
But seing him try his best to be strong and equal in relation really touch my heart. Apo might be right, i'm so whipped with this beautiful man. Everything he do look so beautiful and charming. His talk, his smile even his tantrum and his cry look really beautiful to me. I already clear my schedule for his oversea tour. I used my work as an excuse but all the team know why i want to visit our hotel at japan. But who can say no to their boss. The love of my life still know nothing, its gonna be a big suprise for him. It 10 am now, my love still sleeping and look like a baby. He need to prepare before his departure this evening. I wish i can drop him at airport but what can i do is drop him at metawin condo. After a few drama here and there now my beautiful lover get out of bathroom and cover himself with tower. Did he forgot that his boyfriend is pervert. He is now humming still drying his hair. Shit, this kid really be the death of me. His body now look so soft and clean like a baby. I walk to him and help him dry his hair. I can do it myself p he said. Allow me my love, i said dramaticly. After i satisfy with his hair i pull him in my hug and start kissing him pasionately. He push me to breath. Now i start kissing his neck and his shoulder blade. Dont mark me p , He suddenly say. I stop and look at him. why? I ask him. It will hard for me to wear cloth all the time, win will laugh at me seing all this and dew and nanny will shocked to death he said casually. Who said that you can half naked in front of them i start feeling angry. He look at me confusely and a bit scare of my tone. I do, he said stubornly. No you are not, i said coldly. P stop joking, this is not funny he said not give in. I'll never joke about this baby, i said try hard to be calm. I hold him tighter try kiss him but he reject me directly. Baby i will not tolerate this, so please i beg him with soft dangerous tone. No i will not, he push me and try to escape from my hug. Baby you better agree before, Before what he ask me back. He look piss off and angry. I will naked with them if i want, i'm a man for god sake he start yelling. I cant take it anymore. No you are not i said and kiss him roughly. P stop it he yell again. But i cant think anymore and force my self on him. Its been 30 minute after that regretful event. I marked him as much as i could. I even leave one mark oh his beutiful neck. He has been in toilet since then. Now when i calm down, i know i am in mess. Its so hard to change our old attitude. I try hard to control my temper. I really mess up this time. I knock the door but received no response. OMG what have i done, i must be crazy, then i heard he open the door. I walk to him and hold his hand, i'm sorry baby,
I really sorry. i dont mean it, i beg him to forgive me. He just stand silently and keep looking down. He slowly push me and walk out the room. He sit at the fartest chair at my balcony. I know he is crying now. what have i done. Is already 12pm we need to go now but my baby still sitting outdoor. I cant even say a word. After a while he come in and wear his turtle neck shirt, i felt really sorry for him. Then without a word he take his luggage and walk to the door. I was really suprise and hold his hand tighly. Let me send you i beg him. He try to pull his hand. Please baby at least let me send you safely to win, you can be angry but please let me send you i beg again. Without let go of his hand i grab his laugage and walk out the door.

The silent is killing me, then i heard a soft sobs. I close my eyes and felt really regret but i really cant say anything right now. His soft sobs really break my heart. I can felt his frustration and hurt. When we arrive i see he wipe his tears and prepare to see win. Baby i called him before he open the door. He stop but not turn his face to me. I grab his hand and pull him into my hug. p is really sorry i said and kiss his forhead. Without any reply he just get out of the car and walk to metawin. Then he hug metawin tightly. I can see confuse metawin but he still caress his back softly then both of them leave me alone with the regret.

Win pov

Something must be wrong. If not there is no way this chatterbox will be this silent but i just give him time and ask a few question regarding the tour like pasport and important thing only. I know he need time or he maybe just sad because he will separate with p mile. I look at the necklace in his hand, he hold it tightly.
You better keep it properly, it look expensive i try again. He just look at me and keep it in his crossbody. I can help if you want to wear it i said again. He just shake his hand and try to smile. I'm okay he suddenly said. I just nodd. I throw him a sandwich he like. I bought extra and cannot finish it, u can have it i said and then focus on my driving.. we already arrive at airport. P eed and p toey already waiting for us.. our fanclub already camping at airport.. are you ready i ask and he nod and smile. Lets go and the bright i know again comes to live, he is smiling and waving to his fans. Joking around and after leave the fans he become as silent as stone. Are you fighting nani ask me. I just signal him to quiet and left him alone. Its very quiet when this chatter box is loosing his voice. We always have a happy time during travel. Now i really know who make our journey lovely. He always try to make all of us confort when travelling. I let him sleep on my shoulder. I can see a love bite at his neck, i felt really hurt but try to accept it. When i see a passnger walk toward us, i fix his shirt to cover his hickey. All the world will say we are loving couple but only me know the truth. The mesage i received from p mile before departure make me a bit worry. "please take care of him, tell me if anything happen"
We already finish our first schedule and rehersal. Now all of us are relaxing in nani room, the company look generous this time. We dont need to share the room now. The brat was already leave and get into his room for rest. As long as he still can concentrate at concert i 'll leave him alone. Both nani and dew ask why but i sencerely told them i dont know. May be this is reason why my feeling was one sided. I give too much respect for his right and look not concern with him. But that how we are.

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