Part 8 - Drama

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Mile pov

Its been two weeks after the drama at together cafe. My man keep updating and sending picture to me.
I strengthen his security because the guy who drop him last time was not a simple person. He is one of the big wolf in dark world. Its suprising when he interested with my baby because he never hunt the alpha. Within two weeks he clearly try to hunt this kitten down. This make me worried. He become the target in real alpha not fake alpha create by media. The best part is, he never know all of this and think all of them are good friends. I somehow glad Win always beside him when they are going to after party. He like a mother hen who guard his chick. That one of the reason i keep win beside him. He can be bright protector and stay close to him. I just scare that bright will fall for him.
When we will start plan B, ask Apo.
Find a right situation i reply. How about during Jeff and Bright colabration? We can go and support them, said Apo. I manage to get their colabration, i dont have any other way beside abduct him if i want to see him. I need to clear things up with him, i'm not arrogant brat he thought i'm. He is very sentimental boy. after the epic dinner he share his spotify song choice in his ig story. Hate song, by Doobie. I just smile sadly. I'm sorry love. i know i am on his hate list now. Thanks to Apo he come out with the plan. Now Jeft also know my love story. He is shocked at first but promise to help me.

Jeft POV

I still cannot believed i need to be the cupid and that for mighty Mile. I already ask for Bright number from his manager. i ask my manager to inform them i need a few practice with him.
Now we are here in Mile office. 4 pair of eyes looking at me desprately. I'm going to call him and ask him to practice at my studio. Then this stupid Mile and Apo wil act accidently come to visit me and bring bright favorite food.

After 3 rings i heard soft voice from bright. Hello ,he said.. i was on loud speaker. All my crazy friend was so excited. Hello Bright, this is p Jeff ,i said. omg p Jeff , sawadika he reply excitedly.
I just let a small laugh. Sorry for disturbing, i said politely. No p i'm at my home now, today is my rest day he talk happily. Is he this easy to trust people. I can be a fake Jeff. Oh i see, have your manager told u about our practice, we cant be seen at our company studio. It will burst our secret collabration. I slowly try to pull my trick. I know p, it so annoying, he whine to me. I just smirk to mile when he hold his heart. How about using my personal studio, its not that big but i used to practice there. I nervously waiting for his answer. Will your team also be there p , he timidly ask. I know this question refer to who. Mile become more tension. Of course not, they are tone deaf. Why they need to be there, i lied expertly. All my friend roll their eyes. I heard small chuckle and Mile become frozen again. If not too burden for you, i am ok with the plan. I'll bring my luminac guitar, my fans give it to me he said happily. No, its my pleasure. bright the star will visit my small studio, i said and I really mean it. I never thought he such a easy going man. He was always hide by his company before. Its so hard to see him even for celebrity. He laugh loudly at my statement. P, dont tease me, he said. When can i go to your studio, i only have free time today and my next rest day is in 8 days he said sadly. He have a crazy schedule and i know it all. That stupid Mile have all his detail. it creepy to think. What a coincident, i'm also free today. Is it ok for you bright, i asked. i'm ok p , i can go i'm free today, but i only can go out after lunch. I promise my mom lunch today. he sincerely said. Its a deal then. I will send you the location i said... "Bright lets eat"suddenly deep voice appear. hold on p, he said before reply to someone. Wait win i'm on important call, go eat with mom first , he said. I smile when i heard important call word but Mile face turn to red monster when he heard Win voice. Apo immediately pull him away before he do something stupid. Sorry p, Win ask me for lunch, he told me genuinely. Its ok Bright, go have your lunch. we will meet today. P will send you the location, i said. ok p, thank you for having me he reply softly. Bye Bright, see you later i end the conversation. Bye pi ,see you when i see you he reply cheerfully. I ended the call and stare at my stupid friends in front of me. Mile become a statue and the other three try to calm him down. With this attitude you are not allowed to my studio. My simple words make Mile turn to me angrily. What, i ask him. Do you want to loose him for real. Your love rival is having lunch with your love mother and look at you getting angry for no reason here, I said. They are close friend and family for god sake. Stop being posessive. He not even belong to you, i said cruelly. I need to put mile at his place before he lost bright for real. All my friend was stunned with my word and look at me with big eyes. Suddenly Mile stand up and leave the office with big bang at the door. I just shake my head.
All my friend looking at me and demand for explaination. I know Apo is Mile best friend and best bodyguard, he do everything Mile ask for. BIble and Pete will try to satisfy mile need and want at all cost. they just so loyal and love Mile till cannot make right judgement and me as always the bad guy need to put them at their place. Bright definitely will doubt if we need to make plan c. What on earth can explain to him how we the rival team keep asking and creating a chance to meet him. He is smart guy, he will noticed all of this. If he keep failing to control his jelousy he will lost him for real, i said firmly.

