Part 50 - Dreaming

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Bright Pov

I must be dreaming. There is no way i faced something like that yesterday. I move to get comforter place. I snuggle my face to p mile chest. Then i felt like someone staring at me..then i heard a small voice. I was so scared and close my eyes tightly. Then i heard.
He so cute, thank god he is ok.
Cute, I heard soft whisper and i slowly open my eyes look at 4 pairs of eyes looking at me. I was so shock and i lmmediately wake up p mile. He unconsiously pull me tighter and kiss my lips and my eyes look at 4 pairs of eyes. I push p mile and hit his arm. what do you want baby he finally wake up. P i called him and show him 4 person who stand close to us.
Omg cant all of you be more civilized.. he ask all of them. Now we are sitting on bed and all of them keep checking on my body. Are you ok dear. Did you injured. They ask non stop. P mile hold me tight. He is ok and i am the one who injured.
Cant u see me he ask annoyed. Thats for your imcompetency the old grandpa i meet at singapore said. I am really confuse right now. Then i see an old lady that i found familiar somewhere and both p mile parent. So today, the drama that keep playing in my head finally become real. I really scared, will they force me to leave p mile. I really love him now, i just not confess yet. what should i do i look at p mile and he just smile sweetly. Baby this is my grand parent, u already know my papa and mama. He introduce them. I jump from the bed to bow and wai at them. The old grandma come to me and hold my hand. Grandma is sorry for not telling the truth last time we meet, grandma so excited when see your necklace.
We personally choose that, this stupid mile promise to give it to his partner. She said her sorry. Now i wait for the leaving her grandson part. But she just pull me and hug me tightly. All of them say their sorry and i just can smile looking at p mile mother who wearing my cloth line. its ok grandma grandpa i said sweetly and look at p mile. Really he ask? I just nodd and smile at him again, are you being bias now he ask unsatisfied with my forgiveness. I look at sulky p mile. But baby you are angry with me for a long time before he said and my face become red like a tomato. pakkk his father hit his back head. Then i was drag to sofa and every one was so woried and keep asking wether i am ok or not. I am the patient here p mile said from his bed, if you sick just sit there quietly grandma said.. i can see p mile just rolled his eyes but smile at me..
So this is the famous and the richest person behave. They even more funny than my strict beautiful mom. After having our breakfirst i now sit on p mile and hug him like a koala. All of them already leave after give me a long hug and kiss on p mile head. Both of us hugging peacefully then i heard a knock. All my favarite people was here and look happy then i see p jeff and i remember what happen yesterday. I go to him and hug him. Thank you p i said and he just pat me like i am kitten. Next time you dont listen to me i will not forgive you he said. I just nod and hug him again.. after the sweet drama i cant hold it anymore, and cry and leave all of them.

Its been 2 month after the unfortunate event. The guy was jailed for atempt to murder. Because of this case my mom went back to our hometown. Since my new home was ready all of them can stay together to prevent my mom stay alone when i am working. At first i felt sad but after my mom explain why i forcely accept her decision. I cant believed what p mile did, the house become twice bigger than my original plan, complete with all the security. At first we fight because again he take action without discuse with me first.
But i give in and felt really loved.
But today i will never give in to his plan . when i come back home all my things was pack by profesional mover.
I never agreed to move into his house. Yes i did when i was drunk. That should not be counted as a agreement. It was when i angry with my mom for leaving me alone. I call grandpa for help since i become their favorite grandson. No one can say no to me because i have big back up. I also become p mile parent favorite son. I become their first priority. I know p mile pretend to be sulky but he really love how his family love me. I dont think i can escape from him again and i dont even dare to think of it. But this time grandpa soflty said. It better that way brighty, Grandpa will less worried.. and mile will less tired. you know he have double life right. U can help him less tired, dont you felt pity for him. He ask try to persuade me.  But he never discuss with me and make his own decision i complaint p mile to grandpa. Dont worry grandpa will scold him for you. will you have time next two week. We will have family holiday. Its your grandma birthday he said try to change the subject. He ask me excitedly.. i need to check my schedule first. If i am free i will go to meet both of you. But promise me to scold p mile. He wont listen to me i said again. Sure sure i promise grandpa said.. dont worry he said again. After that i ended my call and lay on my bed. I am waiting for the culprit who make my life upside down.

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