Part 41 - Sincere

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Mile pov

He so brave. i can just smile thinking of his attitude. He so sincere with everyone. I 'll do anything to make you stay. I need to proceed my plan and hold him here in the process.
Release the picture. Make sure news for today event spread in thailand.
Hype win picture with his ex girlfriend. lets use that desprate woman. Book all the ticket for one week. I have to be this firm. Beside to make him mine, we received news that Tamamaki already arrived at singapore, following my baby. If the today event was host by other company, their event already be crush and burn. We tighten our security and always in standby mode. The bloody war can't be avoid anymore. That stupid tamamaki now hunting my baby for his pride. I offer big amount of money to settle the issue peacefully but rejected.
We have no choice but to fight and bleed.

After that i signal my men and start moving to my baby hotel.
After 45 munite i arrive at lobby and see p toey already waiting for me. Thank you, i said. He will be very obedient if you play nice with him she said. I just nod and once again i felt proud of my baby. His circle are really loyal to him but i have so much power that they cant reject. I just walk to my baby room at the tallest floor. He must be ready to go back to thai. P toey wait a bit more, i need a few minute to ready he said without looking back. P toey not here, she have an emergency, she need to travel to japan now. We have mv issue there i said. He turn to me and look at me with doubtful eyes. He call p toey. No , you cannot leave me here, p toey please. He beg his manager. No, i dont want to be with him. No, please p toey. You bring me here so you need to pick me up here. I wont go anywhere he said stubbornly. I have my own money, i can book flight myself. I grab his phone and talk to p toey. Dont worry just setle the issue, he will be my responsibility and end the call. He look so stress and annoyed. Leave me alone he said. I hope i can but not a chance baby, you are alone here. How can i leave you here. No need to worry i will book my own flight. He said and turn his body continue to pack his luggage. I hold his hand and pull him to the coach
Can you listen to me please i ask. No, he reply. You never listen to me ,he said
So i wont listen to you, cant you understand i need to go home to setle our issue. We being here is not helpful. My comp playing dumb and not contacting me at all. He let out his frustration. Its the truth, nothing to be settle, lets just come out and admit our relation i try to convince him again. No i dont want to, he scream suddenly. Why I ask. Everythings he said and start crying. This is wrong from the start, i cant let win, you and p apo life effected by this. I dont mind if only about myself alone. but it involve a lots of people he said loudly again. We, Us should never happen ,he said again. I felt regret when i agreed to follow p bible. this should not happen if we never meet each other.
Why cant you find who leek and expose us he ask with teary eyes. You can do everything right. I dont know who you are but i know you are capable enough to stop this, can you help me p. He beg me pitifully. I felt i can hear my heart breaking. No matter what i will leave singapore tonite he said.

Please dont push me too hard baby, i try to calm down after hearing all his hurtfull words. Lets wait, my team already work on it i said. No , he said again. Just leave me alone. You know i wont i said firmly to him and that final i said. I grab his bag with my left hand and his hand with my right hand. Let me go p, he strugle to escape. Please baby, i try to convince him again. No , he pull his hand and nearly lost his balance if i not quick enough to cacth him. Baby please listen to me , i said. I really control my anger hard right now, but my baby keep trying and i have no other choice. I push him to the wall and look into his eyes, i cant hide my mafia vibe now. I can see his fear, he is scared, start calming down but look at my eyes bravely. Please baby, i have thousands way to make you stay. Dont let me show other side of me, I said with soft voice but threaten word. Now, i can see his eyes start teary. Lets go, i said leave him behind and walk out the room. I know he is shock and scared. This is his first time seing me angry and he know i'm serious this time. I can feel someone follow me from behind. He is smart enough to obey my instruction because he know i am try hard to control my anger now. being with me more than for half a year , with all drama we have he must know that my anger and obsession is not something he want to see right now. We walk to the car but not once i turn and look at my scared baby. I never want to show this side of me, but when it involve his safety and our relation i need to be a very stern boyfriend.
I open the door and he quietly get into the car without any word.
When we reach at my holiday house all my team member was already waiting for me. They must already secured all my family and some of my men already escort them to thailand. Its not good choice from my grandpa to bring a few of my family to the event when our war with japan yakuza is at its peak. But i know je just want to show to the world he is with me. That old man always think ten steps a head. He most respected person in upperworld and underworld. Once again without word my baby get out the car and just silently follow me. When he see my team he run to bible and hug him. What wrong bright, p pete ask. He just look at p pete but not saying any words. Then he turn to pete and hug him looking for comfort since bible just stand there looking at me and he know what happening just by looking at my eyes. Baby go to your room and stay there. We have enough on our plate so behave, i said firmly. He look at me with sad and scare eyes, then run to his room. I signal pete to follow him because i know bible and jeff must be angry looking how i treat my baby.
Whats wrong boss , apo try to cool me down. I just sigh and sit on the couch
I am not joking when i said you cant go close to him with your anger and obsession jeff said and go to my baby. without any word bible follow him. Great, my 2 great general become my baby protector. Like always apo stay beside me but also keep silent. They must be angry because of my plan. They expect me to treat him better with all the drama in the industries. If they know how hard to control that beauty they must be less angry with me. Ask them to meet at my office after 1 hour i said and leave apo alone.

He is hunting him , apo said when all of the team in my office. Now he become the target, when they see how old master love him. We need to thighten his security bible said. Assign our best man to be his visual bodyguard, we need to let people know he is protected bible said again. Prevent any public event for him untill we settle the issue. He love his fans and too close with them. Now my worried is not about you concuring him anymore. He become the target and reason between 2 big mafia gang war. Bible said. I just silent and think hard. Its near to midnight when i dismiss the meeting and walk to my room. I lay on couch and sleep. I need a little rest with all the problem. Then i felt someone climb on my body and make himself comfortable and sleep on top of me. I just can smile to his behaviour, even he is angry with me he never miss to do this. I just slowly stroke his hair and back. P, he call me slowly me. Yes baby, i reply to him. He lift his head and look at me with teary eyes. I hate you, he said. i just smile and kiss his eyes. I know, i hate myself too, i said. But i really love you baby, i said and hold his face sofly. I kiss his lips and caress his back softly. He response to my kiss and hug me thighter. Lets sleep i said and bring him to the bed. It look like my baby have other plan. He dont want to leave me and start kissing me. Baby , i call him and he look at me with red blushing face. I laugh and start kissing him, he strugle to breath. I'm sorry he said. Please dont angry with me anymore ,he said again. I will listen to you he said with teary eyes. I hate it when you become cold. I am scared, he said with soft sobs. I touch his face and said i am sorry baby, i should not loose my cool today, sorry for scaring you, i said and wiping his tears.

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