Win pov

Mom i will go out after this, i will practice with p Jeff. Bright told his mom happily when he arrive at dining table.
Sorry? I ask him again. you are not invited , he reply to me. This kid really need a spanking. He can be so naughty and out of control only with me. He will spit all his venom only to me. When he with others he become lamb and kitten being bullied and very obedient. He still keep secret about last 2 weeks event. baii, his mom scold him. Dont say that to win, she said. i just smile to mom and continue eating. Mom i'm your son, Bright start sulky. Such a typical only child attitude. He really hate when his mom take care of others beside him. Me and mom both ignore all his whine and continue our lunch. After half an hour we finish eating and now i'm helping mom to clean the dishes. That brat, he run before his mom ask for help. It ok mom, i will help you, i offer myself.
After a few minute, i run to Bright room.
I get into his room and see him come out from bathroom and humming his favorite song, which is my song in his towel. I stop at the door. What are you doing there, he asked me free and easy. I take a long breath and get into his room try to ignore his uncloth body. Hurry wear your shirt, you will get cold, i scoled him. He just roll his eyes and grab his shirt. He still humming my song. Bright , i called him. He look at me. Where are you going, i can send you, i offer my self to become his forever driver. No need Win, you can rest here or you can go home. I will drive today he proudly announce. drive? You? I ask him in panic mode. Yes to both of your question he reply annoyed with my question. But Bright you never drive, i said. It does't mean i cannot drive , he reply. That not gonna happen, i will sent you to where ever place you want to go, i said firmly. Stop it Win, he start getting angry. Yes, he only can get angry with me. No , you stop being stubborn, i said. And how come i dont know your schedule with this mafia gang again ,i ask him in very serious manner. Dont you forget how rude they are last time, i remind him. His face changed a bit. I softly add , they are different from us, stop being friend with them. I try to persuade him. He just stand silently. I start getting worried. Bright i grab his hand and pull him to the sofa. I dont want you to get hurt again. I try hard convince him. It will be p Jeff alone, no one will come to his studio. He wont invite or inform any one. we will just practice our song , then i promise i will comeback home straight from the studio. He said slowly. I know he still sad about last dinner. He still not inform me anything means he really hurt that day. I sigh and slowly said. I will sent you there, and after you finish your practice i will pick you up later or we can arrange another place for your practice. I will be worried when i dont know where you go i slowly explain. What i'm gonna say to mom if he ask me. I'm using mom card. Ok, he reply slowly with full of reluctant. What, i ask again. OK he said loudly. I hate you Metawin he said and leave me alone. I dont care if he is angry but i need to ensure his safety. He is Bright the great, anything he do will become the issues. Our fans so fanatic and my fans sometime being stupid always blame him for nothing. As long as he with me, it does't matter if he hangout with anyone. That how powerful us as on screen partner. It so hurtful when i see he being scolded because hang around without me, but i can't have all the time to acompany this music slave. I'm as busy as him. It so hard for me to make time for him and without my effort we might be see each other once per month. This brat only love to sleep during his limited free time. Thats why i'm here today before my event tonite. After a few minute he come out from his walk in cabinet looking so handsome. He just wearing jeans and white shirt. This brat is blessed. He gifted with handsome and beautiful face. How do i look he ask. Ok i reply. Win be serious , he said. I stare at him. Ok, i reply again. Should i wear black, he ask. Why, i ask him back. We are the alpha, you cannot understand , he proudly said. I try hard not to laugh towards his over confident self. Really Tine, i ask playfully. He glare at me. You are Tine not me, he reply back. Who will tell him with p Jeff he will look like a kitten and who will tell him he is the most beautiful alpha in this world. The media sucessfully brain wash the audiance including this brat here. If he look with real alpha eyes he will scare to walk alone. Lets go, i pull him and push him to walk. I only have one more hour before p Eed scream and giving free lecture..

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