Part 25 - Look so sad

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Win pov

He look so sad. Are they couple now.
I have no strenght to ask right now.
Seing how clingy bright with p mile they probably 80 percent agreed to be in relation. The other 20 percent must be still with this brat. I know he is scare but unconciously fell in love with p mile.
I felt like i dont know him when i see how he act toward p mile. Are u ok i ask him casually. He just nodd and look at me. Win i think i love p mile he suddenly declare his love. I pretend to focus on road and not looking at him. Win are u hear me he ask again a bit louder. I'm not deaf, of cause i hear you i said. So he ask again. What so i ask back. I just declare my love of my life. Its been a year, can you tell me who is she? What she i ask again. Your love interest, its been a year you stop being a bastard. There must be someone who hold your heart, tell me maybe i can help. Is she someone i know he ask again. I just shake my head and smile to him. Dont worry i am the best secret keeper, i never give any spoiler right he try to persuade me. I just laugh loudly. If you know i talk to my self. Give me a clue, he try again. How come you sure its she i strategicly ask him back. If not she, whatt he scream. Who is he, tell me i will help you decide. I hope not luke or joss, they are too rough. He must be better than wat the character he play in the series. Its so hard to find someone like him he talk to himself. He start guessing who potential alpha he know. I keep laughing. I dont say its he i said then he glare at me and fold his arm.
The sign he is getting angry and sulky. You will tell me when u need help right he ask with serious tone.
I just touch he head and caress his hair. I have you, why i need someone else i said. He just rolled his eyes and seriously said. If i'm the standard, its gonna be hard for you. To find someone like me is miracle, you better down grade your taste. He proudly advice me. I laugh loudly again. Will you, he try to ask something but stop. What i ask him. Will you change when you have girl or boyfriend, will you stop being my best friend he ask and look at me desprately. will you i ask him back. I wont he reply as fast as he could. So do i, i said softly and smile to him. He return my smile and sincerely say thank you win, i cant imagine if i lost you. You are not just friend but you are my dear brother.. thank you he said and start looking at the window. I know he is getting teary eyes. He is sensitive and loving man. I can feel his honestly. Its really sad that he love me as a brother not more than that, that p mile is really lucky but also sneaky. There is no way bright wont fall for him. He being his target since three years ago. Without we know he already revolving around bright life since forever in descreet. He just wait to let the world know who bright belong to. I can feel there is something big gonna happen but i cant find where it will start. And me look at my love interest unconciously happy with his life, i need nothing more than that. I will bury my unspoke love. It will take time to heal but i know this brat will never leave me. Its more than enough.

Mile pov

Its nearly 12 pm, but i still not received any news from my love. I know he is very serious with his work, i cant wait anymore and contact him. Call me when you reach home. I dont want to look too controlling. I am being in war with myself since 11 pm, i try my best not to call him. I know he is busy with practice for more than 1 event. I really need to stop this, its really hard to control his schedule. He have too many demand. P i'm gonna be really late, dont wait for me, i'm sorry. He reply
Just mesage me when you reach home. P is worried i reply to him then continue my work. There is no way i can sleep knowing him still in the studio. Around 3 am i received message. I'm home p, i really tired, i miss you, i wish you are with me now he message me sadly. I immediately make a video call. And he answer as fast as he could. P why are you not sleeping he ask fastly. You are not the only one with crazy schedule love, i just finish my work i lied to him. I dont want he to feel guilty. He look so tired. Just have a short refresh and sleep i said emm he reply. P can you accompany me he ask looking so tired. but if your are tired you can sleep now he said. No i dont i quickly reply. Then he start preparing to refresh.. he put his camera at a corner that i can see him move around. Wait p he said and then out of view. Then he take his phone and put it at another corner. I know he is bathroom now. I keep looking at him without any word. I can see he wash his face and brush his teeth, then he walk to the area where i cannot see. He might be wash his feet or release himself. After a few moment he bring his phone back into bedroom. Now he set his phone on his bed, after throw his towel into basket he lay down and now i can see his face. He look like baby. I also lay on my pillow and facing him. I have a lot to tell you but i have no energy he said. Its alrite, we talk when we meet later i said and touch the screen. He look so tired
I just look at him try to not disturbing him. I can see he slowly close his eyes. I love you baby i said. He unconciously nodd and smile and finally sleep. I keep staring at his beautiful face and i dont even remember when i fall asleep.

