Part 39 - Determine

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Bright POV

P mile is very determine to disclose our relation, i'm really scare. My ultimate weapon cant break into his heart. i'm so angry so that i punch his hard. The situation  become worse. A lot of fans take our picture together.. i dont have caurage enough to look at media social.  I was scare but at the same time felt weird, how can p mile look so relax and cool. Its gonna be big scandle in thai Entertaiment. My stupid mistake, what can i do now, i wish i can be with him for longer time. Now i just need to wait for someone call me and pay me to leave  p mile. Just thinking about that make me hurt. I wish i was strong and manage to leave him earlier. I just love him so much. I wish he was just normal person like me. I am trying my best to make sure this remain as scandle or gossip. But the bull outside have different thought,  i really angry but felt loved at the same time. How will i leave him when he keep getting deeper into my heart. What should i do. First i need to leave this house and find p toey. I need space so i can think hard. How come this house have so many security.
Baby  lets eat, i heard p mile call me at the door. I need to go to the event. By hook or by crook i need to get out and face p mile. I open the door and ignore p mile and start ready to my schedule. Lets eat first baby he said. But i keep preparing my self and totally ignore him. I call p toey asking her to pick me up. p can you pick me up, can we go together, no i dont want to. Then i will use grab, no i dont care. Just give me the address, i will go by myself i said ignoring p mile. Baby i will send you he said. I just get all my personal things and leave the room. Before i get close to the door two man in black stop me and respectfully ask me to wait for p mile. I felt so much angry now. Are you gangster, you cannot stop me from leaving,  this is illegal i said to both of them. Both of them just keep silent. Not long after that here come the boss, with his elegance black suit he walk to me and without any words he lift me in princess style and bring me to the car. I really hate this but i have no power to fight this bull. I seat as far as i could. He just keep silent and do his work. I felt so frustrated and angry but miss him at the same time. I bit my lips hard. I cant control myself anymore and start crying. I must be the weirdest man a live,  i cant decide what should i do. Baby , soft voice call me. Now i cry harder, i felt like my old p mile was back. Then he reach out for me and lift me on his lap. Please baby dont cry its killing me he said sadly. I dont know what emotion i have but i just hugging him tightly and keep repeating i hate you. I really hate you i said with a sobs. You can hate me baby, but this time you wont get what you want. Listen to his statement i cry harder. He just hug me and caress my back. After a long cry i just put my head on his shoulder with soft sobs. I hate you, dont you remember our rules. You cannot force me , you must listen to me. I said between my sobs. You dont love me anymore, i try to play victim card. I can felt he just smirk and kiss my head. Yes i know baby, i can give you anything except what you want now he said calmly. You dont love me,  i hate you, Í really hate you i said. He just nodd and kiss my hair. He so soft but firm when rejecting my request. Am i losing my charm now. Like he can read my mind, he said there is no way you lost your charm baby, but it definitely no this time. Then i leave  his lap and back to my place sulky. I can heard a soft laugh. He must know my plan all along. I am getting annoyed. Dont u ever touch me again, i hate you i said. That was my last card to ensure he behave at public.

Mile Pov

Its funny seing my baby try hard to prevent me join his event. Now he is confuse weather to be angry because i follow him to event or because i reject his request. Knowing him,  right now number two is the reason he sulky and annoyed. Why during in this situation he can be this cute.I know he gonna be angry when he wear his white burbery suit match with my black burbery. I dont know why all his action is cute and very naive. But i dont dare to laugh and only can smile. He must be thinking really hard right now. He is very smart guy but very confuse right now. I dont know how this stupid thought get into his brain. He must think he is real life hero just like the movie he ask before. This beautiful guy bravely said that he will ask 1B if my family come and offer him money to leave me. I still cant believe he forgot when stay with me he can get more than that. Lets go , i said when we reach one of my family hotel to announce him as new BA. Supprisely without tantrum he get out of the car and walk as far as he could from me. I can see his fans was waiting. When he see his manager,  his walk become faster and leave me behind. I can only smile seing his behavior. Just like usual or maybe he forgot about his situation when he greet all his fans with his angel smile and leave to be ready for event..  i just wait and look at him from behind. I dont want to spoil his mood. My appearance today already make the media crazy. So i dont need to make my baby angry by touching and stay close to him.
I just fold my hand and wait for him to attend his fans like good boyfriend.
I know some of his fans keep recording me but i just smile like nothing happen..
When he leave to be ready i slowly walk infront of his fans. Some of them also call me and start calling my name. I stop and greet them for a while. P mile why are you here, are you accompany your boyfriend , they start teasing me. I just laugh and jokingly said he will sulky and angry  if he heard this. I will in trouble, i told them. All of them laugh at my joke. P mile are you real with our bright, a fan ask again. Wow this fan try to tell me that bright belong to them. Dont you like it if i am real with our bright.  I try to sweet talk with his fans by trying to be one of them. They just laugh and said we love too p mile but he already had win. I just laugh and said. Yes you are right, he is a rival who are big like a mountain. support me please I sadly said in joking manner. I wish i can help you phi, but we love bw so much one of his shipper said bravely. I hold my heart and pretend to be hurt and the fans laugh again. Its ok p at least you get 1 support from me, i will sail your ship another fan said and they laugh again happyly. I need to go have a nice day. See you when i see you i said my baby favorite word and leave. I can see his fans was suprise and shock. There was no sound for a few second then i can hear the commotion and gigle after that. Since i already do my part sucessfully today, i just need to comfort my angry boyfriend. He still getting ready for event and i walk to the event area. It still close for public. What is he doing here i ask myself and walk to my grandpa. what are you doing here I ask him. What do you mean. To attend the lauching of course he reply stoicly. Oh please grandpa, you dont even attend main company annual dinner, i said again. I just look at my guilty cousin. Its not me, he know everything, my cousin said. Tell me why i cannot be here, all of you are useless he said with stone face. me and my cousin look at each other with annoy face. Grandpa we give you bilions  running your business all 0ver the world my cousin said. Who care about money, just bring all your partner to see me. What so hard finding someone he said angrily. Since we are at the topic we cannot win our grandpa, i only can beg him. Please grandpa, dont scare him, i beg my grandpa. You corner him from left and right but now ask me not to scare him. he said with a smirk, please grandpa, i said. I really need to go now i said . My baby will arrive anytime soon, i need to get ready too. He will really suprise. this is our 1st couple project, i cant wait to see his reaction..

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