Bright pov.

Its 10 am,  i look for my phone and i can see my mom already recharge my phone. I hurrily take a bath. I have an event at 3 today. I  promise to skype p jeff and practice our song. After quick breakfirst i skype p jeff and start our training. Then after 2 hours i have to say good bye to p jeff and ready for my event. My manger already on her way.
I only have a small talk with p jeff but i manage to send my regards to p mile. P jeff promise to send it to p mile with understanding face. After quick lunch both me and manager go to the event place. We need to reach 2 hour before event for preparation. The event end at 8 pm after all the photo session and everything. Now we are on de way to studio for practice. I will practice alone today. WIn still on his schedule.
Thats how my day goes on and on. Its been 8 days from the day i leave p mile home. I felt really sad, even we manage to do video call every night, i still miss him. Next two day he will be going to korea. His flight will be at 12 pm.
I think i am off my limit, i cant pretend anymore and burse into cry when i see his face tonight. I cant say anything and keep crying. . I know he also sad but be act strong for me. I never thought its really hurt when you miss someone but u cant see him. Baby he slowly call me, love he call me again when i keep crying. After a while i manage to cool down and listen to him. Please be patient. I will go to u tomorrow before my flight. Can you wait love he ask. I look at him with tears and desprately nod. He just smile and keep comforting me. I'm too tired with the schedule plus with all the crying i fall asleep again. I miss p mile so much.

The next day i have a event with win. What wrong he ask when he see my faced. Tired i said. He just massage my shoulder. Be patient your love life will come and get u after event today. I will inform mom you are with me. I look at him with big smile. Really i ask. I will tell p eed you are not feeling well. we can skip practice tonite, we will leave the event together and p mile will pick you later at my home. That the plan he said.
I look at win gratefully. Now get ready, i'm the one who can mess up at the event. If  you are out of focus who will help me. Then both of us laugh and now I'm ready to meet my fans. I cant wait to finish my job, i try my best to satisfy my fans  request. It was succesful event. After talking to our manager, we are allowed to skip our practice. I cant wait to see p mile. On the way i was so excited. I dont even angry when win teasing me. All the way i only talk about how i miss p mile.  Win just smile and pat my head. We already reach win condo. Then i can see black bentley beside win car park. Thats your p mile, go now he said getting down and walk to his personal elevator. Win i call him. He stop and look at me. I walk to him and said thank you, after that i hug him tightly. He just pat back and cheerfully said go, hurry you have only a few Hours before his flight tonite. I smile and wave my hand and run to p mile car. I can see p mile already open the door for me, i quickly get into the car. 1st thing i do is hug p mile and start crying like a baby.. when p mile start driving i lean on mile shoulder, i hold his hand tightly. I cant stop crying.
You must be thirsty p mile sundenly said i just shake my head. Dont lie he said again. I look at him with confuse eyes. Your body must be lack of water. you have being crying since last night he tease me. P mile i called him with hard tone. He just laughing while focus on road. I leave his shoulder and folded my arms, with pouty mouth i keep silent. P mile still keep laughing and said now my baby getting angry. He try to hold my hand but i push his hand away. Ok i'm sorry he give up. But i keep on sulky. Now we are at p mile penthhouse. No one can see us here. So i freely get out of car and walk leaving p mile but after a few step i stop and wait for p mile because i dont have excess to elevator. he casually hold my waist and walk to his penthhouse. Its very beautiful house, its like one bedroom with giant size.i really cant digest how much rich people spend only for privacy..
I can see giant size of bed.. a walkin cabinet,  jacuzi at the balcony, a  beautiful bar and a beautiful glass bathroom for shower and bath tub
I want to use bathroom desprately. I cant hold my tears anymore and walk to bath room and cry to my heart content. P mile was shock and immediately follow me and knocked the door.Baby what happen he ask behind the door. Please open the door baby he begging me. Finally i open the door and look at him with all the tears. I am sorry i said..

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